World Cycles Institute

Market Forecast Overview

Posts reflect the most recent forecast using a combination of cycles forecasting and the Elliott Wave Principle. Posted each Sunday (and sometimes more often).

All trades, patterns, charts, systems, etc., discussed in these articles are for illustrative and educational purposes only and not to be construed as specific advisory recommendations.

Futures, forex, equities, and option trading involves substantial risk, and may not be suitable for everyone. You can lose everything! Trading should only be done with true risk capital. Past performance either actual or hypothetical is not necessarily indicative of future performance.

Super Bowl Sunday and More

Super Bowl Sunday Now, we’re at the precipice the White Hats have talked about for years. The Super Bowl seems to be the culmination of all the efforts to take down the Deep State. Trump and the Q Team is very much focused on waking up to larger population and what better way to do… Read more

Currency Reset

Big Market Moves Tonight There seem to be “roadblocks” everywhere these days. There certainly seems to have been one in Iraq. There are many dark forces attempting to stop the truth from getting out and the money to move out to We the People. I spent much of the day yesterday deflecting attacks. I’m still dealing… Read more

Market Melt Down?

The Market May Top Mid-Week I thought there was a fire hose of information aimed at me last week! However, with all the action Trump has taken since the 20th of the month, the week before pales in comparison. Since the 20th, there have been 200 executive orders. He is now talking about removing taxes, getting… Read more

Freedom Week

Easter/Christmas/Freedom It’s also the fifth of November on the Ethiopian Calendar. All the calendars seem to be coming together this weekend, along with a very rare line-up of seven planets. This is the weekend the world is going o head into a major change. It will include virtually eveything we’ve been told. The truth has… Read more

RV and Reveal on Deck

Could It Be Easter, too? I think it’s now a given, that in terms of intel, it’s COMPLETE CHAOS. I don’t think anyone knows what’s real in terms of information. I have my sources regarding where we are in the bigger picture, and I’m confident that we’re at the end, that it’s the final week… Read more

Shutting Down

RV Should Be This Week NOTE: Mailchimp, now an INTUIT company (Cabal) shut down my email service without telling me in mid December and I only this week found out. So emails were not goinng out with the latest blog posts, even though I’ve been diligently putting them out there. They gave me no notice… Read more

Chaos or Cusp?

Will the Real New Year’s Eve … please stand up?! OMG, these calendars! Probably best that I start with them, but I’m not planning on putting together my own calendar. Done with that for the foreseeable future (and we’re going immortal, those that are sticking around and are not negative beings). So that, potentially, is… Read more

“The Best Christmas Ever!”

Building to a Final Climax Let’s do a quick look at potential timing for the market. Historically, the market never tops leading up to Christmas. It’s the second most positive time of the year in the US, Thanksgiving being more so. Solstice (Dec 21-22) is generally a warning that a top is coming, depending on where… Read more

The Golden Age is Here

And The Sky Continues to Fall (There is SO MUCH information coming out, that this has definitely been a struggle keeping up. This is certainly not everything that’s going on.) Last week’s blog post title was “Sky Falling Week,” which was a theme provided via Trump and the white hats. I thought it suggested a market… Read more

War, Shutdown, Market Crash

A Few of My Favourite Things! This version of the blog post may seem a little bit disjointed as we’re on the cusp of the MAIN EVENT and information is coming out unverified, for the most part. It takes some time to look for alternative sources fo colaborate this information. But the bottom line is… Read more