The Market This Week
We are definitely now in the “END GAME.” This week should see the crash (towards the end of the week) and that will lead us into the Emergency Broadcast System playback. I don’t know how it will affect trading, but I don’t expect there will be any during the ten days of EBS, which should follow on the heels of the crash. We still have to lock down the world, declare martial law, and get through a number of arrests, but I’ve always maintained that the market turn at the top will be key.
The market is talking and it says, “We’re VERY close!”
Equities are near a top, but the asset classes that follow the US Dollar more precisely, are lagging. These consist of metals, oil, and the USD currency pairs. They need to reach their final targets before the entire market keels over.
The currency pairs have such a long projected route to their destinations that I believe it will take a major event to get them there. There’s a tremendous amount of chatter this weekend to suggest Charlie III will NOT make the Coronation next Saturday. My thinking at this point, is that we’re going to see Charles die, an appearance by Diana, and the announcement of the demise of the CROWN. But where that happens before the Coronation is anyone’s guess at the moment. The Coronation is on Saturday, May 6.
Trump has announced that he’s off to Ireland and Scotland to open new golf courses and play a little golf, but I doubt very much that this is true (wink, wink).
I believe the demise of the CROWN will shoot currencies to new highs. The announcement will most certainly affect Commonwealth countries, and I’m seeing signs this weekend of a big move up to come in AUDUSD, with a similar potential move down in USDCAD. These projections also support a large move (finally) for USDJPY to the 121 area (after testing a nearby high this weekend).
Get ready, things are happening. It’s made putting together this blog post difficult, because the information is coming out late tonight (Sunday).
It looks to me that we’re going to see a volatile week ahead, which means we have to be careful, but the market tells us where we’re going (through Eiliottwave). We just have to pay attention to the short-term signals.
There are a number of significant events this coming week:
- Monday, May 1: Law Day, UK and EU banks closed
- Wednesday, May 3: Federal Reserve Announcement, 2 pm ET, could result in a turn, typically the morning after the announcement
- Friday, May 5: US Labor Report, 8:30 am ET
- Friday, May 5: Full Moon, start of penumbral lunar eclipse (thru May 6)
The market has a lot on its plate, with celestial events on Friday, a Fed announcement on Wednesday, and a labour report on Friday morning. There could be much more than these events so it could get wild.
Sausage Fingers Anyone?
“King: Charlie’s doctor says Charles’ ‘sausage fingers’ have ‘worsened’ in new pics of red digits.
JUST OUT: “The fingers of the monarch have seemingly become even fatter based on images emerging from his state visit to Germany. Now a doctor has narrowed the focus on what might be causing it.”
Who cares what it is? This is a movie, after all, and whatever’s left of the Royal Family in front of our eyes is not reality. They’ve all been executed, except for William and Harry, who have apparently been hidden away all this time and played by actors.
The Queen was executed in December of 2019 and nothing has been the same around Buckingham Palace since. In fact the CROWN has not had any authority since 2001 apparently, supported by a video out this weekend:
The Crown having no authority means that the current and corrupt Admiralty/Maritime legal system is a criminal enterprise, a conglomerate of multiple foreign corporations all for the purpose of “feeding” the Illuminati financially. Corporations are formed for the sole purpose of making money and the current Maritime court system has no connection to government.
The problem with eradicating it is that the population is still completely asleep as to what’s going on and this allows their pillaging to continue until the military takes them down. I expect that to happen very soon. Monday, May 1, has been named Law Day, so we may see their demise on that day, but this remains to be seen.
The Treasonous BAR (British Accredited Registry)
In the 1500s the International Bar Association was created by entities of the Roman Vatican Empire in collusion with the Pope, UK Queen, and Henry the VIII.
In the late 1800s, USA Inc. created the American Bar Association (ABA) as a branch of the British BAR. Both are controlled by foreign entities. Their Rules of Civil Procedure were written under old Roman Law and do not apply to The People.
Every person who is part of the BAR is a foreign entity who is trespassing on Human Rights.
These BAR Associates, and the corporations that pretend to be government agencies, have been working perpetrating massive amounts of fraud, under colour of law for a long time throughout the world, in every country. The true law of the land is common law, God’s law, and we’re returning to that law very, very soon all around the world. Meanwhile, these conspirators, which include BAR attorneys, the courts, the banks, the police, and other related thugs, are stealing peoples’ homes and land.
It will ultimately result in the largest class action lawsuit the world has ever seen. Nothing will compare with what is about to happen. It will eventually take down the stock market and just about everything with it, but by then, we’ll be on a new financial system and somewhat protected from the fallout, as we build a new economy out of the ashes of the old, completely corrupt one.
The illegal practices of all judges, lawyers and those who enforce the illegal procedures of the null and void dead corporation entities (Vatican/Royal Crown/US Corp) are and will be subject to arrest for Crimes Against Humanity.
The BAR is about to be taken down worldwide and the enormous fraud is about to be revealed. End Game. The Courts are going to fall apart. The Lawyers who protect the Elite and evil is almost done.
Military is the only Way. …Q
Mercury Into Gold
Hmmm …. something going on here. (This is coming out Sunday night, the 30th)

The Philosopher Stone — the Stone of Destiny
(PT — I’ll have to leave this with you to think about, as I not sure what it all means in terms of what’s going to happen this week, but it sounds like a big deal. The philosophers’ stone is a mythic alchemical substance capable of turning base metals such as mercury into gold. OK then — turning mercury into GOLD!)
Dr. Kim Tesla (military press secretary): “Wow, Boss you remember middle of the night Shady Tape 2021. I woke up got on the horn with you because God told me in the middle of the night the philosopher stone was sent to Scotland and I didn’t know what the philosopher stone was but I was having a message from God and I woke you up in the middle of the night for that message, you’re just now dropping this. Wow, mine blowing how God uses my boss isn’t it it’s just like Uncle Niko (Nikola Tesla).”
Why this old stone is so important for the new king The countdown is on, the royal clock is ticking. In six days the time has come and the preparations for the coronation of the century are in full swing! But how is the coronation of the new British King Charles III going? (74) off? crown and that’s it?
No, it’s not that fast. The ceremony is meticulously planned, many coronation rituals have to be considered and planned. And, while the first Royal fans have already pitched their tents in London and Charles and Camilla’s robes are being sewn by hand, the organizers are transporting a large number of historical and, above all, symbolic objects to Westminster Abbey, where the coronation will take place on April 6. will take place in May. And one of the most important ones has now arrived from Scotland after a long journey: the Stone of Scone, also known as the Stone of Destiny. What sounds like hidden treasure from an Indiana Jones film is actually a 300-pound sandstone on which British monarchs have been crowned for centuries.
Now more than a quarter of a century later he has returned to England, where he played a key role in the coronation of Charles III. will play. According to Celtic legend, the stone was once the pillow on which the biblical progenitor Jacob rested in the ancient Israelite sanctuary of Bethel when he had a vision of the ladder to heaven. From there the stone was said to have been taken to Egypt, Sicily and Spain, before being mined around 700 BC. reached Ireland. It is said to have been placed on the hill of Tara where the ancient kings of Ireland were crowned before the Celtic Scots brought it to the village of Scone.
According to legend, the stone was confiscated by Edward I in 1296 and placed in Westminster Abbey. David Breeze, Professor of History and Archeology at the University of Edinburgh, thinks it’s more likely that the sandstone has always been in Scotland. He revealed this to Times Radio. Certainly, however: The big shock came at Christmas 1950.
On December 26, the British woke up to find: The Destiny Stone had been stolen from Westminster Abbey. It wasn’t just the theft of a historical stone, it was the theft of a tradition.
Every English monarch of the past 600 years (except Mary I in 1553) has been crowned on this stone. The stone was found a few months later in Scotland, 800 kilometers away, according to ABC news. In 1996 it was decided that the stone would be permanently in Scotland and has since been transported to Westminster Abbey for every coronation.
So for Charles, this ancient stone is almost as important as the crown that is placed on his head on the day of his coronation.
A service was held there last Saturday in honor of the arrival of the Destiny Stone.
Kim Tesla: “Boss the philosopher stone post blows my mind it’s just like the middle of the night in the Shady Tapes in 2021 when God woke me up told me that Uncle Niko was Ammondexterous like my brother.”
PT — something to think about as the week unfolds, perhaps …
Situation Report for Saturday, April 29, 2023 PDF DOWNLOAD
Other NEWS
Tonight, Sunday night, we’re starting to see more information coming out on both FISA and ISRAEL). Both this stories are supposed to be the final, ending stories/events. We’re on the verge of this whole thing coming down, I feel. But, I don’t know specific dates. This seems to be the week we’re going to see it all collapse and I don’t know if Charles will actually get to the Coronation on Saturday, May 6, or not.
Antony Blinken accused of LYING UNDER OATH over his contact with Hunter Biden.
The Chairman of the BBC stepped down on Friday.

I’ve been watching Tucker Carlson over the past few months because he’s “changed.”
My take is that he was removed some time ago because, my television animation experience tells me he’s been CGI for months. After all, he’s been red-pilling everyone, waking them up. But, Carlson was always Deep State and a pedophile.
My first dive into his thinking dredged up what a fairly well-known video of him denying that the World Trade Center was an “inside job” and that the buildings imploded. It was a obvious lie; as a director, I didn’t believe it at all. He continues in later videos to question whether it could have imploded, but again, not a convincing acting job.

There are pictures of him at the Comet Ping Pong Pizza establishment in downtown Washington, DC. In fact, here’s a photo on the left.
He also works for a new station run by a pedophile. Main stream media is owned by the Khazarian mafia (zionists) and to get to any position of power, you have to be compromised. Step out of line, and you’ll be killed. So, there’s little doubt who these people are.
I’ve been seeing a CGI image for quite some time, and this allows the White Hats to control the narrative. It’s a movie and the White Hats have been in control for a long time. This is all about waking up the public.
Time for Good-byes
There were a number of high-profile arrests over the past few days, exposed on CBKNEWS, which is Carolyn Bissett Kennedy’s site in Telegram, @cbknews121
Macron is on the left. My understanding is that he’s has a body double, an actor in a mask, or a clone fulfilling his roles for quite some time. He’s not someone i’ve been following closely. We’re at the point now where all these criminals need to be exposed to the public and arrested for all to see. I hear tonight that some have been arrested and not executed, being kept in a cell for public executions, which are coming this summer.
Apparently, all summer, there will be tribunals in the morning and executions in the afternoon. They’ve moved a lot of prisoners from GITMO to Guam this week, for security reasons.
Mission completed 🚨 ✅️
13 :30 April 24, London uk
This morning, Jonathan Rothschild, an important member of Rothschild family was arrested in London by the Q Army and transferred to a maximum security prison in Nevada
Charge = treason
Mission completed 🚨 ✅️
10 :54, April 25, Vermont
This morning in Vermont, Jim Sanders was arrested by the QArm
charges = treason+ Child sex trafficking
Mission Complete! ✅
11 : PM, April 27 #Ukraina
Dmitry Alekseev, the leader of one of the largest human trafficking gangs and responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent children, was arrested in #Ukraine
Q army.
Mission Complete! ✅
8: pm, April 27, New York
Today in New York , Ryan Kissinger was arrested by the QArmy
charges = treason+ Child sex trafficking
Mission Complete! ✅
10 : pm. April 29, California
Today in #California , Edward Murdoch was arrested by the QArmy
charges = treason+ Child sex trafficking
John Wilkes Booth — Lincoln and the Vatican
I’ve written about John Wilkes Booth before (excerpt from my article is below this one), and this is an article I stumbled upon which now ties him more solidly in to secret societies, which would give connections to the Rothschilds. I found it interesting, given that the Kennedy’s are related to Lincoln, who is of the Druze bloodline, which is Christ’s bloodline.
“At this time, we introduce you to John Booth, a popular theatre actor, who was not born a Roman Catholic but by 1860 had began to convert to that religion. In 1860, he was initiated into the Knights of the Golden Circle, a catholic lay organization. The Knights of the Golden Circle “were committed to the preservation of slavery in the lands bordering the Caribbean Sea–the so-called ‘Golden Circle.’ The seal of the Knights featured a cross similar to the maltese cross used by the old Knights of Malta.” A book, published in 1866, called The Great Conspiracy tells us of this and quotes the following excerpts of a letter from the hand of J.W. Booth to an unknown person, quite possibly a Jesuit ally (whose return letters were only signed “Veritas” which is “Truth” in Latin … the language of the Jesuit priests.).”
“Dear Sir: The K.G.C. had a meeting; I was initiated…. They tell me that Lincoln, the damn chicken-hearted nigger lover, will perhaps be inaugerated, but I most heartily wish, ‘That never shall sun that morrow see.’ …. One thing is very clear to my mind, the South must take some decisive step. She must throw a bomb-shell into the enemy’s hand that shall spread terror and consternation wherever it goes. You know what I mean, so don’t be surprised. Sincerily yours, John Wilkes Booth.”
“Because modern Protestants have not only forgotten what Rome was, what she is, and what she will for ever be; the most irreconcilable and powerful enemy of the Gospel of Christ; but they consider her almost as a branch of the church whose corner stone is Christ.”~ Chas. Chiniquy- Fifty Years in the Church of Rome.
M. Fylop-Miller, former President of the John Adams Union, wrote to Jefferson in 1816: “I am not happy about the rebirth of the Jesuits. Swarms of them will present themselves under more disguises ever taken by even a chief of the Bohemians, as printers, writers, publishers, school teachers, etc. If ever an association of people deserved eternal damnation, on this earth and in hell it is this Society of Loyola. ”
Jefferson’s reply: “Like you, I object to the Jesuit’s reestablishment which makes light give way to darkness.”
“On our quest for the truth we must begin at the Treaty of Verona. The death of President Lincoln was the culmination of but one step in the attempt to carry out the Secret Treaty of Verona, of October, 1822, a pact entered into by the “high contracting parties” [Kings of Prussia, Russia, Austria, and behind the scenes, Pope Pius VII, the king of the Papal States] of the former Congress of Vienna, Austria, which had held its sessions secret, covering the whole year of 1814-15.~ The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln”
Throughout our entire history on the land called America, we have been plagued, as we are now, by these Satanic, foreign Crown-Vatican Banksters, and their Crown Temple B.A.R. Attorners. They’re all under the Jesuits. Why do you think the B.A.R. whores in the black robes of Saturn wear black? They work for the Vatican. Did you think they were do-gooder philanthropists?
Assassination Abraham Lincoln (April 15, 1865)
Lie: Lincoln was assassinated by a lone assassin for the Confederate cause.
In 1862, Congress authorized the Treasury to print $150 million worth of bills of credit and put them into circulation as money to pay government expenses. They were printed with green ink and became known as “greenbacks.” By the end of the war, $432 million in greenbacks had been printed.
The impetus for the creation of fiat money (greenbacks) to pay for the cost of the civil war originated in Congress, but President Abraham Lincoln was a very enthusiastic supporter:
“It would appear that Lincoln objected to having the government pay interest to the banks for money they create out of nothing when the government can create money out of nothing just as easily and not pay interest on it.”—The Creature from Jekyll Island, G. Edward Griffin
“Lincoln’s defiance of Lionel de Rothschild and his uncle James resulted in his assassination on the night of April 15, 1965 by John Wilkes Booth at the behest of the Rothschilds local agent named Rothberg.”—A History of Central Banking, Stephen Milford Goodson
While Goodson makes a bit of a leap in assigning blame without specifics to back it up, it is known that Booth was a British spy. He had also been a member of the Knights of the Golden Circle, which was linked to the assassination. We also know that one million dollars in gold was sent from the Bank of England to the Bank or Montreal in Canada for the purposes of funding a second civil war, and that Booth knew the controller of that bank account.
We also know that the current US Secretary of War, Edwin M. Stanton covered up most of the facts about the assassination at the time, and it was decades later that some of these facts came to light.
Killing Us Gently With Fluoride
Here’s a well developed study that ends the discussion as to whether fluoride is harmful to humans. This is much of the science that proves its harmful effect.
Dr. Aseem Malhotra tells Joe Rogan that a reanalysis of Pfizer and Moderna’s original clinical trial data shows that their COVID mRNA vaccines *INCREASE* your risks of serious adverse events, hospitalization, and death:
“In my whole career, looking at all of the drugs and knowing about many different prescribed medications, I’ve never seen something that when you look at the data has such poor effectiveness and unprecedented harms. In the summer of last year, in the journal Vaccine, the highest-impact medical journal for vaccines, they published a reanalysis of Pfizer and Moderna’s original double-blinded randomized controlled trial.”

We’re in the STORM — the STORM Brings Justice
There are still several tasks to be undertaken in terms of doling out justice. We’re in THE STORM which is responsible for mass arrests now happening worldwide. As in any movie, there are always details at the end to wrap up the plot. This movie is no exception. You’ll see a list below. It seems we’re going to see some of this happen during the Emergency Broadcast System playback and perhaps, even after. I’m hearing that martial law is going to be in place for quite some time to come. Military tribunals are schedule for the summer of 2023. Many have been completed, but there are a lot more to go, at lower levels of corruption.
This warning graphic below will remain up as a reminder of the impending change in fortunes that is not very far off in the distance and will definitely affect the market.

In terms of what’s happening in the “unreal” world (the movie), we have the following possible “bombs” sitting in the wings:
- the death of “King Charles (now DEAD) (sausage-fingers) and the arrest of Andrew, which would likely end with the emergence of “Queen” Diana. There’s also an impending announcement of the end of the CROWN (which may come from William)
- a nuclear stand-off, which is at a level now that suggests a turning point is nigh. This is not real (it’s a “movie”), but will appear real to the world-at-large and could affect the market (this is imminent, I believe)
- the announcement of the death of the Pope, although this does not in itself promise a major impact on the market. Can happen at any time now.
- the imminent removal of Joe Biden and shutdown of the fake government (USA Inc) (Biden has been dead for a few years, but this week, it was re-confirmed that Jim Carrey is playing him. A body double in Ukraine was executed this past week, apparently.)
- the take down of the main stream media, along with social media (pending)
- public arrests (eg — Obama, Clinton), Pelosi hanging was December 27, 2022.
- martial law worldwide, in which you’ll see military on the streets in major cities
Looking at THE STORM and Upcoming Events
We still have these major events still to go. I don’t know what the timing will be, but it will start to get obvious in the coming days, I think.
We’re now in the GREAT AWAKENING phase, but THE STORM is still underway. Some of the expected events below have happened (GREEN CHECK MARK) and some are in progress:
(in progress) WW3 Scare Event. Nuke Sirens: This is the Russia/Ukraine false flag war. As the Q Team has always said, “Israel will be last” and the buildings that are “going down” and imploding, meaning they’re pre-wired with explosives). Pending.
- Changing over to Tesla Free Energy (this will require power to go off around the world, but it will be a short blackout). Lots of blackouts this past week.
(partially complete, but don’t know the count) 34 satanic buildings & dams bombed — I think some of these buildings have already been taken out, but the major ones still have to be dismantled, probably with Rods of God. The major buildings appear to be part of an energy grid system that has keep the natural energy of the Earth suppressed — much more on this to come. The White House is going to be imploded; it has already been wired up with explosives. The Georgia Guidestones were destroyed some time ago, along with an obelisk and nearby buildings close to the Vatican, in Italy.
(Reports now CONFIRM that this happened on August 29.) Breaking of the 3 Gorges Dam in China. This dam sits above Wuhan and the plan is that the water from the break will destroy the Wuhan lab, which has a link to US Big Pharma, and will be the beginning of the end for them. Bitcoin Servers turned off (99.5% of Crypto gone China Coins) — this involves the dismantling of 24 nuclear reactors under the dam that provide the electricity for Bitcoin.
(now in Ukraine, Canada, US and possibly some other countries) Martial Law — for the ten days dubbed “ten days of darkness,” and beyond. It will likely stay in place much longer as the cleanup continues. Actually, it should be called “ten days to the light!” It will be the Great Awakening as we see round the clock video that explains most of what’s been going on the last 5 years to overthrow what’s been going on for two thousand years! — the Illuminati.
- AND, of course …. the public announcement of GESARA. GESARA has been signed off by 209 countries, so it is, in fact, law.
Enjoy the Awakening!
Know the Past. See the Future
Webinar Playback: Elliott Wave Basics
If you’re new to the Elliott Wave Principle, or even fairly comfortable with it, this webinar will give you a solid introduction and comprehensive understanding of the difference between trending and counter-trend waves, the various patterns for both types of wave patterns, and a good overview of how fibonacci ratios determine trade targets.
This is link to the YouTube playback video, allowing you to review, stop and start, etc.
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All the Same Market.
I’ve been mentioning for months now that the entire market is moving as one entity, the “all the same market” scenario, a phrase that Robert Prechter coined many years ago, when he projected the upcoming crash.
We’re in the midst of deleveraging the enormous debt around the world. Central banks are losing the control they had and we’re slowly sinking into deflation world-wide, with Europe in the lead.
The US dollar is fully in charge of both the equities and currencies markets. They’re all moving in tandem, as I’ve been saying since September of 2017. Over the past three years, their movements have been moving closer and closer together and one, and now they’re in lock-step, with the major turns happening at about the same time.
it’s challenging because often times currency pairs are waiting for equities to turn, and other times, it’s the opposite. The other frustrating thing is that in between the major turns, there are no major trades; they’re all, for the most part day-trades. That’s certainly the case in corrections, where you very often have several possible targets for the end of the correction.
We’re now close to a turn in the US indices, currency pairs, oil, and even gold. Elliott wave does not have a reliable timing aspect, but it looks like we should see a top very soon.
US Market Snapshot (based on end-of-week wave structure)
This chart is posted to provide a prediction of future market direction. DO NOT trade based upon the information presented here (certainly NOT from a daily chart).

Above is the daily chart of the SP500 (click to enlarge, as with any of my charts).
The immediate direction remains up to a new high at about 4200.
On Thursday of this past week, it was obvious that we were going to head up, but i didn't expect a two day rocket up to within thirty points of the projected top. But, here we are, with a wave up with no significant corrections in the SP500. At the end of the day Friday, we were within 30 points of the previous high.
There are a number of significant events this coming week:
- Monday, May 1: Law Day, UK and EU banks closed
- Wednesday, May 3: Federal Reserve Announcement, 2 pm ET, could result in a turn, typically the morning after the announcement
- Friday, May 5: US Labor Report, 8:30 am ET
- Friday, May 5: Full Moon, start of penumbral lunar eclipse (thru May 6)
There is a lot of chatter about whether sausage-fingers Charlie III is going to make it to the Coronation on May 6. My bet is that he won't, and that this week will spark the announcement of the dissolution of the CROWN (supposed to be announced by William). This would be a major market-mover, more so for currencies than the equities market. The USD currencies market look like there's going to be a big move something this week, and it seems to me the end of the CROWN would be the cause, potentially having a significant affect on the Commonwealth countries (CAD and AUD), and that's what their charts seem to indicate this weekend.
While equities are very close to a top, all the other asset classes I cover (currencies, metals, oil, and the dollar itself) have a significant distance to cover to arrive at their measured targets. All these other asset classes move to the ups and downs of the US dollar. I expect that sometime this week, we'll see the demise of Charles, the dissolution of the CROWN (it's had no authority for years now}.
Gold, silver, and oil are topping, along with equities. The market has more or less been moving against the US dollar, but moving "as one," in tandem. We're very close now to a major turning point; however, the market is manipulated in terms of time, so it's difficult to know when the turn will come, but we're so close, with a Fed meeting and labor report in the same week as some major celestial events, that I'd expect some action before the end of the coming week.
We're also near the precipice of WWIII, all part of "the movie." The idea is to scare people awake, as many are still fast asleep and think nothing is happening.
On the daily chart of the SP500 (above), the B wave down from January, 2022 (now 16 months in length), has previously dropped down to 50% of the corrective waves up from 2020. A final B wave (or 4th wave, as the case may be) before a top usually retraces 62%. From where we in the wave structure, a move down to the 62% retrace level would be classified as a capitulation move. The 62% level is at about 3250.
These capitulation moves, common at this level of the market, gets the pundits talking, or in some cases, "screaming" that the market is about to crash "big time."
And then, it turns right around and heads back up. That's what I'm expecting.
Once this B wave bottoms, we have another large rally to go, to an all-time high. On a much larger scale (weekly chart), we appear to be in a broadening top formation, or, in EW terms, an expanding triangle, that will "top out" once we hit the upper, rising trendline, possibly in the 6000 range.
We've heard that NESARA GESARA was to be announced any day now. The dates keep changing for just about everything. It's war, so you have to expect that the intel to patriots is partly for the purpose of confusing the enemy. When it's announced, It will shut down governments, courts, and police worldwide and bring in natural law throughout. It's a major milestone.
I don't know how all this will affect the ability to trade, but be aware that we could face some internet disruptions. Military intel has, in fact, told us so.
I've said for months that once we top this corrective wave up, and then turn down, the Emergency Broadcast System won't be very far away, and that's still my thinking.
Summary: ES and NQ are rallying in a corrective pattern that, once a new high is reached, has the ultimate outcome of turning back down and tracing out a capitulation wave down to a new low, perhaps to the 3250 level in ES. A confirmed bottom would complete the year-long B wave down from early January, 2022.
Once a confirmed bottom is in place, I'll be expecting a turn back up to a new all time high in the final fifth wave (or C wave), perhaps targeting the 6000 level for ES.
Once we see a final fifth wave top, I'm projecting another major trend change — a dramatic drop to a new low under 2100.