World Cycles Institute

As Above, So Below

New World in Sight!

As I reported last week, everything I see is pointing towards April 8th as the major turning point, but it’s become more obvious that this date is a much bigger “deal” than I’d originally thought.

It seems as though this date with the total solar eclipse (very rare) will lead to three days of darkness, what might be called “the split” or perhaps, Rapture.

There are a few videos out on it, particularly in Rumble, but the description tends to differ somewhat. I don’t know which one to believe. I’m sure it will be made clear during the Emergency Broadcast playback, which we may see before the week is out. It’s hard to tell how quickly they will be able to get everything in order for it to proceed. It’s a rather big job to lock down the entire planet.

Video Update

The Global Reset is happening with the new currencies apparently ready to go in the banks and GESARA (on an international level) having been announced to the media. This week, we’re moving into Phase 3 of THE STORM, with massive arrests continuing across the world. It’s an  important turning point, particularly after so many delays. I expect this week to see the stock market top (finally) and the 3 day “civilization event” to unfold. The schedule is in the video.


A FED Top Coming?

This manipulated market just gets stranger and stranger!

We’ve now had over three weeks of sideways action inside an ending expanding diagonal. The pattern now reminds me of not having enough closet space. On the five minute chart, ES looks like it has nowhere else to go without breaking the EW rules. Waves are being “stuffed” wherever there’s room!

We’ve now had multiple double bottoms while we wait for the final rally. The rules are not broken and I don’t expect them to be, but we’re certainly pushing it!

The other challenge is the huge differential between cash and futures. ES is about 65 points higher than the SP500. I’m not sure what to attribute it to. Is it the huge amount of debt and the fact that it’s being discounted as entities roll over (banks, particularly)? Is it the fact that GESARA is law internationally (the rainbow currencies in use) but not nationally? Or that bond yields are about to roll back over (could be this week). We have a huge financial crash on the way and there’s a very good chance it wll start tomorrow, March 20!

Note the time on the clock outside Trump Tower (3/20). March 20. I’d consider this a White Hat comm.

Today was equinox, Tuesday, March 19, the first day of spring! It’s also the day before the Federal Reserve monthly announcement on interest rates (at 2pm ET on Wednesday). Equinox (the first day of spring) often foreshadows a change in the market trend, so this is a powerful combination. After a Federal Reserve announcement, most often, the market turns the following morning. However, it’s also been known to turn on the announcement (if it’s positioned to do so).

The market never changes trend unless the waves have completed the required wave structure. This time, we’re very “long in the tooth,” so we may well see the turn on the announcement. Of course, it does depend somewhat on the content of the announcement.

The market not only “looks” like it should finally top this week and the fact that the banks are “teetering” supports that supposition. This has been the strangest topping process I’ve ever seen and I’ve gone through many tops, even reviewing them throughout the past one hundred years.

But, it’s an extraordinary time, and it’s become obvious in the past months that the military is in control of everything, as well as the market. They are seemingly coordinating everything to reach a climax at once by controlling the timing on the dollar. The dollar has finally starting moving to the downside, as expected, and that makes a top very close at hand.

The elephant in the room right now is the banking system. It’s about to collapse (and has been for a couple of weeks), but the information is not out in the public and it has not reached the market. Part of that latency is normal, as all indices have to get to their targets (new highs), but it’s still a wonder that we haven’t seen a top yet.

However, my calendar of last week seems to be playing out (there may be one or two day discrepancies), but the one thing that is certain is that April 8 begins the new year (of 2025?) and everything has to be finished at that point. Here’s an updated calendar with a list of dates below it, intel that came out tonight, in fact. I have updated the calendar I presented in last week’s video below (see the video above for a detailed explanation):

Here’s intel on the latest expected dates from the “P Oakley Connected channel in Telegram (one I can generally rely on). It seems to match what I’m hearing from other sources, along with what the stock market is doing. The market, after all, is never wrong!




NOT 3 Days Event + 10 Days, (Like I Thought Myself All The Time!)



From another source (Whiplash):  Last is Magical = April 1. April Fools Day. Those in the Federal Witness Protection Program walk out.

Then Movie Credits will roll.

APRIL SHOWERS. (this denotes the restitution payments, RV, and humanitarian funds)

All those who walk out of the Federal Witness Protection Program will be at the Inauguration of Trump & John John on April 3rd.

You will love how this movie ends. (PT — but they’re NOT telling us how beforehand)


Additional Notes on Timing

Monday, March 11, was an important day because it was the final day in which the Federal Reserve could provide loans to help prop up banks. This means that if there’s no more new money, there are no more loans, mortgages, etc. I also saw this comment out tonight from Whiplash, in Telegram:

“Don’t invest anymore into Fidelity Investments.  Those who have will be refunded. Wellington Management will be directing this. Leave the channel also. New one coming.”

Since Fidelity Investments is responsible for the CESTUI QUE VIE TRUST bonds that are traded on the stock market, this suggest to me that all our trust funds have been moved to our individual Quantum accounts, or are in process!

March 15 was important for a number of reasons, as it was the Ides of March, which relates back to the assassination of Julius Caesar and the fall of the Roman Empire. I have heard that on or around that date, the Chinese Elders paid off all debt across the globe. If so, that’s the Golden Jubilee in progress!

On the Julian Calendar, the Ides of March falls on April 8, which is the start of the 2025 new year, another very important date. Coincidence? We’re continually told, “There are no coincidences. Everything is connected.” I’ve seen enough to know that’s true.

There were rumblings that it marked the end of debt, but we’ll need to wait for the announcement publicly of NESARA GESARA, I believe, before we will see it happen, in fact.

The Roman Empire is still a force to be reckoned with, particularly when it comes to law and the courts around the world, especially within the commonwealth countries. To end that scenario will take the announcement that the CROWN has been dissolved. With the focus on the Royals over the past few days, I feel this is imminent. I believe the announcement of the end of the Crown should happen at some point this week.

Above are the confirmed bankruptcies in the banking industry. In Europe and the United States, these are the largest banks and they’re intertwined. The demise of Evergrande will have added impact on the real estate industry worldwide.

There is a full moon in play on Monday, March 25 (with an eclipse). I don’t know if this will factor into the market schedule.

The military is in control and the crazy thing is that most of what we’re seeing and hearing outside the mainstream media is a “movie.” Very little of what’s going on out there is real. With over 45 years in television, I can tell you that with the proper planning it’s not that difficult to create the WWIII scenario using television and internet media. They’re now telling us that this extended WWIII climax is finally going to move forward. It was always supposed to be three days but it seems like it’s gone on for a couple of months now.

Putin was removed in about 2017 and replaced. Trudeau was removed in 2018, I believe, and people like Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and all other major leaders of the world are also gone. Many of these personas are being used by the military as “deep fakes” (computer-generated) or by people in masks, to help spread the truth through the main stream media and elsewhere.

It’s a wild time to be watching so closely and try to figure out the timing of a market that is so clearly out of our control, from a timing perspective. The absurd thing is that is still moves and conforms to expectations from an elliottwave perspective.

What I know:

The Emergency Broadcast System, backed by 3,000 Starlink satellites is read to go.

The Royals have all but disappeared. Nobody has seen Kate Middleton since December. Kate is a male, so there have been quite a number of jokes about what the supposed surgery she had was really all about. The remaining royals have cancelled all public appearance.

Sausage-man Charles has been given six months to live (wishful thinking, I’m sure). Charles, the sausage fingers guy is on his death bed with cancer. The Pope isn’t doing well, either. Camilla is off on a vacation, it appears, due to stress and Randy Andy (Prince Andrew) is hunkered down with reports that he was trying to pull strings to keep Epstein out of jail. The movie continues with its twists and turns.

Trump has won handily in all the states that have held primary and caucus elections. He has no competition.

(What we were told has not yet materialized; it’s very frustrating to be lied to continually, but you have to remember that this is war). The new financial system (QFS) is in the current banking system (what’s left of it) and ready for distribution. I hear it will finally be live on March 23.

We’re supposed to see enhanced old age pensions during the second week of March but we’ve seen nothing yet. I believe the stock market has to turn down dramatically before that will happen. We need to end the power of the banks.

You can’t count on any dates they give you in the Restored Republic Situation Report. In fact, I would guarantee that what they say will happen on a date they provide will absolutely not happen on that date. That you can count on!

Med Beds have apparently been distributed across North America and are under military control. They are ready to go on a moment’s notice.

The “black swan” event, as they call it, should be the first sign of the looming shutdown and will really start the dominoes falling. I believe that refers still to the market crash.

Click to expand

It’s simply THAT big, to the point where it’s difficult to adequately explain the enormity of what is happening.

I’ve seen the first of what are supposed to be many pictures of Obama in tribal attire, holding an AK-47. This is supposed to warm of an impending internet shutdown, but we’re supposed to see many of them. I don’t expect the internet to go down until we get closer to the Emergency Broadcast System playback.

We are in THE STORM and arrests are coming in hourly of big names and little names, but all complicit in the tyranny and trafficking operations that have been going on for many decades all over the world.

Wealthy, big name elites have been dumping vast quantities of stocks over the past two weeks, too many to mention. (This is actually the military in action, as their assets were seized when they were convicted through tribunals, which have been ongoing). Many of their homes are on the market.

The wake-up period is going to be intense, and once the internet goes down, there will be no trading for a period. There is no information, as of yet, as to how long it will last, or what will remain of the market once it starts back up again. My sense is that after the crash, which I think will be fast, we’ll start back up again from where we left off, but I could be surprised in that regard.

April 8 is the BIG DATE — the start of a new year (2025). There will be a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE (very rare) and I’m hearing it will be extended throughout three full days. More to come on this later, barring the internet going down.


We’re on the verge of a whole new world, more exciting than you can imagine! There’ll be no more wars, no more debt, homeless, or disease, abundance everywhere, and gradually a much more loving Earth filled with much more loving people. The actual environment has already started its clean-up process, much of it with the help of our brothers and sisters, the extraterrestrials, as we like to call them.

There’s a lot more acceptance of “visitors from another planet,” but I don’t think it’s all that widespread amongst those still asleep. I can remember a couple of years ago when I mentioned them. Several people left my site almost instantly. They thought I was crazy; they didn’t want to hear of it.

What’s ironic, of course, is the fact that we’re all descended from ETs. They were on this planet long before humans were created. It is, in fact, mathematically impossible that there are not other races throughout the Universe. In fact, there are many both within our population on Earth as we’ve known it, and beyond the ice wall that surrounds us.

Humans were “designed.” They were “seeded” on Earth starting about 560 million years ago. The original seeding (there were several over many years) was begun by the Lyrans (from the constellation Lyra).

The “Great Awakening” will happen during March; we’re very close to the dam breaking. There are actual dams breaking (as in the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River, China, and there are other metaphorical dams breaking in terms of information. The stock market topping will start the dominoes falling and we’re days away from that event.

Lately, I’ve been thinking about how far we’ve come in discovering the real truth of our planet. Most of that truth has been centred on the past few thousand years. Today, I’m going to give you an overviews of the history of planet Earth (Tara) and end with what most of you are here for. Most of you reading this blog post, if you’re “awake” (conscious of much of the truth of our existence — beyond the prison we’ve been living in for the past 26,000 years), have souls that are just visiting this planet.

Souls from a number of “guardian” multi-dimensional races from across the Universe have been helping with the project of freeing the Earth for a very long time. The project is far bigger than you know. But first, let’s get up to speed on what going on closer to home, and on a shorter-term basis, with this video:


The Destruction of Atlantis

You have now heard enough times, I’m sure, that you have been lied to about EVERYTHING. That’s indeed TRUE!

It includes who you are, along with the history of the human race altogether.

You did not evolve from monkeys. What a preposterous idea! How, here’s the truth.

The human race was “designed.” To understand how and why, you need to buy into the idea that we are not the only beings in the Universe. The idea that we are is mathematically impossible. While we have some seven billion of us on Earth, there are over 400 billion extraterrestrials “out there,” tucked away in constellations, planets, and in a place below us, called “Inner Earth,” or more correctly, Agharta.

The human race was “seeded” on Earth about 560 million years ago by a group of highly intelligent extraterrestials. These included Lyrans, Pleiadians, Sirians, and Andromedans. There were three separate “seedings” over millions of years, while our extraterrestrial ancestors tried to “perfect” us. We were designed to have higher capabilities than them, which will be realized shortly, when we (and the Earth) have ascended to the 5th dimension. This is why we’ve been locked in a Matrix. There are evil ETs that want control of us; they want what we have. But, with the help of our ET brothers and sisters, the journey to freedom is well underway; we should see definite signs after April 8th, with the total solar eclipse.

There have been many wars on the planet Earth, waged by extraterrestrials of various races. About 20,000 years ago, the Draco-Reptilians got control and they locked down the Earth, so they could feast on the human “cattle.”

Along the way, there was a lot of destruction. We’ve all heard of Atlantis. Indeed, it was real, taking up a large portion of the Atlantic Ocean. There was another civilization in the Pacific Ocean, called Lemuria. Lemuria was reduced eventually to Hawaii and Atlantis was blown up so that only the Bahama and Cuba remain. Here’s a map that will help you understand their locations:

Click to expand.

Draco Reptilian

There were two different assaults on Atlantis. During the first Atlantean cataclysm and what is known as the Luciferian Rebellion about 26,000-30,000 years ago, the planetary stargates, the planetary grids (Leylines) became controlled by the Negative Alien Alliance (NAA) Controlling races, such as the Reptilians, the Annunaki, and the Alpha Draconis/Orion Group Draconians. (These races came to Earth about a million years ago.)

Because of the difficulty Reptilians have with our atmosphere, they were forced to inhabit underground tunnels, or infiltrate the human race over time. In other words, many became hybrid humans. They are able to shape-shift, donning human appearances, for example, and so this is what happened in the recent past, certainly within the media, entertainment, and politics (and other professions).

This inter-breeding began when they first arrived, and only increased over time. Some of these resulting races were supportive of the Law of One (angelic) but others were more interested in controlling society for their own purposes.

Arc of the Covenant (small-scale replica)

The Arc of the Covenant played a huge role in the history of the Earth. It’s a Time Portal passage between Earth and the Andromeda galaxy that was created 840,000 years ago by Guardian Races.

Around 28,000 BC, one race, the Templar-Annu grew progressively more hostile within the territories on Earth under Sirian Council protection, and many relocated to Atlantis, which was becoming the Templar-Annu strong hold.

Angered that they were not permitted to enter the Inner Earth or use the Arc of the Covenant, the Templar-Annu devised a plan to conquer the Inner Earth territories by using the Atlantean crystal generators to tear down the electromagnetic barriers that secured the Inner Earth portals.

The Templar-Annu began their conquest from the continent of Atlantis, but quickly discovered the Inner Earth portal shields could not be easily destroyed. As they forced excessive power through one of their main generator crystals, the crystal unit exploded, with more than 10 times the force of an atomic bomb.

The explosion in Atlantis caused Earth to tilt slightly on its axis, knocking the pyramid’s D-4 vortex (Earth’s heart chakra) out of its previous alignment with the vortex systems of Sirius B and several other planetary systems to which it had been originally aligned.

The Atlantis explosion reduced Atlantis to 3 small islands (Bermuda Islands).

The Earth was now more closely in alignment with the interstellar energy spirals that ran through the Pleiadian system, and so the new pyramid was oriented to an energetic alignment with Alcyone (the brightest star in the Pleiadian Constellation).

The second assault on Atlantis

The Atlantean culture digressed over time into a torturous, elitist society run by the Templar-Annu operatives of the Anunnaki Resistance, and due to their actions in 9,558 BC, Earth civilizations would be changed forever.

The Templar-Annu, motivated by the Anunnaki Resistance, devised a plan to take control of the Great Pyramid teleport station so the Resistance could have free access to the Alcyone spiral. Their plan also included the destruction of the Sphere of Amenti. They wanted control of the Earth.

When the Templar-Annu sent their destroyer beam EM pulse through the Arc of the Covenant, the EM pulse intercepted the Sphere of Amenti with its security seal.

The security seal would not allow the EM pulse to travel into the Amenti Sphere, but instead created a double overtone frequency pattern that sent the EM pulse into a state of fission. The exploding energies focused in the Andromeda Galaxy quickly refracted off of the security seal on the Sphere, replicated and intensified, then projected back down through the Arc of the Covenant, disseminated through the Earth grid, then refocused on their point of origin, the Main Crystal Generator beneath the largest Island of Atlantis.

The explosions resulted in yet another tilt of the Earth’s axis, shifting of some global land masses, a series of earthquakes and massive flooding in some locations (the flooding was not global as it had been during previous floods.

The Giza teleport station was again thrown out of alignment, as the Earth’s vortex beneath it (Earth’s “heart chakra”) no longer energetically lined up properly with the Alcyone spiral.

Also all interstellar portals were de-activated. All ET’s were put on a hands off, non-interference, and Earth was quarantined.


I know this all sounds like science fiction, but it’s all real. It’s part of the history of our planet, which has been kept from you. There is so much more to be revealed, and it all will be. The current Freemason Bible of 66 books is being replaced with the full 777 book Bible rescued from beneath the Vatican. That will be the real story of our planet, the Universe, and our relationship with our true ancestors.

When the Earth was quarantined, the forces of the dark still had control of the Earth and we human were locked down. Off-world, however, our extraterrestrial brothers and sisters have been devising a plan to free us all and the fruits of that work is what you’re about to witness, and it’s happening now.

It’s an exciting time to be alive and you have a front seat to the greatest story ever told!

Inner Earth (Agartha/Aghartha

Below is a somewhat representative drawing of Inner Earth. It gives you a conceptual idea of some of the elements within it, but it’s obviously not geographically accurate. You’re about to hear the full story of Inner Earth (Agharta) very soon. I am hearing that we’ll get to meet some of the residents at about the same time as we meet the extraterrestrials from above.

As above, so below!

Letter from an Aghartan

(There are over a million humans living in Inner Earth (Agharta). Here is a very  recent letter from one of them)

I am dictating this message to you from my home beneath the Earth’s crust, where over a million of us live in perpetual peace and prosperity. We are human and physical just as you, except for the fact that our mass consciousness holds thoughts of only immortality and perfect health. Therefore, we can live hundreds and even thousands of years in the same body. i, myself, have been in the same body now for over 700 years.

We came here over 12,000 years ago just before a form of nuclear war between Lemuria and Atlantis took place that destroyed the Earth’s surface. We were about to face such hardships and calamities above ground,  that we decided to continue our evolution underground. We appealed to the spiritual hierarchy of the planet for permission to renovate the already existing massive cavern underneath, and prepare it for the time when we would need to evacuate our homes above ground.

When the war was to begin, we were warned by the spiritual hierarchy to begin our evacuation to this underground cavern by going through the vast tunnel system that’s spread throughout the planet’s crust. We had hoped to save all our Lemurian people, but there was only time to save 27 thousand souls. The remainder of our race perished in the blast.

For the past 12.000 years, we have been able to rapidly evolve in consciousness due to our isolation from the marauding bands of extraterrestrials and other hostile races that prey on the surface population. The surface population has since been experiencing great leaps of consciousness in preparation for humanity to now move through the photon belt. It is for this reason that we have begun to contact you surface dwellers to make our existence known.

In order for planet earth and humanity to continue to ascend in consciousness, the whole planet must be united and merged into one light below and above. It is for this reason that we are contacting you to make you aware of our underground existence, so you can bring the fact of our existence to the attention of our fellow brothers and sisters on the surface. through this channeled messages is written to humanity- in hopes that they will recognize and receive us when we emerge from our homes beneath ground and merge with them on the surface, in the not too far distant future. We will be grateful to you for the part you play in helping us broadcast the reality of our existence.

Always remember that we in the inner earth are all standing beside you- gently guiding
you on your path to the stars.

The Galactic Federation

Click to enlarge.

Galactic Federation is comprised of races from over 40 worlds, with 5 primary groups at the center.

Long before the “Anunnaki” deception, these 5 groups created all the diversity of human races on Earth through a genetic upgrade of pre-human species found barely surviving.

Pleiadians are among the oldest beings in our galaxy. Ikai and Aya were the first Pleiadians to emerge from 12D to create a home on 7D Taygeta. Pleiadians learned magic and technology from Archangels and Fairies, and were guided to create Galactic Federation.

Joined first by Arcturians, who have been family ever since, they were soon followed by benevolent friends from Sirius, Andromeda and Orion.

Because Ashtar and Sananda are the only leaders most humans have heard of, misinformation by inauthentic sources is common. Ashtar is leader of Sirians, not Galactic Federation. Sirians have great power but it doesn’t compare to Pleiadians or Arcturians.

All representative leaders work together and also involve Archangels like Michael and Metatron in discussions. No one is more important than any other. But for the purpose of education, Elder Ikai is recognized as the leader of Galactic Federation.

Pleiadians will be the first extraterrestrials humans meet after the Shift because we share the most in common. They are our primary genetic parents and protectors of Earth. They’re the angels of light who never left us. Earth is their KISHAPOLEE (Child of Mine).


Some tools to help you to do more research:

History of the Human Race is here

The History of the Human Race — from

The History of the Human Race gives you a full recounting of the history of the human race from our various seedings by our extraterrestrial ancestors, through the attempts to destroy us several times, and gives you the truth about Jesus and the greater Universe around us. I found in invaluable.

The Ascension Glossary is also a terrific resource for you and once you go deep enough, you’ll have enough information to purchase books, do your own deeper research, or take courses. Once you consciousness is high enough, you’ll be able to travel to other planets and use stargates to travel instantly to other locations on the Earth.

And that’s it for now! I think that’s enough in one sitting, don’t you? If you’re on Telegram, you can go visit the “Books of Elder Wisdom,” ( where you’ll find many more PDF files to download. The information on this site is vast.


From last week …..

The Emergency Broadcast System Incoming!

    • Military in training for Implementation of the Emergency Broadcast System
    • This will ensure everyone is safely placed in their home and able to witness the historical moment that reveals all of the truths, cover ups etc. through the E B S which is imminent.
    • There must be a test and then a review of all occurrences and activities. The possible implications on a National and Global level can be quite complicated so things must be in alignment to the protocols. Yes there are many consequences if things aren’t done with precision and perfection. This is the practice run before the real one folks to see responses and accuracy to what is forthcoming which changes humanity.
    • We hear the schedule is now finally firm ,but again I’m just the messenger. Be ready to adjust if needed in regards to possible time changes. Only a select few know the moment of exact and precise timing of events. For security and other obvious reasons it must be properly kept private.
    • The E B S is going to air playing an 8 hour video. It will be replaying 3 times a day for 10 days Communication Darkness. During those 10 Days of Communication Darkness the following things will happen.
    • We will receive 7 “Trumpets “ aka E B S text messages on our phones alerting us to tune into our TV at this time.
    • Our phones will only work for 911 and we are informed the Signal App, which is military encrypted will be available.
    • Our internet will not work during that time. Our ATM’s will not work. After the 10 days of Communication Darkness, we will connect to a new quantum internet.
    • People are urged to stock up on at least three weeks of food and water. Be prepared with food, water, toilet paper, generators etc. for this great awakening reveal.
    • We are promised the new Star-link Internet System by the end of the month.
    • As we speak the teams coordinating this important historic event are revamping the E.B.S to ensure the utmost security for all involved so remain patient as things get finalized. They want to make certain there are not any interferences of any sort at all. Those making the plan want no one to panic whatsoever because it’s simply the release of the truth.
    • After the E B S and we’ve gone through the 10 days mainstream media blackout and sat through all the 24/7, (eight hours long movies), do we go back to normal like business as usual? Answer is: After E B S and the 8 hours long 24 7, movies all will change. The, life support, attached to the old and evil systems will be pulled. Humanity, and planet Earth simultaneously move to quantum reality consciousness system (Peace and Prosperity). End of Financial and Human consciousness enslavement. Old systems of Government, Education , Finance, Health, Trade and Commerce etc., will all be dismantled and replaced.
    • We will have new currency called the USN US NOTE and gold backed.
    • The time is now to alert as many who will listen. Do not have too much pride. Go warn those you love even though they think you’re crazy. Your goal for others is truly to help absorb the shock of what is coming.


OPERATION: SANDMAN (Still “a thing!”)

(with DXY heading up in a final fifth wave of a flat, I would expect the Sandman Operation to start next week, after a top is in place. The Sandman Operation should send DXY down and SPX up, due to the fact that dollars coming back to the US would be deeming inflationary. DXY moving lower would be inflationary.)

“Project Sandman” describes a 100+ nation agreement that, when triggered, will see those nations simultaneously dump the dollar and abandon the “petrodollar.” When this “event” is triggered, the dollar and all dollar-denominated assets will plunge. (this is what we’ve been told)

What will happen (this is a planned event by the US military) is that one hundred, or so, countries, will sell their US dollars back to the US and will cease holding dollars. This would be perceived as inflationary to the US, as these dollars would move back into the US treasury, and drive down the dollar, which is what we want to have happen.

The other potential driver of the dollar is the release of huge amounts of humanitarian funds (and restitution funds — think seniors) which are believed to be in fiat dollars initially, with a release we keep hearing is imminent (in fact, long overdue).

Nearly 60% of international reserves are held in dollar-denominated assets, and it’s by far the most-used currency for trade. The dollar is involved in about 88% of all international trade transactions.

When Israel is defeated in this current war, the main stream media, which it owns, will also come down. At that point, we should be ready to roll into the Emergency Broadcast System playback around the world over a ten day period.

So, the “cavalry” seems to be waiting on the edge of town!

The fireworks are about to begin!


Situation Report for Tuesday, March 19 — PDF DOWNLOAD: Restored-Republic-via-a-GCR-3-19-2024

CAVEAT: The Situation Report just scrapes information from a variety of channels in the Telegram app, without any attempt to determine reliability of that information. Use your own discernment as to what is accurate, or believable. Dates are starting to become a bit more reliable, I think.


We’re in the STORM — the STORM Brings Justice

There are still several tasks to be undertaken in terms of doling out justice. We’re in THE STORM which is responsible for mass arrests now happening worldwide. As in any movie, there are always details at the end to wrap up the plot. This movie is no exception. You’ll see a list below. It seems we’re going to see some of this happen during the Emergency Broadcast System playback and perhaps, even after. I’m hearing that martial law is going to be in place for quite some time to come. Military tribunals are scheduled for the summer of 2023. Many have been completed, but there are a lot more to go, at lower levels of corruption.

This warning graphic below will remain up as a reminder of the impending change in fortunes that is not very far off in the distance and will definitely affect the market.

The 34 Satanic Sites — An Update

Here’s an updated list on the 34 satanic sites that are going to be destroyed. The ones followed by xxxx are ones already taken out. Others may have a note after them.

There are 7 cern sites around the world. Switzerland, 3GD, Hoover dam, and others.

xxx means gone/taken down


    1. Ark of Bal xxx
    2. Augusta Germany Castle
    3. Biltmore Hotel, Coral Cables,Miami
    4. Buckingham Palace
    5. Cern in Switzerland
    6. Bhoemian Grove xxx
    7. Comet Pizza in Hollywood xxx
    8. Denver International Airport
    9. Epstein Island Dome
    10. Georgia Guidestones xxxx
    11. Hoover Dam
    12. La Louvre in France
    13. London Bank 1 xxx
    14. London Bank 2 xxx
    15. London Bridge London
    16. London Bridge Lake Havasu City, AR
    17. Northern Castle (Biltmore)
    18. Notre Dame Cathedral in France xxx
    19. Opera House in Sidney Australia
    20. Pentagon
    21. Playboy Mansion xxx
    22. Statue of Liberty – son
    23. Stonehenge – about to go
    24. Tesla Building (will be a free energy tower)
    25. The Getty Museum xxx
    26. The Queens Hunting Lounge xxx
    27. The Vatican
    28. Three Gorges Dam
    29. US Capital
    30. Victoria Secret’s Home xxx
    31. Washington Monument – soon cracked
    32. White House 1 (Germany)
    33. White House 2 (D.C.)
    34. Windsor Tower – soon


Looking at THE STORM and Upcoming Events

We still have these major events still to go. I don’t know what the timing will be, but it will start to get obvious in the coming days, I think.

We’re now in the GREAT AWAKENING phase, but THE STORM is still underway. Some of the expected events below have happened (GREEN CHECK MARK) and some are in progress:

      • (in progress) WW3 Scare Event. Nuke Sirens: This is the Russia/Ukraine false flag war. As the Q Team has always said, “Israel will be last” and the buildings that are “going down” and imploding, meaning they’re pre-wired with explosives). Pending.
      • Changing over to Tesla Free Energy (this will require power to go off around the world, but it will be a short blackout). We’re told to still expect this soon
      • (partially complete, but don’t know the count) 34 satanic buildings & dams bombed  — I think some of these buildings have already been taken out, but the major ones still have to be dismantled, probably with Rods of God. The major buildings appear to be part of an energy grid system that has keep the natural energy of the Earth suppressed — more on this to come. The White House is apparently going to be imploded; it has already been wired up with explosives.
      • (Reports now CONFIRM that this happened on August 29 but there are also suggestions it’s still about to happen on Tuesday, June 13.) Breaking of the 3 Gorges Dam in China. This dam sits above Wuhan and the plan is that the water from the break will destroy the Wuhan lab, which has a link to US Big Pharma, and will be the beginning of the end for them. Bitcoin Servers turned off (99.5% of Crypto gone) — this involves the dismantling of 24 nuclear reactors under the dam that provide the electricity for Bitcoin.
      • (now in Ukraine, Canada, US and possibly some other countries) Martial Law — A higher level is about to be implements and It will likely stay in place much longer as the cleanup continues. The announcement and appearance on the streets will alert to the Great Awakening (The Emergency Broadcast System).
      • AND, of course …. the public announcement of GESARA. GESARA has been signed off by 209 countries, so it is, in fact, law.


Enjoy the Awakening!

Know the Past. See the Future


Webinar Playback:  Elliott Wave Basics

If you’re new to the Elliott Wave Principle, or even fairly comfortable with it, this webinar will give you a solid introduction and comprehensive understanding of the difference between trending and counter-trend waves, the various patterns for both types of wave patterns, and a good overview of how fibonacci ratios determine trade targets

Video Playback (Click here)

This is link to the YouTube playback video, allowing you to review, stop and start, etc.


All the Same Market.

I’ve been mentioning for months now that the entire market is moving as one entity, the “all the same market” scenario, a phrase that Robert Prechter coined many years ago, when he projected the upcoming crash.

We’re in the midst of deleveraging the enormous debt around the world. Central banks are losing the control they had and we’re slowly sinking into deflation world-wide, with Europe in the lead.

The US dollar is fully in charge of both the equities and currencies markets. They’re all moving in tandem, as I’ve been saying since September of 2017. Over the past three years, their movements have been moving closer and closer together and one, and now they’re in lock-step, with the major turns happening at about the same time.

it’s challenging because often times currency pairs are waiting for equities to turn, and other times, it’s the opposite. The other frustrating thing is that in between the major turns, there are no major trades; they’re all, for the most part day-trades. That’s certainly the case in corrections, where you very often have several possible targets for the end of the correction.

We’re now close to a turn in the US indices, currency pairs, oil, and even gold. Elliott wave does not have a reliable timing aspect, but it looks like we should see a top very soon.


Have not had a losing week RW 2

Have not had a losing week …

I have been with Peter almost a year. The only thing that matters is have I made money with his service. I think I have finally turned the corner using Peter’s EW. I have not had a losing week in the last 5 months. Thanks Peter, for your amazing amount of hard work. —RW

Rise above the rest … SM 2

Rise above the rest …

I have only ever met a few people who, in their chosen fields (astrology, medicine, music, martial arts, technical analysis), rise above all the rest and you are one of them…you have ‘the gift’…and that’s why I’m a Trader’s Gold member. —SM

the real deal SM 2

The real deal …

‘Educational, insightful and thorough market analysis for all levels of traders. It’s Elliott Wave at its best….Peter Temple is the real deal’ —SM

The best of them JL 2

The best of them …

Last couple of years, I subscribed to several ‘market traders’. You are by far the best of them and the personal contact is awesome. Daily and daily updates are very well written! Besides your expertise in EW, I also like your cycles analysis. Best investment I ever made! —JL

Tops in your field DZ 2

Tops in your field …

You are tops in your field.  Tried to follow Elliot Wave international for years.  They were always behind the market.  After discovering you, I perceive that you are an expert in reading the waves, which puts you way ahead of the rest of your peers. And you can read the Waves like you are reading tomorrow’s financial section.  I pray you stay healthy.  —DZ

Couldn’t be happier … KK 2

Couldn’t be happier …

The analysis and insight you provide is simply amazing!  I’ve been trading the futures and equity markets for well over thirty years and usually average around 5% monthly.  Since joining your Traders Gold Service two months ago, that number has better than doubled.  I couldn’t be happier.—KK

A true expert in Elliott Wave FL 2

A true expert in Elliott Wave …

You are a true expert in EW analysis. What you provide is not available anywhere and is priceless. Subscription on your services is the best thing I have ever done. Many thanks for your effort to make me a better investor. I now have more trust in my investment decisions. I hope you will continue the excellent work! —FL

Get an upper hand … JC 2

Get an upper hand in trading …

Seeing all the different currency pairs and the wave structures and hearing you explain why this has to do that on a nightly bases gives one a upper hand when trading. Elliott Wave applies to all stock and indices and can be applied to any candlestick chart.

If someone ask what you want for Christmas – Tell them a membership to Peter’s “Traders Gold!”—JC

US Market Snapshot (based on end-of-week wave structure)

This chart is posted to provide a prediction of future market direction. DO NOT trade based upon the information presented here (certainly NOT from a daily chart).

Above is the daily chart of the SP500 (click to enlarge, as with any of my charts).

We're currently in the fifth wave of an ending expanding diagonal in the SP500 and in futures. We're also waiting for DXY to drop in tandem with the final sub-wave up in the SP500.

Futures and the SP500 had a large rally on Friday, taking us to what appears to be the top of the third wave of the final C wave of the fifth wave of the ending expanding diagonal.

This weekend, I'm expecting slight weakness across the market and by Monday morning, we may be ready for the final rally to the upside targets, which are the upper trendlines of the diagonal patterns. It's a bit of a moving target as the upper trendlines slope upwards.

However, the US Dollar is the asset that is causing second thoughts about what's going on. It's DXY that we're waiting for. The expectation is for a new low, but so far, it has not kept pace with the movement in equities.

The exchange, NYSE is at a double top, actually slightly higher now, with what appears to be five waves up and except for an expected slight new high, is more or less in a position to change trend.

The SP500 is passed my target of 5000 but ending diagonals almost always extend past the measured objective. They do put a "cap" on the market in terms of price. For ending expanding diagonals, the final fifth wave of the pattern cannot rise above the upper trendline (in bullish versions of the pattern). Ending expanding diagonals end trends and they do it dramatically. 

Once we reach our target (and other asset classes reach theirs), we can expect a turn down, which will become a crash, dropping below the 2000 level in the SP500. I think the downside number is closer to 1800.

Elsewhere, across the market, everything I see requires one more rally, A guesstimate would put us only a few days away from a top. It all depends upon the movement of DXY to the downside. It could all end as early as Monday, but I don't anticipate more than a couple of more days beyond that (in a normal market, which this is not, of course).

There are lots of possible announcements in the wings, so timing is impossible to gauge. The Military Alliance is in full control and the market will turn on their timing.

In the market, when a major top happens, if one index gets to a new high, all indices have to get to a new high. They're more or less all within a day or two range.

The Sandman Operation is still in the wings, in my opinion, as I now consider it deflationary because the vast amounts of fiat currency that will flow back to the United States will not go back into the economy, therefore going out of circulation, which is deflationary.

I continue to watch for signs the internet is shutting down, which could happen at any time. We're getting close!


GESARA is law internationally but has not been enacted domestically. This is in order for governments to be able to trade with the new currency. When NESARA GESARA is announced worldwide, It will shut down governments, courts, and police worldwide, trigger a golden jubilee and bring in natural law throughout. It's a major milestone.

We're told that the shutdown coming will include the internet, so this would put a halt to trading, and would likely mean we'd just pick up again from where we left off after the Great Awakening video playback is over.

Based upon recent intel, the Emergency Broadcast System seems imminent.
