World Cycles Institute

Beginning and End

Brunson on Monday?

The announcement of the Brunson decision on Monday would be the beginning of the end. This end, though, is the beginning of a new Earth and a new life for all who are worthy.

Keeping this in mind, and the fact that we’ve been told that this transition will be biblical, on the upper left if the Chi Rho symbol flanked by the alpha (left) and omega (right) symbols. Alpha and omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. They are used in the Bible and represent the all encompassing power of the Lord.

 This phrase speaks to the enormity of the revolution we’re undergoing on Earth. We are at the turning point, moving from the tyranny of the past in to a brave new, wonderful world in which we will all be sovereign beings, with full health, wealth, and the promise of immortality once we complete the ascension process, are journey of which we’re in the beginning stages.

We’re now at the point where we should see all these elements begin to form. We know for example, that the Med Beds have been released by the military. However, the contract numbers have not. This is the same with the currency revaluation. It has been approved and given the green light; however, we have not been contacted yet.

We are entering the US Thanksgiving week which traditionally bring families together in their homes and is a perfect time to lock down society for the long promised Great Awakening.

There are lots of dates being thrown out in social media, and certainly lots of signs that we’re at the precipice of WWIII and the return of Donald Trump publicly as current Commander-in- Chief. Let’s see what Monday monring brings with the promise of an announcement from the Supreme Court of the United States.

WWIII (the movie version) is well underway and we’re told we’re at the precipice. That being being the case, we should see bombings of the 34 satanic buildings starting today, I believe. This is supposed to happen on Biden’s watch.

The Brunson case is supposed to drop in the Supreme Court on Monday morning at 9:30 ET. We’ve heard from quite some time that it has been decided in their favour, which means the 2020 election will be overturned and Trump will come back to stop the war. That’s the plan we’ve been given and it’s been reinforced over and over again. Trump’s reinstatement announcement should take down the stock market.

The reinstatement will bring in the military (martial law) and this, I suspect will also force the announcement of GESARA.

Then, we’re going to get a bunch of events in rapid succession as we STORM into Thanksgiving week, where everyone will be heading home, which is what we want to happen. This will result in a shutdown and Emergency Broadcast System will fire up. There are messages that the EBS will start up in only a couple of days, but I think this is more a reference to the alert system, a series of seven alerts that are supposed to reach all cells phones and warn the world to get to their homes.

The alert system was tested all across Canada this past week.

Major arrests are underway and we’re being shown some of the perpetrators who have been arrested or are stepping down. The removal of the mid-level of the Deep State seems well underway.

JFK Jr’s birthday is November 25.

Here’s what seem to be a message from JFK JR. on the eve of his special day and may have some significance in terms of the events we’re expecting to play out this week.


The Simpsons Predict the Demise of the Internet

The Simpson’s have a very good track record with their predictions. Let’s see how this one does.



THE EVENT (WWIII) could still happen this weekend, leading into Monday and the SCOTUS decision. The narrative has always has Trump coming back to end the conflict.

THE EVENT has many facets to it.

The World Wide Blackout to change over to TESLA Energy. Knocking out Media Satellites, QFS, Rods of God on Dams & 34 Buildings & much much more.

34 Buildings will be in the EVENT.

Click to expand.

They are very significant. (ie: Whitehouse, Royal Castles, Buckingham Palace, Vatican, Getty Museum, Playboy Mansion and the like).


As the White Hats pull the plug on the Deep State’s corrupt banking system and transition us to the Quantum Financial System (QFS), chaos is imminent. Riots, false flags, and turmoil in major cities are expected. A market crash could be days away.

TOTAL COMMUNICATION FAILURE IS COMING. The EBS will transmit LOUD emergency alerts directly to mobile phones worldwide via the Starlink satellite system. During this blackout, there will be NO internet, NO cell service, NOTHING. ATMs, credit, and debit card systems will also go down—they run on the internet. Think about it. This is not a drill.

WELLS FARGO, JP MORGAN CHASE, AND BANK OF AMERICA HAVE DECLARED BANKRUPTCY. More banks are following suit. This time, there will be NO ONE to bail them out. Depositors could lose everything. Yes, a bank run is not only possible — it’s inevitable. The global financial collapse is here, and the United States is cornered: transition to the new system or perish. There is no other way.

Are you ready? The clock is ticking. The storm we’ve been warning you about is now overhead. Nothing can stop what is coming. EVERYTHING will change. Spread the word.

EBS Vibes. 

Anyone getting them? Yes. Before the weekend is out IMO!

DJT summoned 74 world leaders to Iceland the 20th – 23rd yet, he’s was going to be in Dallas on Friday the 22nd. 

“It started in Dallas, it ends in Dallas”

Q has said “POTUS would be insulated on AF1” and for that to happen, Brunson would have to drop.

Nesara requires leaders to be out of their countries when Nesara/Gesara is announced. THAT’S EBS IMO!

Announcement requires FULL DISCLOSURE and MASS ARRESTS and that’s what I believe “10 days of darkness” is.

Now, I think Q tells us “POTUS will be insulated on AF1, out of the country, in an undisclosed location” for a very important reason. First of all, it fulfills NESASA, second, if they try to make it look like something happened, we need to remember Q’s reassurance!


Bye-Bye Biden

He’s now committed treason by advocating war against Russia, but there’s much more involved in the most corrupt administration in US history …. Sean Hannity explains,


Julian Assange:


EBS ALERT! Trump’s National Emergency Unleashed: Military Alliance Mobilizes for Mass Arrests to End Biden’s Corruption and Restore America’s Sovereignty!

    • The moment we’ve all been waiting for is here. Trump’s National Emergency declaration will mark the turning point in the battle for America’s soul. This isn’t just about reversing Biden’s policies—it’s about taking down an entrenched, shadowy cabal that has been pulling the strings for decades.
    • Behind the scenes: A powerful Military Alliance has been working with Trump, preparing for this moment. Composed of generals, intelligence operatives, and whistleblowers, this Alliance is ready to strike with unprecedented force. They will dismantle the globalist elite and restore freedom and sovereignty to America.
    • Mass Arrests: The Elite Cabal Faces Justice The mass arrests of the elite have already begun. Figures tied to child trafficking, financial crimes, and election fraud are being detained. Trump’s National Emergency will unleash the full power of the Military Alliance, accelerating the takedown of the Biden regime and the globalists who put it in place. Detention facilities are prepared across the country. Many implicated individuals—CEOs, media execs, and political operatives—are being transported to face military tribunals, outside the corrupt civilian courts.
    • The Military Alliance: Trump’s Unstoppable Force This Alliance isn’t just a coalition of generals—it’s a global network of patriots. They’ve been gathering intel, executing covert operations, and positioning themselves for this historic moment. They’re dismantling global financial networks, seizing billions in offshore accounts stolen from America. With advanced surveillance tools, the Alliance has exposed the cabal’s operations, tracking communications and financial transactions in real-time.
    • Biden’s Regime: A Puppet Government Exposed Biden’s administration is not just incompetent—it’s complicit. Leaked intelligence reveals Biden and key regime members are directly tied to foreign governments, including China and Iran. The open-border policies are part of a plan to destabilize America, sow chaos, and create a dependency on globalist solutions.
    • Trump’s National Emergency will neutralize these threats and take back control: The Globalist Agenda Crumbles The globalists never expected resistance like this. Key globalist leaders—Klaus Schwab, George Soros—are now under scrutiny. Documents seized from their networks reveal plans for a one-world government, digital IDs, and total control over every aspect of life. Trump and the Military Alliance are dismantling these systems before they can fully take hold.
    • The Role of the Emergency Broadcast System: Trump and the Military Alliance are preparing to activate the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), bypassing mainstream media to deliver unfiltered information directly to the public. These broadcasts will expose election fraud, child trafficking, and the globalists’ plans to enslave humanity. The broadcasts will mobilize the public, awakening them to the full extent of the corruption that has plagued our nation.
    • Advanced Technology: A Game-Changer The Alliance has been deploying advanced technologies, including quantum computing and satellite systems that track globalist operatives. One major revelation is free-energy technology, hidden by Big Oil and globalist cartels. The Alliance plans to release this to break the stranglehold of energy monopolies.
    • The Storm Is Here: Trump’s National Emergency is the opening move in a battle for the future of humanity. The Military Alliance will continue accelerating arrests, dismantling the globalist cabal, and removing every obstacle to America’s greatness.
    • Victory is inevitable: The deep state is being dismantled, and their grip on humanity is loosening. This is the beginning of the end for the globalists. Stand with Trump. Trust the plan. God bless America and the patriots fighting on the front lines.


A Major End-Marker – Kennedy Assassination DECLAS


Driver of Kennedy’s Limousine also shot the President. The Driver, William Greer, was one of the shooters and actually blasted him with the final fatal shot – he had already been hit fatally by E. Howard Hunt from the “grassy knoll”.

At 12:30 PM, on Nov. 22, 1963, Abraham Zapruder stood on the concrete platform in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas with his Bell Howell Super 8 movie camera hoping to get a good film clip of the Presidential motorcade as it drove through the plaza. What he filmed should have been the most important photography in the History of the World. What he filmed was not only the assassination of the President of the United States, but one of the assassins as well.

Zapruder and his secretary hurried to the CBS-TV affiliate with the camera and film, where a price was agreed upon and the film was turned over to the TV station. The film was given to the photography lab technician, who proceeded to develop the film. The film clip was aired, probably only once, about 10 to 15 hours after it was exposed.

Anyone who saw that clip (and there were many who did) could see that the President was shot from the front and not from the rear as the Warren Commission stated. The conclusion was obvious that the shot came from the front seat of the limousine and the Secret Service Agent!

The FBI and the Secret Service immediately descended upon the TV station. The Lab technician showed the film for them and it was confiscated and ordered not to be aired. The Government insisted that the Zapruder film was never shown publicly until 1972, although that was not true.

25 years later on CNN-TV, Larry King was doing a 25th Anniversary special call-in program on the President Kennedy assassination. The subject was “What is your most vivid recollection of November 22, 1963?” The caller identified himself as the lab technician who developed the Zapruder film that day. He said that the FBI and the Secret Service came to the station that night and asked to see the film clip. On CNN, he said, “I will never forget the look of ghastly horror on their faces when they saw the President’s head explode.”

Those Agents were actually there and had seen it in person! The look of “ghastly horror” was because they saw that their own William Greer was caught in the act of murdering the President. However, Greer’s action is not really obvious and requires that the viewer concentrate on Greer and not on Kennedy. Even the lab technician missed it!

25 years later – November 1988 – Life magazine did an Anniversary Special on the Kennedy assassination. In the magazine were many clear, large photos from that day 25 years earlier. They obviously came from a perfect unaltered Zapruder film.. Time-Life owns the rights to the Zapruder film.

One of the photos shows the Presidential Limousine coming down Elm Street in Dealey Plaza. The Limousine has just come from behind the Stemmons Freeway sign. President Kennedy has been wounded in the throat by a bullet fired from the grassy knoll. The bullet allegedly passed through the sign. The sign was removed the next day!

If you were able to refer to the Zapruder tape “Dallas Revisited” on “The Walter Cronkite Nova Special”, you would see down against the Drivers door, in his left hand, the silver .45 pistol of William Greer!

Jacqueline Kennedy’s reaction to the shooting was the exact, normal, logical reaction of a person who was looking down the barrel of a 45 pistol. A pistol that had just gone off and splattered her husband’s blood and brains all over her. She moved out in the opposite direction out across the trunk of the car. Ask any combat veteran. If she was trying to avoid rifle bullets from the surrounding buildings, she would have dived to the floor. No, she was not “trying” to grab a part of the brain but when she got out on the trunk of the vehicle, there lay a part of the skull with brain still attached and she grabbed it and retained it with her for the next several hours – which about put everyone in the Secret Government’s “Plan” into a state of pure panic while trying to get it away from her through any hook or crook method they could finally they physically extracted it from her.

A famous ex-race-car driver operates a driving school for aspiring race-car drivers in Southern California. As a sideline, he also teaches defensive driving for chauffeurs whose employers lives might be in danger. The basic rule to follow when someone is shooting at your car, is the same as the normal logical reaction – step on the gas and get the hell out of there!

In Dealey Plaza, on November 22, 1963, the Number One, Top Chauffeur of the United States of America did just the opposite. He braked the car to an almost complete stop! This alone is proof of complicity in the murder. Since the riflemen surrounding the car had all failed, he wanted them to have a second chance. When they still didn’t get the job done, Greer, as back-up man, did his own thing with the .45 pistol.

William Greer had braked the Lincoln limousine so abruptly that the Cadillac carrying the Secret Service men almost ran into the Lincoln. Clint Hill, who was on the running board of the Cadillac was thrown off and fell onto his rear end behind the limo. He later testified at the Warren Commission, “Sounded like a 45 went off inside the Limo.” As he scrambled up on the trunk of the Limousine he met Jackie trying to exit the car escaping from Greer. He pushed her back into the seat as Greer accelerated the car and he rode spread-eagled on the trunk, clinging to the handholds, to Parkland Hospital.

It was never intended that President Kennedy’s body go to Parkland Hospital. His dead body was supposed to go directly to the Presidential Airplane and directly to Washington. Governor Connally, sitting directly in front of Kennedy was wounded by two of the rifle bullets. He yelled out “Oh! My God! THEY are going to kill us all!” Since Connally was only wounded it was decided to drop him off at Parkland. At the Warren Commission, he started to testify, “I saw” then changed his statement to “I felt” the blast from the bullets. Of course he “saw” and “felt”. He was lying across the middle jump seat in the limo and his face was only inches below the .45 in Greer’s hand. There is speculation that Connally was also an intended victim of the assassination plot. He allegedly was involved in a financial plan with the Hunt Bothers that would have destroyed the Secret Government’s “New World Order” plan for eventual world domination.

Since Parkland Hospital was not a scheduled stop in the plan, the doctors and medical personnel in the emergency room were taken completely by surprise. Their preliminary examination of the President’s wounds were quite different than the “official” version. Several doctors had very short lives after that day.

Dr. Robert McClellan’s report stated, “The bullet entered the left temple and blew out a three inch chunk of the lower right occipital bone.” If you draw a line through Kennedy’s head from the lower right occipital through the left temple (in frame 313 of the Zapruder film) the line goes directly to the .45 in Greer’s left hand.

The “official” autopsy states that the back of Kennedy’s head was intact and no bones were missing. McClellan said, “How can that be? I had the piece of occipital bone right in my hand.” A young boy had found the piece of Kennedy’s head in Dealey Plaza and brought it in to the Hospital.

Some time during that first day or two, a local law officer and a reporter named Buddy Walters watched an FBI agent pick up a spent 45 caliber bullet from the grass in Dealey Plaza. A photograph was taken of this act. A 45 bullet is distinctly different than the alleged 6.5 mm Carcano bullet. (Lee Oswald’s alleged weapon was supposed to be a 6.5 mm Italian Mannlicher Carcano rifle. This is such a poor excuse for a weapon that the Italian soldiers called it “The gun that never hurt anybody.”) A .45 bullet is short and fat while a 6.5 bullet is long and thin.

Several years later on the Mort Sahl TV talk show, Mort showed the Zapruder film. When the picture stopped on frame 313 and zeroed in on driver William Greer, Mort’s guest said, “I can’t believe what I’m seeing.” The TV show was cancelled and Mort never worked in TV again.



The Khazarian Mafia

The Khazars are not jews. They are pretenders.

These self-styled Jews ([khazar/zionists]), who were expelled from most every Christian and Mohammedan country in western Europe, northern Africa, and Asia Minor in the Middle Ages and up to the early 1800s, obeyed, and continue to obey, the civil code of the TALMUD and the Protocols Of The Learned Elders of Zion! 

The majority of Christendom is, still, greatly confused, misled, and deceived about the history of the so-called “Jews” as are the rest of the world, in the believing that ALL Jews are “God’s chosen”.  This is not true and the time is late.  It is critical that the world come into knowing about these ones who intend to take our world by whatever means necessary.  The Khazars (Chazars) WERE NOT, ARE NOT, and NEVER WERE the descendants of the ancient Hebrew tribe, who renamed themselves Judeans.  It is out of the tribe called Khazar came the Ashkenazi, then Ashkenazi Jew, international Zionism, socialism and communism.  These ones have revised the history books and the Bibles, thus hiding their true history from the world.  Most Christians reading this, simply refuse to believe this could have been done in the false belief that God would never allow their Bibles to be corrupted, and yet, they close their minds to the fact that there are, now, some 300 different versions of the Christian Bible.  Who told you that God would not allow…?  Was it the Khazar Jew, perhaps?  This is, of course, all part of the Khazar “Jew” war plan: divide and conquer.  Truth:  God creates and then allows his creations free-wiil; that means WITHOUT INTERFERENCE.  How else will His creations learn to take responsibility for their lives? 

The Khazar tribe converted to Judaism in the 4th century and ultimately gained control over the religion for evil intent.  

Since that time, the majority of Khazars lived in eastern Europe, spoke Yiddish, and called themselves “God’s chosen” to fool the world of men–a most successful campaign.  They made a living from robbing and pillaging their neighbors and surrounding countries, then taking over their governments’ treasuries and trade routes and by charging tribute to all people crossing their lands and using their waterways.  

Over the centuries, they expanded their power to include eastern Ukraine, Crimea, southern Russia, western Kazakhstan, and northwestern Uzbekistan.  In 965 the ruler of Rus launched a campaign against the Khazars and most were driven out of Russia proper.  The Khazars, then, began to migrate into eastern and later western Europe.  

In the late-1700s, the word “Jew” was invented and used by the Khazar-Ashkenazi revisionist scribes and scholars to hide their evil actions behind Judaism, thus further confusing the world.  

Their deception continued with their many name changes throughout history, from Khazars (Chazars) to Judaists, Talmudists, Ashkenazi, Ashkenazi Jew, Jew, Illuminati, Bolshevik, International Zionist, Zionist Jew, Socialist, and Communist, Progressive, Socialist-Democrat, and Globalist, etc.  They can change their names but their intent and actions remain the same.  

Further, to stop whistleblowers exposing their evil acitions, they invented the word “anti-Semite” (note: the Khazars are not Semite; they tribe descended from Japhath–Noah’s third son, not from Sem or Shem–Noah’s first son).  

The Khazar-Jews formed such organizations as the Jewish Defense League (JDL) to shut down any criticism against their elicit activities–again, a very successful campaign.  But, even your New Testament speaks of these people, “…those who call themselves Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”  (Rev 2:9)

I could cover several hundred pages ( and I am in my second book) proving that 90% or more of the people in the world today, who go by the name of “Jew”, do not have one drop of Abraham’s blood in their veins and that none of their ancestors ever placed foot on the ground of Palestine. Most of the Eastern Jews came from a completely heathen background, a heathen tribe called the Khazars of Western Russia.

They were not Semites, but were Turco-Mongoloid. They were converted to Judaism en masse in the 7th Century. If you want further Jewish confirmation of this, I suggest you read Vol. IV, pages 1 to 5 in the JEWISH ENCYCLOPAEDIA. 

Most Americans, especially those who go by the name Christian, are deeply disturbed by our economic collapse. But have you been honest enough to recognize that our money system in the United States has been under the control of evil, International Jewish Bankers since the Civil War? 

Benjamin Franklin, addressing the First Continental Congress in 1789, warned them: 

“Gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews from our shores, in less than a hundred years, every man, woman and child will be toiling in the fields as slaves to the Jewish debt money system”. 

His timing was off a bit, but otherwise he was correct. Our monetary system today is controlled by the Federal Reserve System, a Marxist principle which was slipped into our Constitution in 1913, at the instigation of the International Jewish Bankers. Now this nation is in hock, up to its ears, to this same ungodly crowd; they could ruin us financially, at any time, with the snap of their fingers.

I would pause here to remind you–the Khazarians who chose to call themselves “Jews” also chose to CALL THEMSELVES “THE SERPENT PEOPLE”! Ponder it carefully for the “serpent” is NOT the symbol of GOD–the eternal LIGHT (Sun) is the symbol of GOD! Where you see the serpent in a “logo” or as a figurehead of identification on a thing–IT DID NOT ORIGINATE FROM THE GOD OF LIGHT! INDEED, IN DEED–SATAN IS ALIVE AND WELL ON PLANET EARTH!


The Emergency Broadcast System Incoming! UPDATED

  • ON NOVEMBER 29 AND 30, every phone on the planet will be hit with a loud, unmistakable alert signal. This will come directly from Star Link satellites, bypassing the corrupt media channels controlled by the elites.
  • The Earth Alliance, Star Link, and military are ready to execute the final phase. The old world is crumbling, and a new era of freedom is beginning. For years, the Earth Alliance has been preparing, quietly building a secure network of satellites that will make this possible.
  • The EBS alert will be activated globally but in phases. Depending on your location, you might get it slightly earlier or later, but make no mistake—it’s coming. The phased rollout will prevent the Deep State from reacting and catch them off-guard. By the time the signal hits every device, the Earth Alliance will have moved to the next stage.
  • The signal will be followed by a broadcast from Trump and military leaders, bypassing the corrupt media. They will deliver real-time updates on the takedown of the Deep State, mass arrests, and the collapse of the corrupt financial system. You’ll learn how FEMA, the FBI, and other agencies have been weaponized against the people, staging false flags and disasters to maintain control.
  • The EBS broadcast could last up to 10 days, depending on ground conditions. During this time, there will be no internet, no social media, no TV, no mainstream news. Stock up on food, water, and supplies—you won’t be able to access stores or services during this period.
  • As the alert rolls out, the military will mobilize globally. The Earth Alliance has been coordinating this for years. Patriot groups and militias in the U.S. are ready to confront any Deep State operatives trying to stop the plan.
  • The military will maintain order, but expect resistance from the elites. They will attempt to create chaos with false flags, but they will fail. The globalists know their time is up, and nothing they do can stop what’s coming.
  • During this time, expect martial law. Military tribunals will be broadcast through the EBS. You will witness the fall of corrupt politicians, bankers, and elites. You’ll see arrests, confessions, and the dismantling of globalist networks that have enslaved us for so long.
  • The Deep State’s financial institutions will collapse. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) will replace the corrupt system, marking the greatest wealth transfer in history. Banks, stock markets, and fiat currencies will be obliterated, replaced by a fair system that serves the people.
  • Part of the EBS plan includes neutralizing underground military bases used by the elites. These underground cities, built to protect them from the chaos they’ve unleashed, are being identified and destroyed. The Earth Alliance has located bunkers, including one under Denver International Airport and another in the Swiss Alps.
  • Special Forces Teams are already in position. Once the EBS is triggered, they will eliminate these elite hideouts. This is a war like we’ve never seen before, and it’s happening now. Once these underground facilities are neutralized, the elites will have nowhere to hide.

Brace yourselves—the storm is upon us.



(this isn’t really a bombshell, which is what they call everything now, but rather a good description of what’s the come in GESARA)

      • BOOM #1: Debt Forgiveness – A Total Financial Reset! All your debts? WIPED OUT! Mortgages, loans, credit card debt—gone! This isn’t a favor; this is justice for decades of financial crimes.
      • BOOM #2: Tax Liberation – The IRS is about to be SMASHED! Say goodbye to the income tax nightmare! NESARA brings in a 14% flat tax on non-essential goods, cutting off the government’s greedy hands from your paycheck!
      • BOOM #3: The Federal Reserve—GAME OVER! The Fed is about to be dismantled. A new, Treasury-backed “Rainbow Currency” will replace the worthless paper dollars, backed by gold, silver, and platinum!
      • BOOM #4: Constitutional Law Restored – NESARA restores America to its true foundation, Constitutional Law! Those with foreign ties? Stripped of their citizenship, barred from stepping foot on U.S. soil again. This is more than a reset, it’s a PURGE!
      • BOOM #5: New Elections – 120 days to wipe out corrupt politicians with secure, un-hackable elections under Constitutional Law! No more rigged systems. The New QFS Voting System ensures fraud is impossible!
      • BOOM #6: Financial Privacy Restored – NESARA ends the constant surveillance on your finances. No more government control over your money—it’s yours, and yours alone!
      • BOOM #7: Suppressed Technology Released – Over 6,000 secret patents are about to be released! From free energy to miracle medical cures, these technologies will obliterate the power structures that have kept the world in chains!
      • BOOM #8: Humanitarian Projects – NESARA is launching global humanitarian efforts, with funding that will transform lives worldwide. This is about more than survival, it’s about abundance for all!
      • BOOM #9: Restitution and Redemption – The elites’ stolen wealth will be returned to the people. NESARA will right the wrongs of the past, with restitution for unconstitutional acts and unjust debt.
      • BOOM #10: The QFS Voting System – Say goodbye to rigged elections. With the Quantum Financial System, every vote is validated and secure. True democracy is finally here!

NESARA GESARA isn’t just a policy—it’s a global reset that will destroy the old world order and give power back to the people. The 30+1 provisions are the blueprint for a global revolution. Are you ready for the explosion?


From the ETs (extraterrestrials)

AKATU ~ Choosing Not To Complain

Beloved Friends Of Earth!

It Is Entirely Possible To Enjoy Life Every Moment. Habitual Complaining Is A Common Occurrence In Your World. Breaking This Cycle Will Serve You Well. Whether With Yourself, Others Or In Circumstances That Unfold Without Your Conscious Choice, Find The Reason That The Particular Instance Has Shown Up. Be Content With What You Have And Thankful For What Is To Come.

No One Has To Look For Something To Complain About. Everything Around You Is Unfolding With Chaos That Is Beyond Your Control. There Are Storms That Are Directed To Locations And Amplified By The Darkest Of Beings. These Are Active In Planning The Demise Of Many. We Will Address And Review The Manner Of Transcending All To Spirit. But For Trauma, Surprises And The Cause And Effect That Plays Out, Buckle Up And Hold On! Let’s Find Ways To Survive And Thrive Plans That Come As Storms. You Calm Them By Your Own Perspective. You Can Do Anything With This Wisdom!

There Is No Denying That Obstacles Are There. This Is Not Ever To See Something Happening That Is Not Truth. It Is Wisdom To Allow Your Own Creative Mind To Serve You In All Things. Create A Space Of Silence And Allow Only Thoughts Of Healing. Refusing To Complain About Life Unfolding Will Bring Light And Healing. This Begins In The Individual And Moves Into The Collective Consciousness. Thoughts Are Energy Constructs That Move In A Frequency Of Healing Or Destruction.

Create The Scene That You Desire. Allow Every Positive Thought To Bathe The Scenes. For Those That Have Experienced The Loss Of Homes, Employment And Loved Ones, Go Deeply To Find Comfort. See The Land As Green And Thriving With Lush Produce And Healthy Trees. See Animals Playing And Enjoying Life. If A Loved One Perished In A Trauma Or Left The Body Naturally, Know They Are Safe And More Powerful Than You Know In This Moment.

Real Prayer Is Within And The Result Is From The Activation Of Your Belief. A Frequency Of Power That Matches Your Prayer Is Heard In The Ethers Of Infinity. Spirit Communication Moves With Energy, Light And Consciousness. The Greater The Light, The More Magnificent Is The Response. This Is The Truth Of Answered Prayer. Calling Those Things That Are Not, As Though They Are.

We Speak Often Of Gratitude. There Is Always Something To Be Grateful For. If You Can Walk, See, Move And Think, Then Gratitude Can Flow From Your Lips. If You Cannot Walk, See Or Move, Gratitude Can Still Bring Gifts. Set Your Intention To Be Grateful In All Things. Then List The Reasons For Gratitude And You Might Be Astonished. A Perceived Handicap May Be Your Greatest Asset. See It As A Blessing And You Will Never Want To Complain Again.

Each Moment That You Become Grateful For Life, More Comes Your Way To Be Grateful For. Your Vibrational Frequency Is Raised And The Complete Physiology Of Your Body Changes. Hormones Balance, Neurotransmitters Are Released In Desired Quantities And There Is A Sense Of Well Being. The Counter To This Is The Lowering Vibration That Comes With Complaining. Learn To See That This Moment Is Perfect. Even If You Must Search To Feel This, Say It Through Tears Until A Smile Comes!

Perfect Peace Is The Gift That Arrives With Meditation. A Heartfelt Connection With The Soul Brings Instant Solace. Remembering The Light Within As You Commune, Is Like Going Home. Your Heart Is Your Best Friend. Check In And See How It Is Doing.

Imagine That Nothing Has A Dollar Sign Attached. Look Around And See That You Have Enough! If A Table Or Vase Seem To Be In The Way, Perhaps It Is Time To Donate. Be Thankful For All That Surrounds You With Service And Give Away Objects That Clutter Your Life. Many Hold On To Things That Take Up Space. They  Feel That Money Was Spent To Purchase The Item Therefore It Must Have Relevance To Remain. But You Have Forgotten That You Arrived From A Place Where No Money Is Needed. All Objects Are Created By Choice And Gifts For Others. With A Mindset Like This On Earth, What Would Remain As Important?


How We Can Cure Cancer

We have been told SO MANY lies!



Brunson Case — PENDING

The final decisions from the current SCOTUS session are about to drop any day now. Election turnover?



Latest Video on X Oct 27:

All three branches of the US “government” (in fact, a US foreign corporation that is now defunct) have been proven to have been compromised (legislative, justice, and executive), so it’s time, finally, for the military to step in a visibly take control. I expect to see this happen extremely soon. I don’t know whether the Supreme Court will play a role, or not, because they are not a legitimate body. There will be another high court, most likely in Pennsylvania, that is soon to be revealed.

The court case brought by the Brunson Brothers has already been decided in their favour. It just hasn’t been announced. This will turn over the 2020 election and bring Trump publicly back to power.



“Project Sandman” describes a 100+ nation agreement that, when triggered, will see those nations simultaneously dump the dollar and abandon the “petrodollar.” When this “event” is triggered, the dollar and all dollar-denominated assets will rise.

It seems to have been triggered this past week with the turn in the dollar (DXY) to the upside.

What will happen (this is a planned event by the US military) is that one hundred, or so, countries, will sell their US dollars back to the US and will cease holding dollars. This would be perceived as deflationary to the US, as these dollars would move back into the US treasury, and turn the dollar up, which is what we want to have happen.

When a currency is being taken out of circulation, its value increases. That’s deflationary.

The other potential driver of the dollar is the release of huge amounts of humanitarian funds (and restitution funds — think seniors) which are believed to be in the new currencies. The financial “reset is now imminent. The new gold-backed dollar is set to be unleashed into the economy, which will also put pressure on the fiat currency to rise in value (because there will be fewer of them in the economy).

Nearly 60% of international reserves are held in dollar-denominated assets, and it’s by far the most-used currency for trade. The dollar is involved in about 88% of all international trade transactions.

When Israel is defeated in this current war, the main stream media, which it owns, will also come down. At that point, we should be ready to roll into the Emergency Broadcast System playback around the world over a ten day period.

So, the “cavalry” seems to be waiting on the edge of town! But it’s been there for a while! It’s long OVERDUE!


Situation Report for Sunday, November 24 — PDF DOWNLOAD: Restored-Republic-via-a-GCR-11-24-2024

CAVEAT: The Situation Report scrapes information from a variety of channels in the Telegram app, without any attempt to determine reliability of that information. But, there’s also a an amount of military intel. I find it more useful than not. They try, but there’s so much misinformation these days. Use your own discernment as to what is accurate, or believable.


We’re in the STORM — the STORM Brings Justice

There are still several tasks to be undertaken in terms of doling out justice. We’re in THE STORM which is responsible for mass arrests now happening worldwide. As in any movie, there are always details at the end to wrap up the plot. This movie is no exception. You’ll see a list below. It seems we’re going to see some of this happen during the Emergency Broadcast System playback and perhaps, even after. I’m hearing that martial law is going to be in place for quite some time to come. Military tribunals and live executions are scheduled for the summer of 2024. Many have been completed, but there are a lot more to go, at lower levels of corruption.

This warning graphic below will remain up as a reminder of the impending change in fortunes that is not very far off in the distance and will definitely affect the market.

TUESDAY? The 34 Satanic Sites

Here’s an updated list on the 34 satanic sites that are going to be destroyed. The ones followed by xxxx are ones already taken out. Others may have a note after them.

Which Tuesday? It’s always been slated for a Tuesday. We just don’t know which one, but I now think this is imminent. However, WWIII has been imminent for weeks, so we’ll see. 

xxx means gone/taken down


  1. Ark of Bal xxx
  2. Augusta Germany Castle
  3. Biltmore Hotel, Coral Cables,Miami
  4. Buckingham Palace
  5. Cern in Switzerland
  6. Bohemian Grove xxx
  7. Comet Pizza in Hollywood xxx
  8. Denver International Airport
  9. Epstein Island Dome
  10. Georgia Guidestones xxxx
  11. Hoover Dam
  12. La Louvre in France
  13. London Bank 1 xxx
  14. London Bank 2 xxx
  15. London Bridge London
  16. London Bridge Lake Havasu City, AR
  17. Northern Castle (Biltmore) xxx
  18. Notre Dame Cathedral in France xxx
  19. Opera House in Sidney Australia
  20. Pentagon
  21. Playboy Mansion xxx
  22. Statue of Liberty – son
  23. Stonehenge – about to go
  24. Tesla Building (will be a free energy tower)
  25. The Getty Museum xxx
  26. The Queens Hunting Lounge xxx
  27. The Vatican
  28. Three Gorges Dam
  29. US Capitol
  30. Victoria Secret’s Home xxx
  31. Washington Monument – soon cracked
  32. White House 1 (Germany)
  33. White House 2 (D.C.)
  34. Windsor Tower – soon


Enjoy the Awakening!

Know the Past. See the Future


Webinar Playback:  Elliott Wave Basics

If you’re new to the Elliott Wave Principle, or even fairly comfortable with it, this webinar will give you a solid introduction and comprehensive understanding of the difference between trending and counter-trend waves, the various patterns for both types of wave patterns, and a good overview of how fibonacci ratios determine trade targets.

Video Playback (Click here)This is link to the YouTube playback video, allowing you to review, stop and start, etc.


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US Market Snapshot (based on end-of-week wave structure)

This chart is posted to provide a prediction of future market direction. DO NOT trade based upon the information presented here (certainly NOT from a daily chart).

Here's the latest daily chart of the SP500

Above is the daily chart of the SP500

The SP500 is sitting VERY close to the final high now. From Wednesday of this past week, the rally took hold and from the low of 5853, has risen to a Friday close of 5968. The current all-time high sits at 6017, slightly above my measured target of 6000. We need to test or surpass that high before we're going to see a trend change to the downside.

But Monday is certainly looking good, with the Brunson case on tap for exposure through SCOTUS (the Supreme Court of the United States). The order is supposed to come out at 9:30 am ET. The Brunson was "heard" on Friday and the orders are to come out Monday morning.

Aside from equities being very close to the final high, what's more interesting is what the dollar has done. DXY (the US Dollar Index) also up at a new high, having completely disassociated itself from equities.

DXY has completely retraced the previous pattern to the downside, which was a triple zigzag. The takeaway here is that once you have three zigzags in a row, the market must reverse and if more downside is to come, it must fully retrace the entire triple zigzag pattern, which it has done with a wave up from October 1. Although the wave up is in five waves, it's a corrective wave.

We're now set up for a new low for the dollar, which will be a huge move and suggests an event may be imminent. If you pay attention to the intel all across Telegram and TruthSocial, the Brunson case turnover is also imminent. That would be a huge market-mover.

In summary, for the SP500, the overall direction is still up (not much longer) and we're in the final sub-wave. I'm not sure if the ending expanding diagonal is active in the SP500. If it is, we may rise slightly above the 6000 target. For futures, I believe the current ending expanding diagonal pattern IS active.

This is one sick market. It has been manipulated far too long and the structures are really starting to show it. There's also a lot going on under the surface. After all, we've switched currencies now technically, but practically, until people are told through the awakening process, we're still in a fiat world, although on the verge of collapse.

There are no celestial events this week, not any scheduled financial market-moved. However, the US market will be closed Thursday all day for Thanksgiving and will close early on Friday at 1pm. This might market the final close for the start of the Emergency Broadcast System, however, that's more opinion than fact, at the moment.

In summary, entire market is very close to a trend change. It could happen any time now. 

I have heard nothing concrete about the shutdown of the internet, but it is going to happen.

NESARA GESARA became law on October 1, but has not been announced publicly yet. We still have the expectation that the 2020 election will be declared null and void by the Brunson case, which we know is sitting in the wings. This would certainly move the market.


NESARA GESARA is law internationally but not announced publicly yet. When NESARA GESARA is announced publicly worldwide, It will shut down governments, courts, and police worldwide, trigger a golden jubilee and bring in natural law throughout. It's a major milestone.

The shutdown will include the internet, and I expect they'll shut down trading, which would likely mean we'd just pick up again from where we left off after the Great Awakening video playback is over.


Know the Past. See the Future

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