Can’t Fake Out the Clock!
Over the past week, we had a strong rally in five waves in futures. On Friday, the expectation was that we’d see weakness ending in a partial retrace to the 62% level, providing us with the a long entry.
We got the weakness on Friday, but not the second wave expected. By the end of the day, futures had retraced to the 76% level, which usually means we’ll see a new low. This is my call for the weekend.
Where the clock comes in relates to a motif that’s been used by the Q Team (SpecialOps military) to foreshadow a major revolutionary event, although we don’t know exactly what that event is. Speculation is that it will be the announcement of GESARA. Although GESARA is not widely known, I still expect it to have a positive effect on the market, as a whole.
They’ve been using a Mickey Mouse clock (above) for the past couple of years to forecast this major event and the date on the clock is 10/10, or October 10, which is this coming Monday.
As a result, I’m expecting this coming week to be volatile. There are multiple possible market influences shaping up.
This week is earnings season with corporate earnings reports coming out daily. Companies and businesses will be calculating and reporting on their data for the last 3 months. There is a lot of concern that the data presented will show continued decline (concerns that when out in the media, usually mean the opposite for the market).
Asset management giant and iShares owner BlackRock is due to report Thursday. JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Citigroup and Morgan Stanley are just a few of the several top banks set to release results on Friday.
As well, we have some possible scenarios as a result of events orchestrated by the Q movement (the US and Allied Military Forces).
President Trump is completing two rallies this weekend, one on Saturday in Nevada and another in Arizona on Sunday. There is a good probability of WWIII being declared sometime this week. We also have a celestial event this weekend, with a full Hunter Moon at it’s apex on Sunday night.
There is talk again this weekend of a possible “arrest of Trump” event. This would be staged, and with the likely declaration of war, result in the US military stepping in to secure his release. He has already been sworn in as the 19th president of the new republic, and the 2020 election has been overturned by the Supreme Court. The US CORPORATION, USA INC is bankrupt and has no power. What you’re witnessing is part of the finely-crafted, elaborate script for the revolution currently underway.
The removal of Biden as the fake president and re-installation of Trump for a short time as the new president would have a definite and strong effect on the market.
This event would start the dominoes falling. Martial law would be imposted with either the arrest of Trump, or declaration of WWIII, which is imminent. It would lead to GESARA being declared, followed by the Great Awakening, through the firing up of the Emergency Broadcast System. At the same time, all public transportation would cease, and the public worldwide would go into lockdown for ten days. The internet would go down for a period, which would suspend trading in the markets.
Cell phones will not operate while the Emergency Broadcast System is operative (download the Signal app to your cell phone to allow communication during the outage).
This could happen at any time from Sunday, October 9, onward. We are now, apparently using Julian calendar dates — since October 5 of last week. Sunday, October 9 (Gregorian) is September 26 on the Julian calendar.
** NEW: Near the end of Trump’s speech in Arizona Sunday night, he dropped a very important piece of code, that when deciphered, tells us that this will all be over on October 29th (Gregorian, I would think). If that’s the case and it signifies the final day of EBS, then EBS would start on October 20 (Julian Oct. 7).
This week just so happens to be the week that is called the Feast of Tabernacles.
Throughout history, we have seen several major market corrections during the week of the Feast of Tabernacles. Are we about to see history repeat itself?
I’m expecting rally in US equities to begin early this week. How it starts and more importantly, when is starts, is the key unknown.
The US military is now operating “on the clock” and has been or weeks.
For those who don’t know, “On The Clock” means Cyber attacks to shutdown all systems on the Planet. I believe the NSA will flood the internet with a whole heap of incriminating evidence, at the same time. This is happening already.
SpaceForce will turn the whole planet’s power off at some point, switching over to Free Tesla Energy.
Trains and plane are already in the process of being halted. They work on big Electrical Grids.
All social media platforms will be removed and new ones will be replacing them with the new Quantum Internet (controlled by satellites). It’s unhackable. Download your online data if you don’t have backup copies of photos, etc. We have been warned of the Global CyberSecurity Crisis, which highlights to need to a secure, new internet.
There are other pressures on the market.
There is a battle to the death between Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank right now to stay alive. Both of them are on their last legs and at least one may fail in the near future.
Mortgage packages are being pulled from the market, particularly in the UK. All debt will be wiped sometime this fall and that will have a huge impact on the market.

Above is a chart showing the action of the Federal Reserve in increasing liquidity of the dollar, which should drop the dollar over the near future. They called a closed-door, emergency meeting for Monday, October 3, but any decisions from that meeting have not been released publicly.
The UK is defending the pound and after its recent crash, it has turned back up, tracing out a first motive wave and appears ready to rally back up in a big way.
The People’s Bank of China has instructed major state-owned banks to prepare to “run down” (ie – short) dollar holdings while buying up offshore yuan, which has continued to fall despite earlier interventions, sources told Reuters. I don’t know what the level of impact will be from these actions, but it will certainly put pressure on the US Dollar to the downside, which would normally lead to a rally in US equities.
These are unprecedented moves across multiple central banks, who are themselves failing. We’re watching the beginning of the end for the fiat dollar.
With the Emergency Broadcast System slated to begin possibly around Oct. 20, the information that comes out to the general public may also affect the market. When Universal Basic Income begins worldwide, it will introduce liquidity into the economy and likely have and effect on the market, for a short period.
(I have been calling for a turn to the upside in equities, with a turn down in the dollar. While the dollar has indeed turned down, it’s unclear this weekend whether we have a top in place, or not.)
The CROWN is no longer, and this has huge ramifications for the economies of countries that were part of the British Empire, as well as on the US, which was tied in so many ways to the CROWN. We’re in new territory in regards to the royals.
To the left is the first official FAKE photo of the FAKE Royals all in BLACK (signifies the DEATH OF THE MONARCHY!).
Intel is pointing to the arrest of “King Charles III” but he doesn’t exist in real life, anymore, so this will be a staged event. The same is true for Prince Andrew. I understand these events are imminent.
Everything has meaning and these actors dressed in black signify the end of the monarchy in Britain. I understand that Queen Diana will make an appearance very soon, but I don’t know in what capacity. They are addressing her in the Telegram app as “Queen.” This is the week we should find out, I believe.
As I’ve said many times before, we’re watching a movie. While most of the tribunals at high levels are complete and elites executed, we have many more at lower levels still to be arrested. There are 500,000 indictments to wade through and that means mass arrests are going to continue for some time, but a bulk will be done while people are watching the Emergency Broadcast System for ten days.
I understand the US will remain under martial law for at least a couple of years.
Hang onto your hats. The next three weeks promises a lot of action, both inside the market, and out.

We’re in the process of shutting down Earth for the transition, which more airlines cancelling flights, almost on a daily basis … a massive cyber attack (if this week) should go a long way in completing the shutdown.

Have some cash and food on hand for at least a couple of weeks.
We’re near the end of THE STORM, which is a period where the focus is mass arrests from unsealed indictments. There are hundreds of thousands of them and each indictment can name up to one hundred people. It continued through this past week, as expected, and will continue through at least the next two weeks, even when the Emergency Broadcast System plays out.
Planes and trains have been shutting down, but it takes time to shut down the entire Earth, shut borders and transportation, and get military in place around the world. There will apparently be mass cyber attacks on computers this week to complete the job. Remember, under 10 people know the actual plan details.
The Queen’s death, as we’ve always been told, sets the dominoes falling, and indeed, things seem to now be moving very quickly.
So, it sounds like popcorn time. Thankfully, with the internet remaining up during the Awakening, trading will continue (I hope). However, it may become quite volatile. And, I’m hearing this weekend that we may indeed have internet outages.
Looking at THE STORM and Upcoming Events
We still have these major events still to go. I don’t know what the timing will be, but it will start to get obvious in the coming days, I think.
We’re now in the GREAT AWAKENING phase, but THE STORM is still underway. Some of the expected events below have happened (GREEN CHECK MARK) and some are in progress:
(in progress) WW3 Scare Event. Nuke Sirens: This is the Russia/Ukraine false flag war. The real end target it Israel. It’s the rathole where the Zionists live (they own main stream media), the Mossad hangs out and the last of the Kharzarian mafia (the Rothschilds, and friends). As the Q Team has always said, “Israel will be last” and the buildings that are “going down” and imploding, meaning they’re pre-wired with explosives). Pending.
- Changing over to Tesla Free Energy (this will require power to go off around the world, but it will be a short blackout)
(partially complete, but don’t know the count) 34 satanic buildings & dams bombed — I think some of these buildings have already been taken out, but the major ones still have to be dismantled, probably with Rods of God. The major buildings appear to be part of an energy grid system that has keep the natural energy of the Earth suppressed — much more on this to come. The White House is going to be imploded; it has already been wired up with explosives. The Georgia Guidestones were destroyed weeks ago, along with an obelisk and nearby buildings close to the Vatican, in Italy.
(Reports now CONFIRM that this happened on August 29.) Breaking of the 3 Gorges Dam in China. There’s major flooding in China this past week and this week. This dam sits above Wuhan and the plan is that the water from the break will destroy the Wuhan lab, which has a link to US Big Pharma, and will be the beginning of the end for them. Bitcoin Servers turned off (99.5% of Crypto gone China Coins) — this involves the dismantling of 24 nuclear reactors under the dam that provide the electricity for Bitcoin. This is going to be cover for the breaking of the 3 Gorges Dam.
(now in Ukraine, Canada, US and possibly some other countries) Martial Law — for the ten days dubbed “ten days of darkness,” and beyond. It will likely stay in place much longer as the cleanup continues. Actually, it should be called “ten days to the light!” It will be the Great Awakening as we see round the clock video that explains most of what’s been going on the last 5 years to overthrow what’s been going on for two thousand years! — the Illuminati.
- AND, of course …. GESARA (which semi-officially Queen Romana declared on Feb, 22, 2022 in Canada). GESARA has been signed off by 209 countries, so it is, in fact, law.
This is THE STORM/GREAT AWAKENING. They want you to stay at home during the EBS period. We’re likely to see more visible signs of military. Keep stocked up for two to three weeks. Arrests will continue during the EBS playback.
Enjoy the Awakening!
Know the Past. See the Future
Webinar Playback: Elliott Wave Basics
If you’re new to the Elliott Wave Principle, or even fairly comfortable with it, this webinar will give you a solid introduction and comprehensive understanding of the difference between trending and counter-trend waves, the various patterns for both types of wave patterns, and a good overview of how fibonacci ratios determine trade targets.
This is link to the YouTube playback video, allowing you to review, stop and start, etc.
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All the Same Market.
I’ve been mentioning for months now that the entire market is moving as one entity, the “all the same market” scenario, a phrase that Robert Prechter coined many years ago, when he projected the upcoming crash.
We’re in the midst of deleveraging the enormous debt around the world. Central banks are losing the control they had and we’re slowly sinking into deflation world-wide, with Europe in the lead.
The US dollar is fully in charge of both the equities and currencies markets. They’re all moving in tandem, as I’ve been saying since September of 2017. Over the past three years, their movements have been moving closer and closer together and one, and now they’re in lock-step, with the major turns happening at about the same time.
it’s challenging because often times currency pairs are waiting for equities to turn, and other times, it’s the opposite. The other frustrating thing is that in between the major turns, there are no major trades; they’re all, for the most part day-trades. That’s certainly the case in corrections, where you very often have several possible targets for the end of the correction.
We’re now close to a turn in the US indices, currency pairs, oil, and even gold. Elliott wave does not have a reliable timing aspect, but it looks like we should see a top very soon.
US Market Snapshot (based on end-of-week wave structure)
This chart is posted to provide a prediction of future market direction. DO NOT trade based upon the information presented here (certainly NOT from a daily chart).

Above is the daily chart of ES (click to enlarge, as with any of my charts).
This is STILL a very dangerous market this weekend; it will be until we have a valid bottom in place and a first and second wave up, which will confirm a new trend. The short-term prediction is for a slight new low (or double bottom) this weekend.
After the low is confirmed in place, the longer-term prediction (as it has been for the past couple of weeks) is for a large rally to an all-time new high, but this market, so far, has not been able to get going to the upside. That should change over the first part of this week, I believe.
Over the past week, we rose in what looked like a first wave in five waves, but the confirmation of a trend change comes from a second wave when it retraces at least 62% of the first wave. There is a rare alternative, which is a 38% retrace, in the case of zigzags. I believe we'll see zigzags up to the top (because we're in an extremely large triangle; triangles consist of zigzags.
What this means is that the first wave up doesn't necessarily have strict limitations on its structure, making a first wave more difficult to call.
Outside the market, we're on the brink of a declaration of WWIII (a scripted, take event). The financial community is on the edge of their seats; we're on the verge of transitioning to a new financial system. Deutsche Bank and Credit Suisse are near bankrupt and mortgage offers are being pulled off the market. It's a very difficult time for traders counting on fundamentals; however, the market doesn't move based upon fundamentals, or events.
It's definitely not a time to listen to pundits. They're all screaming doom and gloom, although they're a bit quieter this week. When the beliefs of "the herd" hit the mainstream media, you can bet that the current trend is wrapping up.
DXY has turned to to the downside, but it's not "out of the woods." The wave structure here is anybody's guess this weekend, but the larger move is going to be to the downside. When the dollar (DXY) moves lower, equities move higher.
The bottom line is that you do not want to be "picking bottoms" in equities in this market. You want to wait for a confirmed turn in place to the upside.
In the background, we have the expectation (military intel) that GESARA will be announced imminently, possibly in the early part of this week. There's also talk of Trump getting arrested, which would end up in the military stepping in to declare him President. This would trigger martial law. We know the Emergency Broadcast System will follow.
It's going to be one heck of an interesting week.
The announcement of GESARA will shut down governments, courts, and police worldwide and bring in natural law throughout. It's a major milestone.
I don't know how all this will affect trading, but be aware that we could face some internet disruptions. Military intel has, in fact, told us so.
I've said for months that once we reach a low, or at the very least, start heading for a low, the Emergency Broadcast System won't be very far away, and that's still my thinking.
Summary: ES and NQ are at pending bottoms with a trend change on track probably in the early part of this coming week. This would complete the 9 month-long B wave down from early January, 2022.
I'm now expecting a turn back up to a new all time high in the final fifth wave, perhaps targeting the 6000 level for ES.
Once we see a final fifth wave top, I'm projecting another major trend change — a dramatic drop to a new low under 2100.