World Cycles Institute

Market Forecast Overview

Posts reflect the most recent forecast using a combination of cycles forecasting and the Elliott Wave Principle. Posted each Sunday (and sometimes more often).

All trades, patterns, charts, systems, etc., discussed in these articles are for illustrative and educational purposes only and not to be construed as specific advisory recommendations.

Futures, forex, equities, and option trading involves substantial risk, and may not be suitable for everyone. You can lose everything! Trading should only be done with true risk capital. Past performance either actual or hypothetical is not necessarily indicative of future performance.

We Are the Hunters Now

It’s Been a Long Haul It was almost ten years ago when I started this site and began to write about all I had discovered through my twenty years now of awakening to both the evils of this world and the natural cycles that formed the basis for the phenomenon of history repeating itself over… Read more

Dark to Light

Big Question as to Timing We’re now near the end of the first part of the Great Awakening that they’re calling “Ten Days of Darkness.” This should last until the 15th, or so and will correspond to the dates taken out of the Julian Calendar in 1582. I’ve spent most of today trying to discern… Read more

Final Phase Has Begun

A Tumultuous Week Ahead We are now in the first part of the Great Awakening that they’re calling “Ten Days of Darkness.” This should last until the 15th, or so and will correspond to the dates taken out of the Julian Calendar in 1582. The Emergency Broadcast system could trigger at any time, but I… Read more

That’ll Be the Day

Buddy Holly’s Biggest Hit On 3rd Feb 1959, 22-year-old Buddy Holly, the Big Bopper, and Ritchie Valens, aged 17, died in a plane crash shortly after takeoff from Clear Lake, Iowa. The pilot of the single-engine Beechcraft Bonanza was also killed. Holly hired the plane after heating problems developed on his tour bus. So many… Read more

Time to Stock Up (for real!)

We’re Leaving the Matrix Attacks on We the Peoples’ homes are not over, but they’re subsiding. As I’m mentioned before here, I have spent many, many hours over the past two years helping people stay out of the corrupt courts, while shutting down the predators — banks, credit cards, income tax, mortgage companies, and the… Read more

A Train is Coming

Things Speeding Up! This past week was one heck of a week, particularly in the markets! The ongoing movie has been active, as well. The Trump/Harris Debate on Tuesday night exposed the corruption in the media by focusing in on how the two candidates were treated differently. I could certainly see it from my perspective… Read more

Multiple Possible Timelines

They DO NOT Want Us to Know We’re in the final phase and I expect EBS virtually any day now, but the disinformation is thicker than it’s ever been. They do not want the enemy to know and they don’t want us to know, obviously. Everything is ready to go, so EBS could happen at… Read more

E.B.S. On Deck

STILL Expecting a Large Drop The internet seems to be very slow this weekend,  but there’s a ton of information coming out all of a sudden. I would think both are part of the plan. I’ve been expecting September 1 to be BIG. It seems it is. They’re calling in Disclosure Day! I haven’t heard… Read more

Get Ready!

To go: One Wave Down, Then Up Here comes the ‘SCARE’ event! Intel is changing by the hour, which make things difficult in terms of selecting what to include in this blog post each week. That’s a good thing, actually, because it tells me we’re very close to the end of it all. The Great… Read more

See You in September?

Down the Stretch We Go! September is now only a couple of weeks away. It will be all over by then, one way or the other. I believe we either have the Emergency Broadcast System up and running on the 22nd, or they will stretch it out until September 1. We should know which, I… Read more