World Cycles Institute

Road to Freedom

Critical Timing & Thinking

Sundays are important days. I often wait a bit longer lately before I tackle the blog post that I put out each week. The past 2-3 weeks has dropped a lot of new information on Sunday.

This particular Sunday might or might not usher in the EBS system. It’s now a bit of a guessing game on which day it will be. There are lots of signs that it’s imminent,

Julian Assange has been extradited to the USA. That’s a good thing. It’s unlikely that it was actually him in Belmarsh Prison all this time. It was more likely a clone and I’ve included a video below, which is well done, giving you an idea of how ubiquitous this practice is. Heads of state, kings and queens all over the world, and many celebrities have been cloned. In any case, Assange is Trump’s cousin, so I expect he’s been well taken care of all this time.

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The Maxwell trial began at the beginning of December. It didn’t really go anywhere and may be dismantled due to the obvious bias in the judiciary. It was more “for show,” because the list of those who visited Epstein’s island came out as part of it. Immediately, we had a number of high profile CEOs step down. That list is on the left. Since then, reportedly 500 CEOs have stepped down.

In other news, most of CNN has been arrested, apparently, and it was reported today that Chris Wallace is leaving FOX and going to CNN, but the steaming service. Would you pay to watch Chris Wallace? I mean, they can hardly get anyone to watch CNN for free, anymore!

Wallace was the interviewer on one of Trump/Biden face-offs before the 2020 election, and was most obviously extremely biased towards Joe Biden and the democrats. It’s always been a wonder to me why he was on Fox, but then FOX has changed its stripes quite noticeably over the past couple of years.

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Chris Wallace has other issues, of course. Here he is being helped off a boat onto Epstein’s Island in the US Virgin Island, “Little St. James.” Pedophilia runs across the industry. And Chris Wallace also appears to be of “another gender” than you might think by his appearance. There’s lots more to this story. So much coming out. We live in a very sick world and, We’re definitely in the Great Awakening!

Brian Williams announced he’s leaving his sullied career, and Chris Cuomo went down in flames a few days ago. MSM is under attack and is slated to go down before we see the EBS system start up, which I believe is any day now. Satellites of the Cabal, who controlled the US media through them have come down. It’s up to the plan as to when they pull the string on the media itself. It will be part of a very rapid falling on dominoes when it happen. The BIG EVENT (a nuclear false flag stand-off) will set off those dominoes.

Fox news may also be on the cusp of more negative news, having to do with Tucker Carlson. There’s certainly been a lot of controversy around him of late. There’s a video of a conversation where he emphatically denies that there’s any evidence whatsoever that the World Trade Center implosion was an inside job. Then there’s these visuals of a group of compromised celebs sporting a Cabal bracelet.  Hmmm.

There’s also the percolating fact that Hunter Biden was close friends with Tucker Carlson, wrote a recommendation for his son’s Georgetown application, and even got Carlson to intervene in a story about him. I smell “essence of swamp.”

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Then there are the deaths from the jab. On the left are the pilot deaths from these experimental death bombs and they’re certainly working. Here are the numbers:

        • 2019: 1 pilot death 
        • 2020: 6 pilot deaths
        • 2021: 111 pilot deaths

Anything seem abnormal about this?

The lies about who’s in hospital are also being dismantled. Over 90% are people who’ve been asleep and vaccinated (they go hand-in-hand), perhaps more than once.

Then there are all the high-profile deaths. Here’s a very small sample:

The world is being cleaned up. Much of the hard work has been done. The key figures of the Illuminati are gone, but the clean-up of the underlings is still going on. That’s why we need ten days of shutdown and martial law across the world. There’s no escape for these pedophiles and satanists. It’s all coming to an end.

The Sound of Silence — Good-bye to Hollywood’s Pedos

Ankle bracelets galore. A bit of reality. Most of this is hidden from the general public, unless they were actually to look … and the main stream media wasn’t complicit.

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The End Has to be Near!

In that regard, there’s been an attempt to put some dates on what’s unfolding now that we know we’re in the Great Awakening stage. There are many signs we’re working our way towards the nuclear scare event, which ultimately will allow troops stationed all over the world step in and declare martial law. This is critical in the final clean up stage. We do not want to Black Hats having the ability to escape what is about to happen to them.

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The calendar on the left if not mine and it probably isn’t easily decipherable, but let me fill in some details. This was formulated on December 7 (you can see the X) and the intel was telling us to expect 3 days (Bay of Pigs reference, but is most likely a concentration of the building the false flag nuclear standoff) of intense military action before the next phase, which would probably be the ten days of EBS.

Trump has always said we’d have a great Christmas and he may have been quite literal in his foreshadowing. The stock market is in it’s final sub-wave and we may see an ending pattern develop, which would likely give us at least another week (or even two) before we see the top. At the moment, that’s speculative, because I do not yet know what the pattern is. I’ve always said the market will tell me when GESARA is coming, because you can’t destroy almost all the debt in the world without huge market ramifications.

The calendar above would produce the following timeline:

Fri, Dec 10 — EBS tweet from President Trump?

Sat, Dec 12 — start EBS, which would last through Tues, Dec 21

Sat, Dec. 21 — Solstice. That’s certainly a key event for the market. It’s also a key event for the Galactic Federation, as you’ll see from a video below entitled “Divine Intervention.”

Wed, Dec 22 — opening of new Matrix movie. Coincidence? Probably not.

Wed, Dec. 22 – 24 — 3 day celebration before Christmas? I would imagine the celebration would last throughout the holidays and into at least the first part of January. Med Beds are already in place, but apparently being heavily guarded so that they don’t get into the wrong hands.

NOTE: We passed a key milestone on Friday, December 10, which is supported by a Mickey Mouse clock, which has been a major icon relating to the plan. Dec. 10 is also the delta for several dates within the Q plan. But there are other possible dates for the start of the EBS playback.

It could start Tuesday, Dec. 14 and go right to Christmas. President Trump (he was apparently sworn back in by the military on November 27) has proclaimed Dec. 24 a holiday. There’s got to be something in that. Today on his Il Donaldo Trump channel in Telegram, he began with:


There’s also the fact that we’re expecting 3 days due to the “Bay of Pigs reference” and then there’s the question of what’s going on with the Queen and Pope. They’ve been preparing us for the deaths in the main stream media (they’re both long gone in reality). In the Queen’s case, her death will lead to a complete 3 day shutdown and then ten days of mourning. Well, there are thirteen days between now and Christmas.

Then, there’s the Julian calendar. We just don’t know it that’s in play, or not. If it is, then the date of the start of EBS could be Dec. 24. However, I think that’s far less likely because the false flag nuclear event we’re expecting is already at defcon 3 and martial laws seem imminent to me. Troops are now stationed all over the world.

So, it’s complicated, to say the least! But, it always has been.

Masks _ You’ve Been Watching a Movie

Here’s a video I’ve posted before, but I thought that it’s appropriate to post it again, because, as a television producer for some 45 years, I can spot these and computer generated graphics usually within a few seconds. They’re all over the place. Truly, nothing is real.

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PervyWood 6

This is a well-done documentary that will give you more insight into clones (is Elon Musk a clone?). As you watch this, you come to the realization that it must have ridiculously difficult to figure out who’s who in the zoo in terms or being real or not. Then, of course, you have shape-shifting Reptilians on top of that.

So, the idea that this war was predictable or that we shouldn’t have expected delays is rather ridiculous. I’m sure there are going to many, many books and movies coming out about what really went on with some of these fights and confrontations.


Are You One of the 144,000?

The Activation of Divine Intervention Has Begun! – The 21st OF December 2021!

The Activating of Divine Intervention will take place on December 21, 2021, at the precise time of the solstice, when it will have the greatest potential good impact on mankind. Divine Intervention 2021. This video comes from the Galactic Federation and, if you want to be one of the 144,000, you can go to and sign up.

Divine Intervention Activation! - The 21st OF December 2021! ( DNA AWAKENING )

Mess of a Market

My prognosis really hasn’t changed in the last week. We sat still for most of this week, but everything I cover seems to have an easy to determine path to final tops.

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We’re sort of in a holding pattern, trying to get all these “cats” herded and ready for the next big move. We’re going to have a very large final wave across all the currency pairs, oil, gold, and silver, but it looks like we’re going to get either an ending diagonal (or triangle) in e-mini futures.

It seems to me that the market will get moving again on Monday. We have a second wave correction (or B wave) in currency pairs, futures, and oil to get out of the way before we get into the balance of this fifth wave up.

Keep in mind that we have a Federal Reserve announcement on Wednesday at 2 pm EST and my thinking is that in futures, we’ll be at the bottom of the second (or B) wave when that happens, which would then spark the turn back up. Speculative, but nothing we haven’t seen before.

We’re now in the wait stage for the start of the Emergency Broadcast System. Friday, December 10 was as important date in the timeline. It now sets up three most probable dates for the start: It’s most likely either Sunday, Dec, 12; Tuesday, Dec. 14, or Christmas Eve (more of a Julian calendar choice.

The most likely choices are the first two. I have read that we’re now at Defcon 3 (1 is the highest in terms of risk of a nuclear attack). This is the big false flag nuclear event coming and should end with sirens going off.  Then we roll into martial law, the internet switch-over, free electricity system, natural law legal system, and the new financial system. I think the financial system will change very close to Christmas. It’s the destruction of all debt around the world which should bring down the stock market.

We’re supposedly waiting for a tweet from Trump, and this visual just came out tonight (Saturday):


Jack’s resignation Tweet was posted at 10:48am => 148 = DONALD J TRUMP = FULL CONTROL. Why would Jack post his resignation at the exact time of Trump’s name? Answer: Trump controls Jack’s account now.

Also, Jack’s resignation email was sent at 9:45am, and Q945 is the ‘standard comm’ Q post to signify arrest because BOOOOOM = 90 = ARRESTED, and BOOOOOM Q = 107 = MILITARY = GUANTANAMO.”

So, that’s good news, but not a surprise. We have to wait to see what happens the rest of  the weekend. However, what to expect in the market seems clear now.

We’re also waiting for the death of QEII and the Pope. The messages out this week are that both are dying (of course, they’ve been dead for a very long time). But, this will be a major marker for moving to EBS and martial law. So, their public demise is a very important event.

The impending war has allowed military from all over the world to get positioned to enact martial law at any time.


We still have these major events still to go. I don’t know what the timing will be, but it will start to get obvious in the coming days, I think.

We’re now in the GREAT AWAKENING phase. At the same time, we still have a number of big events that are still in the works (some have already happened, or are in progress):

  • WW3 Scare Event. Nuke Sirens: This appears to be an event that the US military is going to stage at the White House. Israel is in a “staged” war with the Palestinian Authority (“Israel will be last” and the buildings that are “going down” and imploding, meaning they’re pre-wired with explosives). Big announcement about Iran coming.
  • Changing over to Tesla Free Energy (this will require power to go off in the Continental US — not sure if it will affect the rest of the world)
  • 34 satanic buildings & dams bombed  — I think some of these buildings have already been taken out. They appear to be part of an energy grid system that has keep the natural energy of the Earth suppressed — much more on this to come
  • Breaking of the 3 Gorges Dam in China. This dam sits above Wuhan and the plan is that the water from the break will destroy the Wuhan lab, which has a link to US Big Pharma, and will be the beginning of the end for them. Bitcoin Servers turned off (99.5% of Crypto gone China Coins) — this involves the dismantling of 24 nuclear reactors under the dam that provide the electricity for Bitcoin. There’s a Chinese satellite that’s supposed to come crashing down to Earth and it’s likely this is going to be cover for the breaking of the 3 Gorges Dam.
  • Martial Law — for the ten days dubbed “ten days of darkness.” Actually, it should be called “ten days to the light!” It will be the Great Awakening as we see round the clock video that explains most of what’s been going on the last 5 years to overthrow what’s been going on for two thousand years! — the Illuminati.
  • AND, of course …. GESARA

They’ve recently said, “You’re watching a movie, but it’s coming to an end.”

We’re already in “The Great Awakening” part of the process, but THE STORM continues (flooding, explosions, arrests, resignations, audits …). There’s so much going on that’s not obvious to the general public, but  many things are starting to hit the mainstream media now, so many more are starting to “wake up.”

There’s been intel that the MSM (main stream media) is now on the verge of being taken down. Satellites to that effect were taken down this weekend. The main stream media needs to come down before we see the Emergency Broadcast System fire up, because they need to control all the airwaves in order for that to happen.

I’m looking ahead this week get out out of these doldrums in the market and confirm the path that seems to be in progress. Again, I think we’ll have a couple of weeks before we see that top finally form across the entire market.

Bitcoin Continues Down

Above is the 4 hours chart of Bitcoin. It’s going down for the count. Bitcoin is a tool of the Illuminati (particularly CCP) in money-laundering, income, and other illegal activities. It’s demise is a signal that we’re near the end.

We’re in a first wave down and I expect this to continue to about 29.000 before a second wave bounce up to 52,000 again. After than, it will be more or less down to the bottom.


Enjoy the Awakening!

Know the Past. See the Future


Free Webinar Playback:  Elliott Wave Basics

If you’re new to the Elliott Wave Principle, or even fairly comfortable with it, this webinar will give you a solid introduction and comprehensive understanding of the difference between trending and counter-trend waves, the various patterns for both types of wave patterns, and a good overview of how fibonacci ratios determine trade targets.

Video Playback (Click here)

This is link to the YouTube playback video, allowing you to review, stop and start, etc.


Want some truth?

My new site now has several extensive newsletters in place. Videos now explain the banking system and deflation, and I’ve provided lists of what to do and what the start collecting in  preparation for the eventual downturn, which will last for decades. The focus of my new site is now to retain your wealth, plan for deflationary times, and stay healthy in the process. I’m also debunk a lot of the propaganda out there. It’s important to know what’s REALLY happening in the world today. This has all been predicted and we know how it’s going to play out. Getting to the real truth, based on history, is what I do, inside the market and out.

To sign up, visit my new site here.

All the Same Market.

I’ve been mentioning for months now that the entire market is moving as one entity, the “all the same market” scenario, a phrase that Robert Prechter coined many years ago, when he projected the upcoming crash.

We’re in the midst of deleveraging the enormous debt around the world. Central banks are losing the control they had and we’re slowly sinking into deflation world-wide, with Europe in the lead.

The US dollar is fully in charge of both the equities and currencies markets. They’re all moving in tandem, as I’ve been saying since September of 2017. Over the past three years, their movements have been moving closer and closer together and one, and now they’re in lock-step, with the major turns happening at about the same time.

it’s challenging because often times currency pairs are waiting for equities to turn, and other times, it’s the opposite. The other frustrating thing is that in between the major turns, there are no major trades; they’re all, for the most part day-trades. That’s certainly the case in corrections, where you very often have several possible targets for the end of the correction.

We’re now close to a turn in the US indices, currency pairs, oil, and even gold. Elliott wave does not have a reliable timing aspect, but it looks like we should see a top very soon.


Get an upper hand … JC 2

Get an upper hand in trading …

Seeing all the different currency pairs and the wave structures and hearing you explain why this has to do that on a nightly bases gives one a upper hand when trading. Elliott Wave applies to all stock and indices and can be applied to any candlestick chart.

If someone ask what you want for Christmas – Tell them a membership to Peter’s “Traders Gold!”—JC

The best of them JL 2

The best of them …

Last couple of years, I subscribed to several ‘market traders’. You are by far the best of them and the personal contact is awesome. Daily and daily updates are very well written! Besides your expertise in EW, I also like your cycles analysis. Best investment I ever made! —JL

A true expert in Elliott Wave FL 2

A true expert in Elliott Wave …

You are a true expert in EW analysis. What you provide is not available anywhere and is priceless. Subscription on your services is the best thing I have ever done. Many thanks for your effort to make me a better investor. I now have more trust in my investment decisions. I hope you will continue the excellent work! —FL

Rise above the rest … SM 2

Rise above the rest …

I have only ever met a few people who, in their chosen fields (astrology, medicine, music, martial arts, technical analysis), rise above all the rest and you are one of them…you have ‘the gift’…and that’s why I’m a Trader’s Gold member. —SM

Have not had a losing week RW 2

Have not had a losing week …

I have been with Peter almost a year. The only thing that matters is have I made money with his service. I think I have finally turned the corner using Peter’s EW. I have not had a losing week in the last 5 months. Thanks Peter, for your amazing amount of hard work. —RW

the real deal SM 2

The real deal …

‘Educational, insightful and thorough market analysis for all levels of traders. It’s Elliott Wave at its best….Peter Temple is the real deal’ —SM

Couldn’t be happier … KK 2

Couldn’t be happier …

The analysis and insight you provide is simply amazing!  I’ve been trading the futures and equity markets for well over thirty years and usually average around 5% monthly.  Since joining your Traders Gold Service two months ago, that number has better than doubled.  I couldn’t be happier.—KK

Tops in your field DZ 2

Tops in your field …

You are tops in your field.  Tried to follow Elliot Wave international for years.  They were always behind the market.  After discovering you, I perceive that you are an expert in reading the waves, which puts you way ahead of the rest of your peers. And you can read the Waves like you are reading tomorrow’s financial section.  I pray you stay healthy.  —DZ

US Market Snapshot (based on end-of-week wave structure)

This chart is posted to provide a prediction of future market direction. DO NOT trade based upon the information presented here (certainly NOT from a daily chart).

Above is the daily chart of ES (click to enlarge, as with any of my charts).

Tops are a process and can be brutal to attempt to trade. It's not totally clear what futures are doing at the moment, but my bias is that on the hourly charts, we're in the early stages of an ending pattern, either a triangle or ending diagonal. I'm leaning towards an ending diagonal. Either would require a partial retrace to the downside.

A week ago Friday (Dec. 3), futures bottomed and over the weekend, headed up, topping into Wednesday and going sideways since then. The wave up is corrective and has rallied in ES to about the 767% retrace level. I expect that this wave up is the either the first wave of an ending diagonal, or the B wave of a contracting triangle. Until it drops back down, I don't know which it is.

I expect, because of what what currency pairs are doing, that we'll stay aloft until Monday and then perhaps drop into Tuesday, before heading back up mid-week. It's looking to me that the market might be aligning with the start of the Emergency Broadcast System, but that's speculative, at this point.

Overall, the market seems to be targeting a top coincident with the expected golden jubilee sometime close to Christmas.

At the same time, the US Dollar Index appears to have topped and traced out a first wave to the downside, but has been sitting in a second wave most of the week, requiring only a small wave to the upside to complete it. So overall, for the expected next major move, most assets appear to have traced out the first sub-wave of a larger fifth wave to a final high. That wave looks like it will take different forms across various assets.

Right now, it's very much a day-trading market throughout. The moves have been quite small, but the remainder of the fifth wave to new highs looks to be a large one, particularly in currency pairs, oil, gold, and silver.

All asset classes are moving in tandem, so major turns tend to happen across the market at the same time. However, you have to wait for all these asset classes to get to that turn point, so that means a rigorous measuring process and structural review each night. Only once they're all lined up do you get the turn.

The next patterns in futures look to be setting up for an ending wave structure and I'm betting it will take a couple of more weeks to complete this corrective third wave up from March, 2020.

Then we have a very large drop of around 2500 points to the downside in a very large fourth wave of an even larger broadening top, or in EW terms, an expanding triangle. I expect that third wave top to be a result of the announcement of the end of debt worldwide ... a debt jubilee, which just so happens to 50 years after Nixon de-linked gold from the US dollar, thereby creating fiat currencies worldwide.


Summary: On a large scale (multi-day chart), we appear to be in a broadening top formation, going back to 2018. The wave up from March, 2020 has been a zigzag, as expected. It will completely retrace to the downside. Looking at subwaves, we're in the final fifth wave of the C wave of a zigzag — of a higher degree third wave of a broadening top. The entire move up from March 2020 is almost complete. 

On an hourly chart, we're slowly setting up to turn up into the final fifth sub-wave to a slight new high. I expect we're going to see an ending pattern take shape to complete this final wave, either a triangle, or ending diagonal.

The covert military operation that's been in action the past five years is also coming to an end. With that phase of operations ending, we have ahead of us a large fourth wave drop which will probably align with the debt jubilee, announcement of GESARA, and the start of the Great Awakening (EBS).

I'm expecting a retrace down of about 2500 points in SPX. Once we've reached an area below 2100, we'll turn back up to climb to a final slight new high in a fifth wave of this 500 year cycle top.

Know the Past. See the Future

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