World Cycles Institute

GESARA Imminent?

GESARA on Monday?

Last week, much of the intel coming out seemed contradictory. In the couple of days preceding this weekend, things began to change. That doesn’t mean we have a clear path before us. In fact, it’s taken me all morning to piece together where we are and what the short-term expectations are.

The start of THE STORM was officially launched on Wednesday, March 13, at 12:01 pm. These are the mass arrests from hundreds of thousands of sealed indictments that are being unsealed and implemented bit by bit. This is a huge undertaking, not only in North America, but around the world.

There is a war that has started building. US war planes were in Yemen earlier this evening (Saturday) and later in Iraq. This looks like the start of the major scare event … finally. There have been a lot of fake promises, but this one looks real. They are apparently taking out militias.

The Iraqi government website is down at the moment, reportedly. And international banks are down today, Sunday, March 16.

While we’re now clearly moving forward, it’s unclear when the Emergency Broadcast System is going to kick in. We were told it very well could be Monday, March 17, but I see that now a unlikely. We are told, though, this weekend, that GESARA will be law worldwide on Monday. So, I expect an imminent announcement of some kind.

click to expand

Per GESARA/NESARA law, within 120 days of the announcement, new elections WILL be  held, and they will be held on the Quantum Blockchain. These Quantim Systems are ready to go as we speak. Remember, the timing was left up to the President.

And, as I’ve also discussed, everything doesn’t have to be done before the announcement, the 10 days of darkness, EBS, etc … because this clean up of all the filth will continue going on for some time.

We have also been told that the transition from MARITIME LAW to Common Law is happening this weekend, March 15 – 17.

From the Restored Republic daily report on March 14, 2025:

As Commander In Chief of the Worldwide Military Alliance, Trump Activates Wartime Powers, Deploys US Military in US & Coalition of 300,000 Troops Worldwide to Make Mass Arrests of Treasonous Global Elites

Activates Gold-backed Global Currency Reset

Puts 90 Day Freeze on IRS Tax Collection, Fires 45,000 Agents

On Thurs. 13 March 2025 @ 12:01 pm US Inc. was officially dissolved.

• On Thurs. 13 March 2025 @ 12:01 pm the Military Commissions Act, activated. Special Ops with Donald J. Trump as the Supreme Commander, began tracking, capturing and preparing for Military Justice for Deep Staters, their treasonous acts and Crimes Against Humanity, the rigged court system and fake media.

• A worldwide military coalition of 300,000 troops were executing this most decisive operation in history.

• Military Tribunals were waiting at GITMO and other secure facilities.

Get Ready For Three Days of Communication Darkness and Ten Days of Disclosure. The power to the entire World could switch off briefly to install our new Starlink Satellite Internet. Shutdowns will occur, but only in certain areas. Banks will close. ATMs and Credit Cards will stop working. Have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency. If you’re unprepared, don’t worry. The Military will supply what you need. Nonstop education will be broadcast, teaching everyone about the true principles of Freedom and Justice.


Another day another decode! Here’s a short video on Tik Tok that exposes what is going on behind the scenes and gives us some hints on what to expect on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, 2025:

The Man Behind the Mask

Although we don’t But, we’re obviously at the end, regardless of the nay-sayers that continually attempt to destroy my optimism to lower my vibrations. But that, folks, is impossible. There are too many signs!

Here’s another sign that came out this weekend:

POTUS gives a double X

What we decoded from this was the following:

If Trump is making 2 X’s…..X = 24
X + X = drop #2424

Drop #2424 an anon says:  “ya’ll are just begging for disclosure at this point. huge obvious AIR Q…. are you kidding me. let’s do this Q”

Q replies:  POTUS ‘really’ made that one obvious didn’t he? It was the ‘end’ that sealed it. Q”



Update on Canada

Monday, March 10 was Commonwealth Day and it sparked a host of action around the “acquisition” of Canada. The Territory of Canada has been a security of the US for years, but it’s impossible to find out the legal relationship. I’ve heard it might have began in 1777 (now discounted), 1871, 1812, 1908, and somewhere around 2017 (USMCA or the death of the reptile Queen — Lizzy-Beth). Those seem to be the options as to when it lost independence, if it ever had it.

My guess is that Canada was part of the USA INC foreign corporation that was under the control of the British Crown. That’s the date the Space Force has given us and they apparently know everything that goes on in the world through they’re Starlink System.

The challenge with Canada now is “How do you bring it on board as part of the new US Republic (in the public narrative)?” Trump is doing that through tariffs. Trudeau is now gone and there’s a new Prime Minister, not even voted in. That is Mark Carney, former head of The Royal Bank of Canada. He’s here to help with valuing Canada and putting the final financial package together. We’ve heard that Canada is currently in probate.

While the questions abound here, we know King “Sausage Fingers” (Charles) has terminal death syndrome (they’re calling it cancer) that has lasted seemingly for years, and he’s about to have (or has had) a soul searching conversation with William, who we have heard way back when is going to dissolve the Crown (which is already long gone, in reality).

And, there’s the Pope. His birthday is on December 17. We’re in the final month of the year (April 1 is our New Year beginning under the new Lunar Calendar. So, December 17 relates to Monday, March 17 as the final month of the year. Is this when they’ll finally pull the plug. GESARA and the pope on the same day? Don’t know. We’ll see.

This movie is getting a little long in the tooth and rather unbelievable at this point. However, it’s all about waking up the sleepers!


Trump’s New Ad? — Hillary is Bigger than Watergate!

This was launched within the Telegram app on Saturday morning, Mar. 15, but it’s actually not new. We found it was created more than a year ago. However, it’s back and usually that means something. Is this a precursor to Hillary’s arrest. We were told it might happen on March 14. Is this the “first arrest?” I think it’s close — this week coming?


Donald J Trump: “The timeline is Easter.”

When is Easter?

Trump telling us “everything has to be done by Easter.” The information I have is that the current year (2024, in fact) ends on March 28 on our current Gregorian calendar, which I figured out a while ago because there’s a new moon on Saturday the 29th and that’s supposed to align with Easter. Easter is supposed to start the Lunar calendar year. (this calendar stuff is complicated, so my apologies if it’s a little confusing)

Back to Trump: Everything then, is supposed to be done by Easter (March 29). The 28th of March is the golden jubilee (The Ides of March on the Julian calendar is March 15, which aligns with March 28 on the Gregorian calendar). Does this mean they’re not going to run EBS until after Easter? Then, we might not see it until about April 2.

So, we have 28 days until everything is done, and then EBS. triggers. That’s my take on the current calendar.

Sunday, March 30 must be April 1. That means we start each month on a Sunday, not a Monday. Easter is the extra day they’ve said we would have. But even this information is questionable as we have another “official” calendar with the word “calendar” misspelled, that says the opposite.

Everything now is extremely difficult to figure out. It’s a giant puzzle and they don’t want you to know. If you know, the enemy knows.


The Calendar

My best shot, given all the opposing information that’s out there. This calendar has not changed appreciably in the past few weeks, other than the fact that I’ve moved expectations for the Emergency Broadcast System video playback until right after Easter.

Note: The dates below show Gregorian in black with Julian dates following in red, when they’re important. I am using “lunar notation” for the Julian month. For example, February is the 12th month of the year, March, the 13th month. The New Year starts April 1.

Monday, March 17 — GESARA comes in? It seems to me with all the hints, intel, and military comms, that we’ll have ten days or clean-ups, arrests, chaos, declass of Epstein files (and other files that have been held back) during this period. We could be going into a dangerous time, but GESARA should also bring in the military.

Tuesday, March 18 — Destruction of the 34 satanic sites? They were always supposed to be removed on a Tuesday, as per long-term intel.

Friday, March 28 (Mar. 15-J) — The Ides of March is supposed to be the day on which the Golden Jubilee takes place. The Julian Calendar was in effect when Caesar was killed (on that date). It falls on the Gregorian Calendar on March 28, which might just be New Year’s Eve. There is a New Moon on March 29, which should usher in the New Year. It is also, apparently Easter. This puts Easter on a Saturday, which may not be correct, but we’re going to have to wait a bit to get the real truth on this.


There’s been a Q alert for 500. Numbers in events are usually military/White Hat “comms.” “34 commands live” are the 34 satanic buildings that have to be destroyed. This still has to happen and it seems to me it will be sometime this coming week (preferably Tuesday).

This all seems to fit, so we’ll have to watch how it all plays out, but it seems like we’re going to have another huge week ahead of us.


What’s Going on With the War?

As I wrote above, the war in the middle east started to ramp up over the past few days.

The U.S. may strike Iranian targets linked to Houthi support. “All options are on the table. Ships, advisors, intelligence aiding the Houthis. 

Iranians must clearly understand the President’s message.”Mike Waltz to ABC NEWS

Israel reportedly convinced the Americans to strike the Yemeni Houthi’s which both countries agreed is the “First step” towards a strike against Iran – Al-Hadath.


I believe this week is very important! It is Newroz on March 20th for Kurds & Persians. It is their most important celebration of the year. It is their new year (Newroz) but mostly celebrates the heroism of Kawa over the tyrant Assyrian (Iranian) King Zahak who ruled for 1000 years and slaughtered many Kurds.

He demanded a daily sacrifice of 2 brains from male Kurds. Kawa, who had lost 6 sons to the king and who was tasked with bringing this daily offering only killed 1 man and mixed their brains with sheep brains. The saved man joined the army that Kawa built & trained to eventually defeat King Zahak. The day of victory is now Newroz.

This is important for several reasons 

    • Isreal/Iran/Syria have been taken over by Assyrians
    • King Zahak is depicted with 2 snakes coming out of his shoulders. 
    • We are cutting off the head of the snake
    • “Israel is last for no reason mentioned before” (see video below)
    • 10 days after Newroz is March 30th. Done in 30
    • this would clear everything up by the April 1\2 timeframes mentioned by Trump and others
    • Russia and turkey are about to go to war in Syria against each other
    • Turkey is about to be dismantled by the US & Russia
    • Kurdistan is a biblical battle against the Assyrians (matches the timeline)
    • Iran has started to activate their European & US cells and it’s going to get worse…so your buildings are still in play before Thursday.
    • the new world order is taken down this week and darkness will follow as everyone works it out

I still believe the announcement of GESARA must precede the start of EBS, and that should top the market (CRASH BEFORE DECLAS).


Remember — It’s ALL About the Children!


Israel is Last — Watch the Water!

Here’s a really important video that came out in the past few days and explains why Israel is last ” for a reason never mentioned before.” Well, here’s that reason explained in full. And this is setting up Israel for this coming week. That puts us in the direct line for the scare event … the final wake-up call before the Emergency Broadcast System starts up for ten days. I think that will happen around April 2.


Numbers Power the Universe!

I’ve known about the power of numbers for over twenty years, as that’s when I got involved analyzing the stock market. The fibonacci sequence dictates how the market moves (1.618, or .618 = 62%). That number runs all through the market, and nature. This video gives you a very good introduction into the power of numbers in nature.


The World is a Facade

What’s real and what’s not? The news, for example is fake. So are almost all the major leaders, except for the ones that are part of the Alliance. With the understanding that the science of cloning humans had been perfected by 1938, most of what you’re seeing on television involves, actors in masks, lookalikes, computer-generated animation (CGI/deep fakes), or clones.

Take a look at the images in this video. They can now take past DNA and regenerate humans but these “new copies” don’t have a soul and only last a certain amount of time.

This war we’re in is indeed biblical and it’s taking time to put it right. This is a big leap in consciousness for so many, but just like everything else, we’ve been lied to to keep us under the control of the elites and other off-world characters.

Star Trek stories were, for the part, real.


Situation Report for Saturday, March 15 — PDF DOWNLOAD: Restored-Republic-via-a-GCR-3-15-2025

CAVEAT: The Situation Report scrapes information from a variety of channels in the Telegram app, without any attempt to determine reliability of that information. But, there’s also a an amount of military intel. I find it more useful than not. They try, but there’s so much misinformation these days. Use your own discernment as to what is accurate, or believable.


We’re in the STORM — the STORM Brings Justice

There are still several tasks to be undertaken in terms of doling out justice. We’re in THE STORM which is responsible for mass arrests now happening worldwide. As in any movie, there are always details at the end to wrap up the plot. This movie is no exception. You’ll see a list below. It seems we’re going to see some of this happen during the Emergency Broadcast System playback and perhaps, even after. I’m hearing that martial law is going to be in place for quite some time to come. Military tribunals and live executions are scheduled for the summer of 2025. Many have been completed, but there are a lot more to go, at lower levels of corruption.

This warning graphic below will remain up as a reminder of the impending change in fortunes that is not very far off in the distance and will definitely affect the market.

TUESDAY? The 34 Satanic Sites

Here’s an updated list on the 34 satanic sites that are going to be destroyed. The ones followed by xxxx are ones already taken out. Others may have a note after them.

Which Tuesday? It’s always been slated for a Tuesday. We just don’t know which one, but I now think this is imminent. However, WWIII has been imminent for weeks, so we’ll see. 

xxx means gone/taken down


  1. Ark of Bal xxx
  2. Augusta Germany Castle
  3. Biltmore Hotel, Coral Cables,Miami
  4. Buckingham Palace
  5. Cern in Switzerland
  6. Bohemian Grove xxx
  7. Comet Pizza in Hollywood xxx
  8. Denver International Airport
  9. Epstein Island Dome
  10. Georgia Guidestones xxxx
  11. Hoover Dam
  12. La Louvre in France
  13. London Bank 1 xxx
  14. London Bank 2 xxx
  15. London Bridge London
  16. London Bridge Lake Havasu City, AR
  17. Northern Castle (Biltmore) xxx
  18. Notre Dame Cathedral in France xxx
  19. Opera House in Sidney Australia
  20. Pentagon
  21. Playboy Mansion xxx
  22. Statue of Liberty – son
  23. Stonehenge – about to go
  24. Tesla Building (will be a free energy tower)
  25. The Getty Museum xxx
  26. The Queens Hunting Lounge xxx
  27. The Vatican
  28. Three Gorges Dam
  29. US Capitol
  30. Victoria Secret’s Home xxx
  31. Washington Monument – soon cracked
  32. White House 1 (Germany)
  33. White House 2 (D.C.)
  34. Windsor Tower – soon


Enjoy the Awakening!

Know the Past. See the Future


Webinar Playback:  Elliott Wave Basics

If you’re new to the Elliott Wave Principle, or even fairly comfortable with it, this webinar will give you a solid introduction and comprehensive understanding of the difference between trending and counter-trend waves, the various patterns for both types of wave patterns, and a good overview of how fibonacci ratios determine trade targets.

Video Playback (Click here)This is link to the YouTube playback video, allowing you to review, stop and start, etc.


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US Market Snapshot (based on end-of-week wave structure)

This chart is posted to provide a prediction of future market direction. DO NOT trade based upon the information presented here (certainly NOT from a daily chart).

Here's the latest daily chart of the SP500

Above is the daily chart of the SP500.

This week, the SP500 continued the stair-stepping progress lower even though I was told by many that that market was in free fall. It was doing anything BUT that!

On Thursday, it was showing signs of a bottom forming. The waves down were a zigzag, quite obviously and at the 5504 low for the SP500, the C wave down was 1.618 times the length of the A wave down. I don't expect any more downside, but the wave up on Friday is not clearly complete and while mostly consistent across the indices, it's not necessarily consistent in stocks. Monday should be the day that tells us, at some point, whether we indeed have a bottom in place.

We're looking for a second wave down now, to about a 62% retrace level and then a new high for a relatively low-risk EW entry,

The ending expanding triangle remains intact. That being the case, I'm looking for at least a new all time high and more likely a top near the 6400 level. The wave up  will trace out three waves, if the triangle pattern is indeed in play.

There are no celestial events this week, other than the spring equinox on Thursday, March 20. E-mini futures expiration is on Friday, March 21 (along with options expiration, of course).

Organically, the market may stay aloft through the end of the week. To a very large extent, the market is manipulated, so it's unclear how they'll play this week. There are large hints that GESARA will be announced on Monday, March 17, but, as always, nothing is sure until it actually happens.

If GESARA is announced, it may be a big market mover. While it would bring in the military, it may not shut down the internet. They are calling for ten days of darkness. Whether that trigger the Emergency Broadcast System remains to be seen.

Easter is supposed to be at the end of the month and they may wait to shut things down completely until then April 2. That means the market may top around the equinox, which would be a higher probability historically.

DXY has been in a tepid correction to the upside this week, a B wave, but I expect more upside still and it may coincide with a second wave for the equities market.

We STILL appear to be on the brink of the revaluation of currencies, which is for the new gold-backed US dollar. All currencies will end up being equal to the nominal value of the US dollar, I understand. This change to the value of currencies will be orchestrated with the new gold-backed currencies (the new Quantum Financial System).  However, I expect the fiat "values" to follow those of gold-backed currencies (even though in reality, fiat currency is worthless).

When the US Dollar drops to a new low below $100, or more likely $96 (based upon fibonacci measurements), the US equities market should be very close to a final top.

We have a lot of potential fuel for a trend change and crash, so it could happen at any time when the equities market reaches a new high. We have banks around the world that are bankrupt. The real estate market is on borrowed time (HGX, the housing index looks like it's topped). The Bank of England has a liquidity problem as it's sold more physical gold than it has. Fort Knox is awaiting an audit to determine if it has ANY gold at all! There's a pending legal decision pending regarding banking, mortgage, corruption, and the role of the fiat dollar.

There's also the imminent golden jubilee (March 15 — the Ides of March, but on the Julian Calendar, which makes it March 28 on our Gregorian Calendar) and will spark the elimination of debt worldwide (Treasury bonds are also extremely close to a top).

I have heard nothing concrete about the shutdown of the internet, but it is going to happen and it's getting close. it could happen very soon. We should get a warning. 


GESARA is law (signed February 26, 2025 by Commander-in-Chief Donald J. Trump). it has not been announced publicly yet. When GESARA is announced publicly worldwide, It will shut down governments, courts, and police worldwide, trigger a golden jubilee and bring in natural law throughout. It's a major milestone.

The shutdown will include the internet, and I expect they'll shut down trading, which would likely mean we'd just pick up again from where we left off after the Great Awakening video playback is over.


Know the Past. See the Future

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