Attacks on We the Peoples’ homes are not over, but they’re subsiding. As I’m mentioned before here, I have spent many, many hours over the past two years helping people stay out of the corrupt courts, while shutting down the predators — banks, credit cards, income tax, mortgage companies, and the like. We’ve been very successful, but it has been a ton of work and I can now teach the basis of both MARITIME law and Common Law anywhere. The systems are virtually the same, certainly in North America.
The fiat-based financial system? It’s all FRAUD. ALL OF IT.
It’s without question the biggest criminal undertaking in the history of mankind and it’s all about to be exposed on a grand scale. The STORM is here, and along with it, the GREAT AWAKENING.
You’re about to see everything change before your eyes over the next few weeks … finally. It’s truly a biblical experience and very soon, starseeds will learn who they REALLY are and about all their previous lives. Souls from the heavens have been incarnated on Earth for this experience. They all have roles to play. There are archangels among them.
It’s going to get very exciting.
Market Overview
The NYSE indices are very close to a top, having seemingly the last sub-wave up to go. This particular market (at the top) is such a mix of patterns and the waves are all corrective (in both directions), so it makes confidence in wave counts difficult to come by.
The key right now is the DOW which has an obvious ending expanding diagonal in play and it’s sitting right at the top of the final wave up, touching the upper trendline of that pattern, which it should not exceed. The other potential ending expanding diagonals don’t really match pattern expectations but have farther to go.
The NYSE indices are, by and large, about to top out. The Nasdaq stocks on the other hand, have a larger wave up to go. You can see this in the stocks we follow, AAPL and TSLA.
The Equinox typically foreshadows a trend change, but note that, for the past two years, that tend change taken place in mid-October. I’ve updated my calendar below to reflect that latest intel on dates. Dates are actually starting to come out now, but there are still at least two calendars to contend with and lots of disinformation to help makes EBS dates cloudy,
However, more and more, the intel is pointing to the calendar change of 1582, which took place on Oct 4 of that year. They removed ten days from the calendar. Those ten days need to be put back where they came from.
Calendar Switch
Oct. 4 – 15, 1582 was when ten days were removed from the calendar in the process of moving from the Julian Calendar (Julius Caesar) to the satanic Gregorian Calendar (Pope Gregory III). Those ten days need to be put back again and it now sounds like that’s our “Ten Days of Darkness,” the Emergency Broadcast System playback, otherwise known as “The Great Awakening.”
I’ve updated the calendar with the important dates that I know of and slotted the potential events where I think they might fall.
I expect this to be a very big week with lots of volatility inside and outside the market.
Dates Are Always the Issue – Events to Watch For
(Based upon the intel we’ve been getting, we seem to have the sequence of events correct, but it’s the EBS date that’s the issue.
Summary: In my humble opinion, the scenario might play out like this. I think it’s now being made rather clear that the Emergency Broadcast System will likely fire up on October 4 and that October 2 (the Mickey Mouse Clock date) is the end of everything else. October 1 is going to be the US government shutdown (and likely many more around the world).
Trump Arrest Coming? (Trump is supposed to be “out of the way” while the terrorist attack plays out (taking down the satanic building worldwide, many used in the human trafficking network) as it’s supposed to “come down on Biden.” I don’t know if the narrative is changing, or not, because we’re now in Harris territory. The movie WWIII is getting close to its pinnacle now and will eventually result in the bombings of the remaining 34 satanic buildings. This means that Trump could be leaving us very soon.
“This may be the last time you’ll see me for a while.” -DJT

Sunday, Sept. 8 — Martial law is now in place worldwide with reportedly boots on the ground in some major US cities, particularly Chicago and New York. Military are now stationed in 360 cities in the US, ready to act at a moment’s notice. We’ve been told to expect riots. New York City has had boots on the ground for a few weeks now, with National Guard being spotted staying at hotels in the downtown core. Something big is definitely coming.
Possible Dates Going Forward …
Tuesday, Sept 24 — This is 9-11 on the Julian Calendar. The war is near the pinacle this weekend. Terrorist Attack? – bombings of 34 satanic buildings and dams remaining? Includes 3 Gorges Dam in China, a major event to end child trafficking. We’ve always heard this would happen on a Tuesday. There are also quite a few references to, and some video out about, Rods of God, which are the weapons we’ve been told would remove the buildings.
There is supposed to be a sky event (possibly more than the buildings going down), the speculation is that it will involve extraterrestrials.
Wednesday, Sept 25 — This is likely an important day, following on the heals of 9-11. This could be a blackout, the return of Trump, the start of the RV, and the top of the market. I don’t know if the market will turn before we have the massive transfer of wealth, or not, but I think Trump has to be publicly returned to power before Oct 1.
Tuesday, Oct 1 — This is the fiscal end of the year and the final shutdown of USA, Inc, the corporate version of the USA installed in Washington, DC in 1871. It is also the official start of the new QFS (Quantum Financial System), the new gold-backed currencies around the world.
Friday, Oct 4 — Start of the Emergency Broadcast System?

Congress: There are no dates on the schedule for October.

Is It Time?
Another One Pending …
BREAKING! Pope Francis cancels audiences due to flu-like symptoms ahead of European trip
The Vatican announced the precautionary measure just days before the Pope’s planned trip to Belgium and Luxembourg, scheduled for later this week.
Despite the minor illness, the Pope is still expected to embark on his European journey, starting with a visit to Luxembourg on Thursday.
This just out this morning.
New Zealand seems to be in the lead in announcing aspects of NESARA GESARA …

Med Beds On the Way!
UPDATE! Trump’s Military Secretly Replacing Hospital Equipment with Med Beds Nationwide!
Brace yourselves, because Trump is about to pull off the biggest maneuver in human history, and they don’t want you to know about it. Hospitals are being dismantled as we speak, replaced by advanced Med Beds that have the power to heal any illness, reverse aging, and even unlock your mind’s full potential.
The deep state is panicking, Big Pharma is losing control, and the medical-industrial complex is about to collapse. They’ve kept Med Beds hidden for decades, reserved only for the elites, while the rest of us suffer and die from diseases that should have been cured years ago. Trump is flipping the script and bringing these miracle machines to the people, starting now!
Behind the scenes, military units are moving with precision. Under the guise of “renovations,” they’re secretly replacing old hospital equipment with Med Beds. The mainstream media won’t cover this, but sources are leaking the truth—Med Beds are already operational in secret locations, running tests on selected patients. Hospitals are clearing entire floors for this technology while vetting staff to ensure secrecy. The deep state never saw this coming, but Trump has been planning it for years.
Here’s the kicker: these Med Beds aren’t just rolling into big cities. They’re being deployed in rural areas, hidden in plain sight. Mobile units, disguised as ordinary delivery trucks, are transporting Med Beds across America, setting up in military bases, underground bunkers, and even abandoned warehouses.
By the time the elites realize what’s happening, Med Beds will be everywhere, and it will be too late for them to stop it. These Med Beds aren’t just machines—they are weapons of mass liberation. They can cure cancer, heart disease, and dementia in minutes, reprogram the body at a cellular level, and even unlock hidden parts of the mind. Big Pharma’s business model is dead—keeping us sick to sell more drugs is over!
The elite have been feeding us lies, poisons, and distractions, but once these Med Beds go live, the people will awaken. Imagine remembering your past lives, unlocking your true potential, and shaking off the shackles that have kept us in the dark for centuries.
This ties directly into Trump’s master plan—GESARA, the return to the gold standard, and the collapse of the corrupt fiat system. The deep state has used fake money, fake science, and fake news to enslave us. But Trump’s push for Med Beds is the final nail in their coffin.
We are on the edge of the biggest shift in human history, and the elites are terrified. They’re throwing new pandemics, financial crises, and lies at us, but they can’t stop what’s coming. The Med Beds are already here, taking their place in secret facilities across the country.
Get ready to witness the fall of the old guard. The revolution is real, and Trump is leading the charge. The time is now—are you ready to break free?
It doesn’t matter if anyone believes this or not. Everyone will know the truth soon.
Trump isn’t a savior or the anti-Christ. He’s a soul having a human experience just like the rest of us. He’s also serving a greater purpose at this moment in history and knows things he can’t say directly.
Why these images? Why these songs?
“But my secret is closed within me, my name no one shall know! On your mouth, I will reveal it When the light shines!”
There are ancient scriptures that say “satan is god of this world” because everything is flipped. That’s the big secret. Many who present themselves as ‘light’ in the mainstream are ritualistically worshiping unseen negative entities.
They want to destroy Trump because Pleiadians chose him to be a catalyst of awakening in the end times before our ascension. This can be positive or negative depending on your perspective, but all paths lead to awakening.
It’s easy to attack Trump’s flaws and mistakes but we should be reminded there are no perfect humans. He was once among the dark ones, but he was never one of them.
Pleiadians say that among the 200 million starseeds incarnated, there are about 4 thousand Archangels (VAFACEE) who chose to have the complete human experience, flaws and all. You might be surprised when you find out who they all are.
Believe it or not, this is what the narrative is:
- Trump: Archangel Uriel
- Melania: Arcturian (highly revered)
- Barron: St. Germaine
Once the credits roll, as part or the Ten Days of Darkness (Oct. 4 – 15), you’re going to know for sure.
Don Junior – Something to Ponder
“Nothing is real
And nothing to get hung about
Strawberry Fields forever”
Nothing IS real these days, but mark my works, a lot of people are going to get hung about it. (not necessarily Don. Jr)
Get ready because we’re about to leave the Matrix behind.
Alliance Plan:
In point form, here’s a list of what to expect in the near future (and I’m talking about the next two weeks:
- Trump created a fake Biden Presidency to expose Globalist Crime & Corruption
- The Emergency Broadcast System will bring in Martial Law until fair and transparent elections can be held.
- Three Days of Darkness: Planned Cyber Attacks on everything; Blackout – Internet, Communication, Possible Power Grid Shutdown
- 10 Days of Disclosure: One Website, one Web channel broadcast eight hours a day in loop.
- NESARA/GESARA Debt Forgiveness implementation
- The Military will supply needed food to the masses
- QFS implemented
- 95% reduction in government
- Federal Reserve dead, IRS under new US Treasury
- New tax system where there is only a 14% tax on new items bought only, no tax on food or medicine, wages, etc.
- Withdraw Maritime Law and change to Common Law.
The Emergency Broadcast System Incoming!
(There were warnings this morning of expected flooding in a couple of states just this morning).
Military in training for Implementation of the Emergency Broadcast System
- This will ensure everyone is safely placed in their home and able to witness the historical moment that reveals all of the truths, cover ups etc. through the E B S which is imminent.
- There must be a test and then a review of all occurrences and activities. The possible implications on a National and Global level can be quite complicated so things must be in alignment to the protocols. Yes there are many consequences if things aren’t done with precision and perfection. This is the practice run before the real one folks to see responses and accuracy to what is forthcoming which changes humanity.
- We hear the schedule is now finally firm, but again I’m just the messenger. Be ready to adjust if needed in regards to possible time changes. Only a select few know the moment of exact and precise timing of events. For security and other obvious reasons it must be properly kept private.
- The E B S is going to air playing an 8 hour video. It will be replaying 3 times a day for 10 days Communication Darkness. During those 10 Days of Communication Darkness the following things will happen.
- We will receive 7 “Trumpets “ aka E B S text messages on our phones alerting us to tune into our TV at this time.
- Our phones will only work for 911 and we are informed the Signal App, which is military encrypted will be available.
- Our internet will not work during that time. Our ATM’s will not work. After the 10 days of Communication Darkness, we will connect to a new quantum internet.
- People are urged to stock up on at least three weeks of food and water. Be prepared with food, water, toilet paper, generators etc. for this great awakening reveal.
- We are promised the new Star-link Internet System by the end of the month.
- As we speak the teams coordinating this important historic event are revamping the E.B.S to ensure the utmost security for all involved so remain patient as things get finalized. They want to make certain there are not any interferences of any sort at all. Those making the plan want no one to panic whatsoever because it’s simply the release of the truth.
- After the E B S and we’ve gone through the 10 days mainstream media blackout and sat through all the 24/7, (eight hours long movies), do we go back to normal like business as usual? Answer is: After E B S and the 8 hours long 24 7, movies all will change. The, life support, attached to the old and evil systems will be pulled. Humanity, and planet Earth simultaneously move to quantum reality consciousness system (Peace and Prosperity). End of Financial and Human consciousness enslavement. Old systems of Government, Education , Finance, Health, Trade and Commerce etc., will all be dismantled and replaced.
- We will have new currency called the USN US NOTE and gold backed.
- The time is now to alert as many who will listen. Do not have too much pride. Go warn those you love even though they think you’re crazy. Your goal for others is truly to help absorb the shock of what is coming.
Warning — the following content exposes some of the sick individuals involved in all kinds of human depravity. Believe me, this is just the tip of the iceberg.
The Cannibal Club: Fact or Fic?
The guests at this underground lair weren’t just addicted to human flesh. They were also addicted to drugs—alcohol, prescription meds, cocaine, heroin. But the most coveted of all? Adrenochrome.
Who extracted it?
Dr. Mehmet Oz, of course. He wasn’t just your TV doctor; he was the lair’s surgeon, extracting A-chrome during Slaughter Week. His addiction wasn’t flesh—it was money. He made millions for every extraction. Dr. Oz might’ve been the medical pro, but he was in deep. The elites needed him, just like they needed Anthony Bourdain, the chef who’d been involved for years, cooking up human delicacies for the rich and powerful.
Bourdain, though? He was getting tired. He noticed that the cannibals had gotten better at preparing meals without him. Did they really need him as much as they used to? Or was he stuck in this twisted web forever?
And then there was Hillary Clinton—watching, plotting, with that sinister look on her face. She wanted Bourdain to dispose of some new guests from the NXIVM cult. She didn’t want any ties to them. Bourdain didn’t need to fatten them up; they weren’t there for long. But Clinton offered him a sick “favor”—to have his fun with them before he killed them, though Bourdain wasn’t like that. That was more Jeffrey Dahmer’s style.
For Hillary? This was just another day in her twisted world. Bill Clinton had brought in sex slaves, women on collars—enslaved, drugged, and blank-eyed, moving like robots as they were forced to eat, not even aware of the horror around them. Tom Cruise and Will Smith were among the guests, eyeing the women as if they were nothing but meat.
The whole room was filled with power and depravity. Murder and Slaughter Week couldn’t be mentioned with the prey in the room, but the slaves? They were already dead inside. Hillary and Bill Clinton had plans for them, no doubt.
But Bourdain knew they wouldn’t last long. The slaves would be killed before the others, for a little extra thrill.
This is what the elites do—behind closed doors, in their secret circles. They feast, they conspire, and they play God. The storm is here, and it’s up to us to wake up and take action before we all become their prey. They don’t want you to know this. Will you sit back and watch, or will you fight for the truth? Time’s running out.
Hot Off the Press!
Military Mobilized to Defend QFS: Global Wealth Redistribution Underway with Troops on the Ground – The Elites Are in Full Panic Mode!
The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is here, and the elites know it. They’re panicking, scrambling to hold onto their crumbling power. But it’s too late. Global military forces have been mobilized—not to prepare, but to enforce the transition to QFS. This is the biggest power shift in history, and the establishment is about to lose everything they’ve hoarded for centuries.
Operation Shield, South Africa, August 2024. They claim it’s a routine military exercise, but that’s a lie. The South African National Defense Force (SANDF), led by General Thabiso Mokoena, is securing critical QFS infrastructure. Cyber units, air defense systems, special forces—they’re stationed at QFS hubs in Johannesburg and Cape Town, ready to defend the future of global finance.
Why military mobilization? Simple. The elites are desperate. They’ll stop at nothing to derail QFS, which will reclaim the world’s wealth from their iron grip. Mokoena’s troops are ready to crush any attempts to sabotage the QFS network. Failure isn’t an option.
But this isn’t just about South Africa. Satellite surveillance is everywhere. High-altitude drones circle non-stop, watching every inch of ground and cyberspace. China and Russia are involved too, with advisors embedded in the operation. Their warships are stationed in hotspots like the South China Sea and the Mediterranean, defending the underwater data cables essential to QFS.
Admiral Viktor Volkov of the Russian Navy and Admiral Chen Wei of the Chinese Navy are commanding fleets armed with quantum-encrypted technology—systems you haven’t even heard of yet. If anyone tries to sabotage the QFS, they’ll be crushed.
The terrifying truth for the elites? This isn’t just about infrastructure. The QFS is about reclaiming the wealth they’ve stolen for centuries. They’ve manipulated currencies, controlled markets, and drained nations dry. The QFS is the dagger that will end their empire. Powered by quantum computing and blockchain, it’s immune to the tricks and scams the elites have used for decades. And now that the transition is happening, there’s nothing they can do to stop it.
The QFS is coming fast. The storm isn’t coming—it’s already here. This is the moment when the world’s wealth gets redistributed, not by the elites, but by a system they can’t control, can’t hack, and can’t stop. The QFS will return what’s been stolen, and this will be the greatest wealth transfer in human history.
The elites have tried to sabotage it—manipulating currencies, spreading lies, even attempting military interventions. But Russia and China have neutralized their every move. The networks used by the elites to control the global economy are crumbling, and it’s only a matter of time before the entire system collapses on top of them.
But don’t be fooled. The elites will do anything to maintain control—spreading fear, lies, and confusion about QFS. But the military knows the truth. The patriots know the truth. Now, you know it too.
Operation Shield in South Africa is just the beginning. Similar operations are happening globally, as military forces in the U.S., Europe, and Asia fortify QFS hubs. The media won’t tell you, but it’s happening right under their noses, and they’re powerless to stop it.
The storm is already here. The elites are out of time, out of options, and soon, out of money. The QFS will strip them of their ill-gotten gains and redistribute the wealth back to the people. Are you ready for it? Because this transition is unstoppable, and those who aren’t prepared will be left behind.
The QFS is real. It’s here. And it’s about to change everything. The elites can’t stop it. No one can stop it. The question is: where will you be when the storm finally breaks?
Justice Thomas the Hero?
The final decisions from the current SCOTUS session are about to drop any day now. Election turnover?
All three branches of the US “government” (in fact, a US foreign corporation that is now defunct) have been proven to have been compromised (legislative, justice, and executive), so it’s time, finally, for the military to step in a visibly take control. I expect to see this happen extremely soon. I don’t know whether the Supreme Court will play a role, or not, because they are not a legitimate body. There will be another high court, most likely in Pennsylvania, that is soon to be revealed.
OPERATION: SANDMAN (Still “a thing!”)
(with DXY heading up in a final fifth wave of a flat, I would expect the Sandman Operation to start next week, after a top is in place. The Sandman Operation should send DXY down and SPX up, due to the fact that dollars coming back to the US would be deeming inflationary. DXY moving lower would be inflationary.)
“Project Sandman” describes a 100+ nation agreement that, when triggered, will see those nations simultaneously dump the dollar and abandon the “petrodollar.” When this “event” is triggered, the dollar and all dollar-denominated assets will plunge. (this is what we’ve been told)
What will happen (this is a planned event by the US military) is that one hundred, or so, countries, will sell their US dollars back to the US and will cease holding dollars. This would be perceived as inflationary to the US, as these dollars would move back into the US treasury, and drive down the dollar, which is what we want to have happen.
The other potential driver of the dollar is the release of huge amounts of humanitarian funds (and restitution funds — think seniors) which are believed to be in fiat dollars initially, with a release we keep hearing is imminent (in fact, long overdue).
Nearly 60% of international reserves are held in dollar-denominated assets, and it’s by far the most-used currency for trade. The dollar is involved in about 88% of all international trade transactions.
When Israel is defeated in this current war, the main stream media, which it owns, will also come down. At that point, we should be ready to roll into the Emergency Broadcast System playback around the world over a ten day period.
So, the “cavalry” seems to be waiting on the edge of town! But it’s been there for a while! It’s long OVERDUE!
Situation Report for Monday, September 23 — PDF DOWNLOAD: Restored-Republic-via-a-GCR-9-23-2024
CAVEAT: The Situation Report scrapes information from a variety of channels in the Telegram app, without any attempt to determine reliability of that information. But, there’s also a an amount of military intel. I find it more useful than not. They try, but there’s so much misinformation these days. Use your own discernment as to what is accurate, or believable.
We’re in the STORM — the STORM Brings Justice
This warning graphic below will remain up as a reminder of the impending change in fortunes that is not very far off in the distance and will definitely affect the market.

TUESDAY? The 34 Satanic Sites
Here’s an updated list on the 34 satanic sites that are going to be destroyed. The ones followed by xxxx are ones already taken out. Others may have a note after them.
Which Tuesday? It’s always been slated for a Tuesday. We just don’t know which one, but I now think this is imminent. However, WWIII has been imminent for weeks, so we’ll see.
NEW! On X (BREAKING): 3 Gorges Dam is back in the news as China & Taiwan heats up There’s been massive covert operations going on for years in China & Taiwan clearing out western [DS] agents & the CCP. What is being scripted & played out now is for the public movie. Undersea cables being cut. Silk Road military ops. Wuhan & other bio-weapon laboratories. DUMBs have been taken out. Many ‘10 km deep earthquakes’ especially recently in Taiwan. The 3 Gorges Dam will not be taken out in the way where millions of Chinese will be in danger. ‘Strategic Military Operations’ have cleared out CCP x CIA’s underground facilities under the 3GD with one of its main purposes of ‘mining bitcoin’. The public movie may show kinetic events where 3GD will get damaged & will appear as if China & Taiwan are at war with one another. However, much like how White Hats in Israel, Palestine & Iran are clearing Khazarians in the same areas under the guise of Israel vs Palestinians & other Arab nations. The White Hats in China & Taiwan are working together to exterminate DS CCP agents & operations under the guise of China vs Taiwan in public view.
xxx means gone/taken down
- Ark of Bal xxx
- Augusta Germany Castle
- Biltmore Hotel, Coral Cables,Miami
- Buckingham Palace
- Cern in Switzerland
- Bhoemian Grove xxx
- Comet Pizza in Hollywood xxx
- Denver International Airport
- Epstein Island Dome
- Georgia Guidestones xxxx
- Hoover Dam
- La Louvre in France
- London Bank 1 xxx
- London Bank 2 xxx
- London Bridge London
- London Bridge Lake Havasu City, AR
- Northern Castle (Biltmore)
- Notre Dame Cathedral in France xxx
- Opera House in Sidney Australia
- Pentagon
- Playboy Mansion xxx
- Statue of Liberty – son
- Stonehenge – about to go
- Tesla Building (will be a free energy tower)
- The Getty Museum xxx
- The Queens Hunting Lounge xxx
- The Vatican
- Three Gorges Dam
- US Capital
- Victoria Secret’s Home xxx
- Washington Monument – soon cracked
- White House 1 (Germany)
- White House 2 (D.C.)
- Windsor Tower – soon
Enjoy the Awakening!
Know the Past. See the Future
Webinar Playback: Elliott Wave Basics
If you’re new to the Elliott Wave Principle, or even fairly comfortable with it, this webinar will give you a solid introduction and comprehensive understanding of the difference between trending and counter-trend waves, the various patterns for both types of wave patterns, and a good overview of how fibonacci ratios determine trade targets.
This is link to the YouTube playback video, allowing you to review, stop and start, etc.
US Market Snapshot (based on end-of-week wave structure)
This chart is posted to provide a prediction of future market direction. DO NOT trade based upon the information presented here (certainly NOT from a daily chart).
Here's the latest daily chart of the SP500

Above is the daily chart of the SP500
Wednesday, September 11 changed the trajectory of the market. Something happened that day that has not been made public. I have heard the NESARA GESARA was supposed to be announced but was blocked by the Cabal. The market made a major turn to the upside that day and has not looked back.
The SP500 now is extremely close to topping. However, the Nasdaq is still lagging a bit and has further to go to reach to top.
Recent waves down are corrective and you can't start a drop of this magnitude with corrective waves. That's always been the requirement. The market cannot just turn anywhere; all the wave structures have to play out and then the trend can change.
Today is equinox, the first day of fall and this typically forecasts a trend change. But if you look at the last couple of years, the change has happened mid-October.
I expect the the greatest wealth transfer in the history of mankind to happen after the Emergency Broadcast System ends its ten days and it now seem that it will be mid-October when that happens.
However, it doesn't mean the market can't turn earlier, and it looks now like it doesn't have that much time to go.
The SP500 is in the final fifth sub-wave and we have stocks in that index very close to a double top. The challenge is the current pattern in the SP500. It looks like an ending expanding diagonal, but I don't think it is one because the third wave looks more motive than corrective. As well, the DOW is in an ending expanding diagonal, but right at the top, touching the upper trendline, which it should not rise above. It looks like it's complete.
DXY looks now to have one more wave down to go and I have two fibonacci measurements, one slightly above the 62% retrace level at about $99 and one slightly below. The count in oil (a triple zigzag to the downside) has one more wave down to go, with a target of $60.
Oil is at a measured high and silver has one more sub-wave up the go. The market collectively is just about the roll over.
It looks like it could happen this week, but the threat of an internet shutdown looms. We're in uncharted waters. They've always called for a CRASH before DECLAS (DECLAS referring to the Emergency Broadcast System ten day video playback to wake up the masses) and the military is in control, so this makes is so much more difficult to pick a date.
There are many signals now pointing to October4/5 for the start of the Emergency Broadcast System. That was the original date in 1582 when ten days were removed from the calendar; they need now to be added back in — the perfect time for "ten days of darkness."
They've tried twice now, they tell us, to announce NESARA GESARA. That would likely be a market-mover. We also have the announcement that Trump is the current President, probably as result of the SCOTUS decision on the Brunson case. This could also top the market.
There are no celestial events or scheduled announcements this week.
The overriding approach to this market should be one of CAUTION.
The Sandman Operation is still "a thing" (affecting the US fiat dollar), as I now consider it deflationary because the vast amounts of fiat currency that will flow back to the United States will not go back into the economy, therefore going out of circulation, which is deflationary.
GESARA is law internationally (but not domestically) and has apparently been announced to the media, which makes it law. When NESARA GESARA is announced publicly worldwide, It will shut down governments, courts, and police worldwide, trigger a golden jubilee and bring in natural law throughout. It's a major milestone.
I'm not sure whether the shutdown will include the internet, but I expect they'll shut down trading, which would likely mean we'd just pick up again from where we left off after the Great Awakening video playback is over.
This website is for educational purposes relating to Elliott Wave, natural cycles, and the Quantum Revolution (Great Awakening). I welcome questions or comments about any of these subjects. Due to a heavy schedule, I may not have the time to answer questions that relate to my area of expertise.
I reserve the right to remove any comment that is deemed negative, is unhelpful, or off-topic. Such comments may be removed.
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