Waiting on Brunson
It’s obvious (to me, at least) that we’re at the precipice of the tables turning on the Deep State, or what’s left of it. I see that everywhere these days.
In Calgary, Alberta, Canada, where for example, there’s been an “attack” on city council in the past week. We have a very knowledgable, wide-awake sovereign putting the entire council on notice, and asking for their oaths of office, which we know don’t exist. The short video on this is below.
The story is that the Deep State is on its last legs and people are starting to fight back!
In my case, in which I was arrested in my own home without warning (and evicted), it turns out we can’t even find the court order in the Alberta court database. And, we can’t find the court case that justices site as their basis for refusing to deal with any claims brought by those who are awake to the fraud being perpetrated. I now have an investigation and case lodged with the Internationa Court of Justice, in the Hague.
That case will take time, but I’m confident that I’ll be walking back into my home shortly. I’m reticent to push it too far too early because the court system in targeting me, which is quite obvious. They don’t like the fact that I know the truth and have no reservations about telling it.
The courts are corrupt, the politicians are corrupt, the police are corrupt. That not a hill I care to die on, because in Alberta, my experience is that they like to send in swat teams to remove homeowners from their own homes. This is for a civil case! Military is the only way.
So, what’s going on this weekend to give us hope that things are changing?
WWIII (the movie version) is well underway and we’re told we’re at the precipice. However, change seems to be in the works as we’ve recently been told that the Deep State is out of money and can’t mount a real WWIII. But, we know that the White Hats have been in control for a long time (ie — the military), so this is telling me that they don’t see the need for the apocalypse we’ve all been expecting, so while it should happen, it might be toned down, somewhat.
You can take that with the latest announcements that the lockdown will only be done as needed in major centres where there are still issues, where they expect riots and other false flat events. I’m of the opinion that there are factions out there that are not going to take this revolution kindly. They’ve committed treason; what to they have to lose?
We still need to see the bombings of the 34 satanic buildings, the nine dams (including the Three Gorges Dam in China) and the demise of the Golden Gate Bridge, which is part of a child trafficking network called “The Yellow Brick Road.”
All these rabbit holes go very deep. You have no idea how deep unless you’ve done a whole lot of research. It all has to come down and most of it has. The military always does their work before they announce it the public. This is the reason for the movie. It allows the work to be done covertly without the need to alert the enemy, until it’s over.
The Trigger: The Brunson case was supposed to drop in the Supreme Court on Monday morning, November 25, at 9:30 ET. We’ve heard from quite some time that it has been decided in Trump’s favour, which means the 2020 election will be overturned and Trump will come back to stop the war. That’s the plan we’ve been given and it’s been reinforced over and over again. Trump’s reinstatement announcement should take down the stock market. As I explain below, I think this may happen on Tuesday.
The reinstatement will bring in the military (martial law) and this, I suspect will also force the announcement of GESARA.
There is intel that the EBS will start up only a couple of days later. The focus now is on the alerts starting, which could be as early as today, Sunday, Dec. 1. I think that’s the first signal we should be looking for.
Iraq is telegraphing that the final auction of their currency will take place tonight (Sunday) but I don’t expect to see the results until the full market is open. That doesn’t happen until the US opens and that’s at 9:30 am on Monday.
The alert system and starlink are ready to go. Med Beds are ready to go. The revaluation of currencies is ready to go. There’s a rumour out there that the employees of the redemption centres are expecting to be at work on Monday, December 2. We’re certainly close.
Here’s a calendar I’ve put together putting all these elements together. This is speculation at this point, but I think the events are in order and it give you something to watch for.

Comments on the Calendar (above)
This is a Gregorian Calendar, which is the satanic calendar we’ve been using since 1582 when they removed 10 days from it in October, so it will need some adjustment still to get us to the Lunar calendar of 13 months.
The Julian calendar dates are in red (its dates are 13 day earlier). This is the calendar the military uses. We will be going to that calendar but with 13 months. March is the last month of the year and April will start the new year. Based on that, January is the 11th month.
The date on Tuesday is Julian 11/20. We know that as November 20, but on the Lunar calendar, it’s actually January 20, I believe. However, they tell us the calendar is about the change, so all my hard work figuring this out might come to naught. That aside, Trump has been saying he’s coming back on January 20. Well, by my calculations, here we are … or will be, on Tuesday.
Their was a new moon on Saturday, November 30. New moon are supposed to start each month of 28 days (to make 13 months) on the Lunar Calendar. So, I expect we’ll see the new calendar change very soon.
The stock market is very close to a top. I could certainly see that top taking place on Tuesday. Let’s see what happens.
We haven’t seen our first alert yet. But when we do, expect seven of them before we get the Emergency Broadcast System to trigger. We have not been told what the period is for these alerts. Will it be one-a-day or will they happen over a shorter time-frame? I don’t know. There is a lot we still don’t know about schedule. We’re close, though.
Liquidity Update (When Will the Reset Occur?
This just out tonight from Whiplash, who is sort of a trusted source. He knows about as much as anyone else — the military does not give out dates. We’ve been told there will be clues as to dates. This, I believe relates to the Quantum Reset (distribution of funds to the greater public).
MBS (Mohammed bin Salman) is Santa
12/12 Santa Hammer
The official launch and comprehensive introduction of liquidity will be conducted from December 13th to December 25th
If the official launch of liquidity for the normies is December 13th and we have to have EBS 10 days earlier then we’re talking about EBS on the 4th or 5th. They’re still just putting out snippets of clues.
Med Bed Update
WED. 27 NOV. WHAT WILL MED BED DISCLOSURE LOOK LIKE, Skye received this info from Military running the Med Bed disclosure operation.
- SCOTUS is supposed to announce the Brunson results, which will trigger the release of the website for phone numbers to book Med Bed appointments. Skye will be given the info and will pass it on to us.
- About a week after the Brunson announcement, Kerrie-Ann will then be asked to do her Live-Streamed Med Bed procedure.
- The entire time the procedure is happening the camera will be on Skye in the Med Bed. We will actually see the changes in real time! (Now that blew my mind!
- When the filming of Skye stops, the live stream will continue for 10 hours.
- The name of each country, worldwide in alphabetical order will be shown on the screen with the phone number for their Med Bed appointments.
- THAT IS THE FULL DISCLOSURE OF THE MEDBEDS TO THE PUBLIC. This will run continuously for 10 hours.
- We WILL have the numbers before this happens.
What Has Been the Holdup With Iraq?
Trump: The money of Iraqi officials in American banks will become the share of the American people*.
US President Donald Trump stated hours ago that the money of Iraqi politicians deposited in American banks belongs to the American people and is the tax on the blood of American soldiers who were exhausted in Iraq.
The names of the thieves as published on the US Treasury website:
- Nouri al-Maliki $66 billion
- Adnan al-Asadi $25 billion
- Saleh al-Mutlaq $28 billion
- Baqir al-Zubaidi $30 billion
- Baha al-Araji $37 billion
- Mohammed al-Daraji $19 billion
- Hoshar Zebari $21 billion
- Masoud Barzani $59 billion
- Salim al-Jabouri $15 billion
- Saadoun al-Dulaimi $18 billion
- Farouk al-Araji $16 billion
- Adel Abdul Mahdi $31 billion
- Osama al-Nujaifi $28 billion
- Haider al-Abadi $17 billion
- Mohammed al-Karbouli $20 billion
- Ahmed Nouri al-Maliki $14 billion
- Tariq Najm $7 billion
- Ali al-Alaq $19 billion
- Ali al-Yassari $12 billion
- Hassan al-Anbari $7 billion
- Iyad Allawi $44 billion
- Jalal Talabani $35 billion
- Rafi al-Issawi $29 billion Dollars
- Total $597 billion
No wonder there have been delays!
Trump’s Latest Speech on Freedom on Speech
A little choppy but gives a good idea of the terror that is striking the hearts of the Deep State. We are becoming the hunters.
The EVENT (from last week)
THE EVENT (WWIII) could still happen this weekend, leading into Monday and the SCOTUS decision. The narrative has always has Trump coming back to end the conflict.
THE EVENT has many facets to it.
The World Wide Blackout to change over to TESLA Energy. Knocking out Media Satellites, QFS, Rods of God on Dams & 34 Buildings & much much more.
34 Buildings will be in the EVENT.
They are very significant. (ie: Whitehouse, Royal Castles, Buckingham Palace, Vatican, Getty Museum, Playboy Mansion and the like).
As the White Hats pull the plug on the Deep State’s corrupt banking system and transition us to the Quantum Financial System (QFS), chaos is imminent. Riots, false flags, and turmoil in major cities are expected. A market crash could be days away.
TOTAL COMMUNICATION FAILURE IS COMING. The EBS will transmit LOUD emergency alerts directly to mobile phones worldwide via the Starlink satellite system. During this blackout, there will be NO internet, NO cell service, NOTHING. ATMs, credit, and debit card systems will also go down—they run on the internet. Think about it. This is not a drill.
WELLS FARGO, JP MORGAN CHASE, AND BANK OF AMERICA HAVE DECLARED BANKRUPTCY. More banks are following suit. This time, there will be NO ONE to bail them out. Depositors could lose everything. Yes, a bank run is not only possible — it’s inevitable. The global financial collapse is here, and the United States is cornered: transition to the new system or perish. There is no other way.
Are you ready? The clock is ticking. The storm we’ve been warning you about is now overhead. Nothing can stop what is coming. EVERYTHING will change. Spread the word.

Are we looking at Patel 2.0 on the right in these before and after pics? Trump likes to put the bad guys front and centre to expose them.
President Donald J. Trump has officially appointed Kash Patel as the new FBI Director, and the deep state is in a full-blown meltdown. This isn’t just another leadership change—it’s a full-scale assault on the corruption that has gripped America for decades. Justice delayed will no longer be justice denied!
Kash Patel has already confirmed the FBI possesses Jeffrey Epstein’s infamous blackbook—a directory of global elites alleged to be involved in heinous crimes. Past FBI leadership buried it. Patel? He’s promising full exposure. No more elite protection. It’s time for accountability, and the names in that book are about to be dragged into the light.
Why has the FBI refused to release the manifesto of the Nashville shooter? What are they hiding? Patel has vowed to make it public. America will finally learn the motives behind this tragedy, exposing what political forces have desperately tried to bury.
Deleted coup-related texts? Patel says nothing is truly deleted. The texts exposing government corruption and treason will come to light. And the January 6th pipe bomber? Patel is demanding the release of withheld footage, promising to reveal what the FBI has hidden for years.
The greatest hoax in modern history is about to be unmasked. Patel’s unredacted RussiaGate report will name names and expose the deep state operatives who weaponized lies to undermine President Trump. This isn’t just corruption—it’s treason, and justice is coming.
President Trump’s appointment of Patel signals the start of a new era—one where the corrupt elites no longer call the shots. Together, they’re dismantling the deep state and restoring America’s faith in justice.
The revolution has begun. The Epstein blackbook, the Nashville manifesto, the coup texts, the RussiaGate report—it’s all coming out. Buckle up, patriots. Justice is here, and the deep state is DONE!
Who is Michael Flynn?
There has been speculation about him for a long time. Is he Deep State, or a patriot under cover. Hard to tell. But this came out again this morning … again. It came out about three years ago and it’s back. Usually when that happens, there’s a good reason.
Our world is not what you think it is. You won’t have much longer to wait to find out the truth.
Look at the Golden seal on his Captains Hat.
Murdoch from the Titanic is the Kraken. (“Release the Kraken,” was a term used by Sydney Powell early on in uncovering the 2020 election fraud)
General Flynn is Captain Murdoch from the Titanic. (we know time travel is real)
The Titanic was built by JP Morgan and Rothschilds in order to kill those in opposition of their Federal Reserve.
From Inception in 1913 to its bankruptcy to NESARA in 2020 was 107 years.
17. (you remove the zero)
God Wins.
Have at them, Captain.
We have been waiting a long time for your arrival.
This is a video that came out this morning of a presentation that took place on November 18, 2024 to our local city council. This needs to start happening across the balance of cities in North America. They are mostly corporations that have absolutely no jurisdiction over living men and women. They are all criminals.
The Role of the Military
- As the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) alert is unleashed, military forces worldwide are mobilizing. The Earth Alliance—comprised of white hat military forces from various nations—has been coordinating this operation for years. In the United States, patriot militias and other groups have already been activated and stand ready to confront Deep State operatives who dare to disrupt the plan.
- The military will uphold order, but don’t be deceived—the elites will fight back. Expect false flags designed to sow chaos and confusion. The globalists know their time is over, and they will stop at nothing to thwart the Alliance. But their desperate attempts will fail.
- In this pivotal moment, Martial Law is almost inevitable. Military tribunals will be broadcast through the EBS, and the world will witness the downfall of corrupt politicians, bankers, and corporate elites who have enslaved humanity for generations. You will see arrests, shocking confessions, and the complete dismantling of the globalist networks that have oppressed us.
- The Deep State’s financial empire will crumble. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is set to officially take over, ushering in the greatest transfer of wealth in human history. The elite-controlled banks, stock markets, and fiat currencies will be obliterated and replaced with a fair, transparent financial system designed to serve the people, not the oppressors.
- Prepare yourselves—this is the storm you’ve been waiting for. Nothing can stop what is coming.

As of November 27, 2024, the world is witnessing the greatest revolution of our time. The Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA) is no longer a secret—it’s a global shift tearing apart the corrupt systems that have enslaved humanity for centuries.
Wealth Redistribution Has Begun
Military coalitions worldwide have seized over $12 trillion from secret elite accounts tied to trafficking, weapons, and corruption. These funds are being funneled into humanitarian projects, erasing debt and rebuilding infrastructure. In South America, Africa, and Asia, millions have reported debts vanishing—mortgages, loans, and credit cards wiped clean without explanation.
EBS Testing and Military Strikes
Localized blackouts in places like Montana, Austria, and Tasmania are part of Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) testing, preparing for a global disclosure. Military operations continue to dismantle the Cabal’s last strongholds.
November 18: U.S. and Russian forces raided a secret Antarctic base, securing stolen artifacts and shutting down communication hubs.
November 20: Elite units in Hong Kong dismantled a trafficking network, seizing $800 million in illicit funds.
November 23: Gold reserves hidden beneath Vatican vaults were confiscated, ending centuries of hoarded wealth.
Redemption Centers Are Active
By November 25, Redemption Centers across the globe integrated Quantum Verification Portals (QVPs) to authenticate participants. DNA-based verification ensures only legitimate individuals access redistributed wealth, blocking deep-state infiltration.
Starlink’s Role in the Revolution
The Starlink quantum network now links 190 nations, ensuring secure military coordination. Recent Cabal attempts to move stolen assets were intercepted and neutralized within hours.
GESARA’s Immediate Impact
Debt Forgiveness Notices are rolling out globally. Mortgage, student loan, and credit card debts are vanishing for millions.
Asset-backed currencies are being introduced, starting with limited gold-backed currency in China and Russia.
Infrastructure projects funded by seized assets are breaking ground, including advanced medical facilities in Africa and clean energy initiatives in Europe.
The Cabal’s End Is Near
Military forces confirm 95% of the Cabal’s operations dismantled, with the remainder scrambling to flee or sabotage. High-ranking operatives have been captured, revealing hidden assets in South America.
The Final Phase Begins
As Redemption Centers open to the public on December 1, and the EBS prepares for full activation by November 30, the world stands on the brink of full disclosure.
This is not just a moment—it’s the revolution that will reshape humanity forever. The Cabal is falling. The people are rising. Trust the system. The future is ours.
The Mysterious Human Heart
Brunson Case — PENDING
The final decisions from the current SCOTUS session are about to drop any day now. Election turnover?
Latest Video on X Oct 27: https://x.com/george18kennedy/status/1850534466432745763
All three branches of the US “government” (in fact, a US foreign corporation that is now defunct) have been proven to have been compromised (legislative, justice, and executive), so it’s time, finally, for the military to step in a visibly take control. I expect to see this happen extremely soon. I don’t know whether the Supreme Court will play a role, or not, because they are not a legitimate body. There will be another high court, most likely in Pennsylvania, that is soon to be revealed.
The court case brought by the Brunson Brothers has already been decided in their favour. It just hasn’t been announced. This will turn over the 2020 election and bring Trump publicly back to power.
“Project Sandman” describes a 100+ nation agreement that, when triggered, will see those nations simultaneously dump the dollar and abandon the “petrodollar.” When this “event” is triggered, the dollar and all dollar-denominated assets will rise.
It seems to have been triggered this past week with the turn in the dollar (DXY) to the upside.
What will happen (this is a planned event by the US military) is that one hundred, or so, countries, will sell their US dollars back to the US and will cease holding dollars. This would be perceived as deflationary to the US, as these dollars would move back into the US treasury, and turn the dollar up, which is what we want to have happen.
When a currency is being taken out of circulation, its value increases. That’s deflationary.
The other potential driver of the dollar is the release of huge amounts of humanitarian funds (and restitution funds — think seniors) which are believed to be in the new currencies. The financial “reset is now imminent. The new gold-backed dollar is set to be unleashed into the economy, which will also put pressure on the fiat currency to rise in value (because there will be fewer of them in the economy).
Nearly 60% of international reserves are held in dollar-denominated assets, and it’s by far the most-used currency for trade. The dollar is involved in about 88% of all international trade transactions.
When Israel is defeated in this current war, the main stream media, which it owns, will also come down. At that point, we should be ready to roll into the Emergency Broadcast System playback around the world over a ten day period.
So, the “cavalry” seems to be waiting on the edge of town! But it’s been there for a while! It’s long OVERDUE!
Situation Report for Sunday, December 1 — PDF DOWNLOAD: Restored-Republic-via-a-GCR-12-1-2024
CAVEAT: The Situation Report scrapes information from a variety of channels in the Telegram app, without any attempt to determine reliability of that information. But, there’s also a an amount of military intel. I find it more useful than not. They try, but there’s so much misinformation these days. Use your own discernment as to what is accurate, or believable.
We’re in the STORM — the STORM Brings Justice
There are still several tasks to be undertaken in terms of doling out justice. We’re in THE STORM which is responsible for mass arrests now happening worldwide. As in any movie, there are always details at the end to wrap up the plot. This movie is no exception. You’ll see a list below. It seems we’re going to see some of this happen during the Emergency Broadcast System playback and perhaps, even after. I’m hearing that martial law is going to be in place for quite some time to come. Military tribunals and live executions are scheduled for the summer of 2024. Many have been completed, but there are a lot more to go, at lower levels of corruption.
This warning graphic below will remain up as a reminder of the impending change in fortunes that is not very far off in the distance and will definitely affect the market.

TUESDAY? The 34 Satanic Sites
Here’s an updated list on the 34 satanic sites that are going to be destroyed. The ones followed by xxxx are ones already taken out. Others may have a note after them.
Which Tuesday? It’s always been slated for a Tuesday. We just don’t know which one, but I now think this is imminent. However, WWIII has been imminent for weeks, so we’ll see.
xxx means gone/taken down
- Ark of Bal xxx
- Augusta Germany Castle
- Biltmore Hotel, Coral Cables,Miami
- Buckingham Palace
- Cern in Switzerland
- Bohemian Grove xxx
- Comet Pizza in Hollywood xxx
- Denver International Airport
- Epstein Island Dome
- Georgia Guidestones xxxx
- Hoover Dam
- La Louvre in France
- London Bank 1 xxx
- London Bank 2 xxx
- London Bridge London
- London Bridge Lake Havasu City, AR
- Northern Castle (Biltmore) xxx
- Notre Dame Cathedral in France xxx
- Opera House in Sidney Australia
- Pentagon
- Playboy Mansion xxx
- Statue of Liberty – son
- Stonehenge – about to go
- Tesla Building (will be a free energy tower)
- The Getty Museum xxx
- The Queens Hunting Lounge xxx
- The Vatican
- Three Gorges Dam
- US Capitol
- Victoria Secret’s Home xxx
- Washington Monument – soon cracked
- White House 1 (Germany)
- White House 2 (D.C.)
- Windsor Tower – soon
Enjoy the Awakening!
Know the Past. See the Future
Webinar Playback: Elliott Wave Basics
If you’re new to the Elliott Wave Principle, or even fairly comfortable with it, this webinar will give you a solid introduction and comprehensive understanding of the difference between trending and counter-trend waves, the various patterns for both types of wave patterns, and a good overview of how fibonacci ratios determine trade targets.
Video Playback (Click here)This is link to the YouTube playback video, allowing you to review, stop and start, etc.
US Market Snapshot (based on end-of-week wave structure)
This chart is posted to provide a prediction of future market direction. DO NOT trade based upon the information presented here (certainly NOT from a daily chart).
Here's the latest daily chart of the SP500
Above is the daily chart of the SP500
The SP500 is sitting VERY close to the final high. The count is full except for an expected final high. The current all-time high sits at 6044, slightly above my measured target of 6000. We need to test or surpass that high before we're going to see a trend change to the downside. I expect weakness over the weekend before we see the final high, expected this week.
Tuesday is certainly looking good, with the Brunson case on tap for exposure through SCOTUS (the Supreme Court of the United States). The order waa supposed to come out last Monday, but no explanation as to why that didn't happen.
DXY, the US Dollar Index, is now dropping lower from a new high last weekend. It's now down below the previous fourth wave of one lessor degree, signifying a top is probably in. I expect a partial retrace this weekend.
DXY's large wave up from October 1 appears corrective and my bias is for a new low below 100 before a rebound the upside and continuing new highs from there, a major trend change to the upside, which should also top the equities.
We're now set up for a new low for the dollar, which will be a huge move and suggests an event may be imminent, most likely the Brunson case decision and the turnover of the 2020 election.
In summary, for the SP500, the overall direction is still up (not much longer) and we're in the final sub-wave. I'm not sure if the ending expanding diagonal is active in the SP500. If it is, we may rise towards the upper trendline. For futures, I believe the current ending expanding diagonal pattern IS active.
This is one sick market. It has been manipulated far too long and the structures are really starting to show it. There's also a lot going on under the surface. After all, we've switched currencies now technically, but practically, until people are told through the awakening process, we're still in a fiat world, although on the verge of collapse.
There is a new moon this weekend on November 30 and there is the monthly labor report on Friday, December 6, at 830 am ET, which can be a market-mover.
In summary, entire market is very close to a trend change. It could happen any time now.
I have heard nothing concrete about the shutdown of the internet, but it is going to happen and it could be this coming week.
NESARA GESARA became law on October 1, but has not been announced publicly yet. We still have the expectation that the 2020 election will be declared null and void by the Brunson case, which we know is sitting in the wings. This would certainly move the market.
NESARA GESARA is law internationally but not announced publicly yet. When NESARA GESARA is announced publicly worldwide, It will shut down governments, courts, and police worldwide, trigger a golden jubilee and bring in natural law throughout. It's a major milestone.
The shutdown will include the internet, and I expect they'll shut down trading, which would likely mean we'd just pick up again from where we left off after the Great Awakening video playback is over.
This website is for educational purposes relating to Elliott Wave, natural cycles, and the Quantum Revolution (Great Awakening). I welcome questions or comments about any of these subjects. Due to a heavy schedule, I may not have the time to answer questions that relate to my area of expertise.
I reserve the right to remove any comment that is deemed negative, is unhelpful, or off-topic. Such comments may be removed.
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