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Is It Wake Up Time?
Tamon Yamaguchi
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Traders Gold
Forum Posts: 2
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March 21, 2021
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March 21, 2021 – 4:47 pm
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Hi Peter,

I find your posts on this subject fascinating.  I’m very open to all the ideas you are describing but i find myself thinking it is too good to be true.  I know that you say some people think you are crazy.  Are you interacting with people online about these ideas.  If so, where?


Peter Temple
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Forum Posts: 123
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December 29, 2013
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March 21, 2021 – 6:39 pm
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Hi Tamon,
Thanks for the kind words. I’m teasing a bit in my posts because there is so much going on, to cover it all would need at least a chapter in a book (and that’s the last two days alone).

The people that think I’m crazy are friends, family, and other sheep who wander around in masks without thinking. I’ve been predicting this revolution on this site for six solid years and it’s here and some just can’t Understand what’s actually going on. They mostly don’t want to find out.

This it the revolution to wipe out the Illuminati for good and we’re just about there. I means a new financial system, the end of most major diseases, the end ot pedophilia and murdering of children, and the end to Satanists; in short, it means we’re all going to be free. All debt is going to be forgiven and we’re going to “reboot the world.” Many of the people that follow me do so because they have an idea what’s going on, but probably not the depth I have.

The next two weeks will reveal everything and shock 99% of the world.


Tamon Yamaguchi
New Member
Traders Gold
Forum Posts: 2
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March 21, 2021
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March 22, 2021 – 9:03 am
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Hi Peter,

Thank you for your quick response.  I have been hearing about this and anxiously awaiting it for some time.  To think it might begin in the next two weeks is almost too good to believe.  I wish i knew more about it or where to find out more.


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