It’s Here! The MAIN EVENT!
There is SO MUCH information coming out now that I seriously cannot keep up. It’s exacerbating the mental exhaustion that many of us are feeling as a result on the length of time this process has taken to come to what appears to be the end.
It’s one end and the beginning of another even bigger chapter, but today, we’ll concentrate on the schedule that seems to be unrolling this coming week.
Along the way, we’ve seen many of the 7-11 signs posted. It’s obviously an important date, as is Monday, July 8. We’re told that on Monday, we may here the words NESARA GESARA, but I’d be perfectly happy to hear them later in the week, particularly for all the people being attacked through the corrupt court systems, attempting to steal their land. These are the people I’ve been fighting for every day for the past year and a half or so. It’s been a never-ending battle, but we’ve been met with lots of success in staving them off. Now, comes their pain.
My thinking, based upon the tentative calendar I’ve posted below is that we could see the Emergency Broadcast System that day, or at least the lead up to it. There are other possible dates towards the end of the week and into Monday, the 14th. They don’t want us to know the exact date, but we all know we’re that close!
The Great Awakening is much larger than most of us previously understood. We who follow the Q Anon Movement understand that the Global Deep State / Cabal Elite are Satanists who control our planet through economic systems of slavery while keeping a thick veil of propaganda over the masses while hiding the truth of our history, science, technology, and religion. We know the Satanists are worshiping Reptilian entities that are alien and have been here for thousands of years oppressing humanity. And we know of the horrible acts they do to our children including sexual abuse, torture and sacrifice.
We know that the White Hats and the Q Movement began with JFK and for over 60 years a PLAN has been developed and implemented.
We know that Trump is the Face of the White Hats and the World Alliance of Generals.
An Alliance of over 34 nations and militaries working with Space Force as the operational command of this Covert Global Defense War to eradicate the Deep State. We know about QFS, Gesara/Nesara, and the 6000 suppressed technologies being released. We know about the DISCLOSURE EVENT / E.B.S. Lockdown that is imminent. We know about the coming destruction to the 34 Satanic Locations.
We know the Kennedy Family, Donald Trump, and others have roles in a divine lineage of what will be known as the greatest story ever told.
But what if I told you it goes much deeper than that? The truths of our reality as we know it have been hidden from our consciousness.
Our true history, our true science, our true technology, all suppressed from the ignorant masses as a “Dark Magic” spell.
The world as we know it has been in quarantine from a much larger reality all around us.
This chapter is fast coming to an end.
Your STRAWMAN in Graphic Form
For more on this, view my video entitled, “The Incredible Mortgage Scam.”

Now, keep in mind that this wartime scenario is fake, a narrative conjured up to wake up more of the population who are completely asleep to what’s going on around them. The many people I deal with on a daily basis are VERY AWARE of what’s going on as the DEEP STATE continues to steal their hard earned money, and more devastatingly, attempts to steal their property. This part is VERY, VERY REAL!
Biden, as of this weekend, has apparently been removed. In reality, this happened a long time ago. Virtually nothing is real on television and the war you’re about to see play out is mostly for the benefit of “the normies” — those who are still fast asleep. But, it has to be done. We need to get everyone on board for what is to come, because we will not be successful without it.
I know from communication online in Telegram that now the Galactic Federation is extremely frustrated at how long this effort is taking to come to a head, now referring to a segment of the military they’re calling the “grey hats” (as opposed to “white hats”). This weekend, though, things are definitely heating up.
Airports and airlines continue to shut down and watch for Hurrican Beryl, which is now threatening Texas in the US. It may play a big part in the shutdown (and taking out a huge infrastructure that is keeping us in the Matrix due to certain frequencies that are still in play. This is a war for our minds and all these structures (like 5G) must be removed.

The RV/currency exchange program continues to move along, though, and we’re now told that everything is ready. The Iraq Dinar rate is finally supposed to be announced this weekend and there were reports of an expected celebration there last Sunday but I haven’t heard anything more since. Japan, however, has started its currency revaluation and reset. Some countries have already announced GESARA. The Dinar rate is supposed to kick off the Global Currency Reset once and for all for the majority of the rest of the world.
What the Coming Week Might Look Like
We have some real dates coming out of Kim Tesla (niece of Nikola Tesla). It appears we’re targeting three days of shutdown (“darkness”) on July 7 thru 9 and I have similar intel from other trusted sources:

I don’t think the above calendar needs much explanation, since I’ve shared many of these events in many posts leading up to this one. Another important date is July 18. This is my best guess on timing, based upon what we know now.
The Importance of Seven-Eleven

The Election in France — A Major Marker
BREAKING: Marine Le Pen’s Right Wing National Rally (RN) party is about to win the national election in France, which is taking place on Sunday, July 7 (today, as I write this post). This is an extremely important event and I’m hearing that France will become the headquarters for the new kingdom that will emerge over a short period, and as we move into the fifth dimension and the promised new world of freedom.
Pending: EAS stands for Emergency Alert System. There are supposed to be seven message across all cell phones in the world leading up the the start of the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) starting up, which will provide us with ten (10) days of video playback in a wide range of languages. We are being led to believe, even with the recent delays, that we’re about ready to go.
The last few days the narrative has been that we’re going to have ten days of shutdown under military control. I believe that this coincides with The Emergency Broadcast System playback. The dates I present here are speculative because the military DOES NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW THE ACTUAL DATE (because they don’t want to enemy to know).
We’re told we’re entering the final phase. But what that encompasses, and how it plays out, is not known specifically at this time but it’s obvious we’re at the cusp or the ultimate transition.
I’m going to keep this short tonight because there’s lots of news (you can get that from the situation report below), The intel seems to be that we’re going to see the end FINALLY this coming week.
This is Princess Diana and Pascal Najadi, who have taken centre stage in the movement to total Freedom for the human race. Their relationship is at best, confusing. But, they are valid participants, nonetheless, in getting the message out and both are, apparently are the visible heads of Space Force, which is a major factor in defeating the Cabal.
The Time has come for us to Declare:
1. Our entire Earth is as of Today one Nation on Earth called the United States Republic. All former nations have been Deleted in their statute and we have removed all borders on our Divine Earth. Our Capital is Paris formerly aka France. Diana and I are currently in Paris. Diana and I are removing the Night and the Moon that was in the past a hostile enemy Alien Jewish NAZI military base and soul harvesting recycling machine. The fake Notion of Time is herewith deleted, everything happens in the perpetual NOW. We can still measure our NOW but we are masters of our NOW, no one else. Time and Space are Fluid.
2. Our common Constitution is the 1776 United States Republic Constitution ‘WeThePeople, the Representatives’. We have 13 Territories on our Divine Earth and the Betsy Flag 1777 of the original United States Republic is your new Earth Nation Flag.
3. All Divine and only our Divine fellow Humans and all other God created Divine Beings including all Trees and Plants remain on our Divine Earth.
4. We are from now on #ONE Divine Human Species and we are the Sovereign Divine Human Species on Earth and Beyond.
5. Our Constitutional Rights and Protection are governed and protected at all times by the USSF and our Uniform Codes of Military Justice that have replaced all former criminal state jurisdictions. We have completely cancelled all political democratic systems and monarchies.
6. Every Sovereign Citizen of the United States as well as the Devine Beings that in the past were wrongly termed as Animals are being restored to full Health and are free.
7. All Divine Humans will be contacted now to receive urgently the Military MedBed restoration and you can choose any age of your body to be fixed immortal in a range of 30 years. You can also choose your individual body fitness index to your free liking and choice.
8. All your personal wealth will be boosted in Abundance, you never have to work anymore for the eternal existence that you receive. No one physically dies anymore and there are no more reincarnations. You are stuck in Paradise as intended by God.
9. The Military that protects and defends our Divine Earth and our Space is the Space Force USSF. Diana and I are the Commanders of the USSF and all Military Intelligence, Security, and Defence related units that are all under the Control and Command of the USSF.
10. Our Military is contacting each of you in the Now. We take care first of the weakest most injured and ill humans. Our real time health monitoring of each Divine Human allows us to progress swiftly and on an orderly schedule. No one is left behind.
11. All your Fears, Worries and Concerns are Deleted off Earth. Our Divine Earth and Cosmos created by God are now reigned only by Love and Light that results in Your God Promised Truth at all times.
Diana and I Love ❤️ You and as the Queen of Hearts always stated I wish to include myself as her loving Husband and say:
« We are Humanists, not Politicians and we dedicate our existence to your wellbeing and we now come running together for all those that call on our help »
There is a lot that is communicated to you now, we wish you a blessed Sunday and please do us a small Favour if you wish:
« Enjoy your God given Paradise and never forget that you are God as he is not only with you but inside your every cell of your body »
Please follow the Instructions of our Military, no one is left behind and you can celebrate already today but we have many more grand occasions lined up for you.
Where We Go One We Go All
Blue Beam Technology — High Precision Holograms
Project Blue Beam is the pending use of advanced technology that was used to fake planes flying into the World Trade Center in New York City on 9/11. The White Hats are talking about a “Sky Event” that will introduce fake extraterrestrials ships to the skies of major cities across the United States. This will be a major part of the apocalyptic event that’s been planned to wake up the population who are the “asleep ones.”
The Market and Pending Events (still in a holding pattern)
The market continues the move towards the final target. It’s supposed to top, I’m hearing, on Tuesday.
📁 My Educated Guess on Key Events to Come (No dates; It’s imminent now):
We know the “Trump card” is coming, but we don’t actually know what that means. It will be something big that “ends the game.” Last week was the start of the RV, as advertised but the roll-out is slower than expected.
- Shutdowns are continuing and blackouts are happening in multiple locations around the globe.
- Bay of Pigs Event (for 3 days). It’s supposed to mark the nuclear standoff. But, it has morphed into something much bigger over the past 24 hours: Project Blue Beam (holograms as were used in 9-11 to make it look like airplanes hit the Twin Towers in New York City, where, in fact, they did not exist).
- We have Russian submarines stationed off the coast of Cuba this weekend, and last week.
- Military to the Rescue/Biden has apparently been removed.
- 34 buildings, dams, etc. bombed, blackout? – supposed to happen on a Tuesday
- Restitution payments to and Redemption Centers (Humanitarian funds)
- Emergency Broadcast System fires up? (10 days of playback)
It’s clear we’re at the turning point.
The Banking Index (BKX)

Above is the 3 day chart of BKX, the banking index. On Saturday, June 15, we’re told all banks that do not comply with Basel III must close. Based upon the chart above, it looks to me that we’ve topped the banking index.
The count in the chart reflects the supposition that we’re in a first wave down with a target of 91.40. I’ve provided the the wave count so far and it fits exactly the requirement for a first wave down with a extended 5th wave. However, if the current correction to the upside (an ABC wave rises above 116, then the wave count is incorrect).
The challenge with playing this is that once it reaches the downside target, expect it to rally again in a corrective wave to the 62% retrace level, which, based on this prognosis is at the 101.67 level. From there, it will turn down into a large third wave. The short entry is at that same 101.67 level.
Once it reaches the 91.40 level and exceeds it, it will keep dropping. Since all major banks are closing, it has a long way down to go!
The Emergency Broadcast System Incoming!
(There were warnings this morning of expected flooding in a couple of states just this morning).
Military in training for Implementation of the Emergency Broadcast System
- This will ensure everyone is safely placed in their home and able to witness the historical moment that reveals all of the truths, cover ups etc. through the E B S which is imminent.
- There must be a test and then a review of all occurrences and activities. The possible implications on a National and Global level can be quite complicated so things must be in alignment to the protocols. Yes there are many consequences if things aren’t done with precision and perfection. This is the practice run before the real one folks to see responses and accuracy to what is forthcoming which changes humanity.
- We hear the schedule is now finally firm, but again I’m just the messenger. Be ready to adjust if needed in regards to possible time changes. Only a select few know the moment of exact and precise timing of events. For security and other obvious reasons it must be properly kept private.
- The E B S is going to air playing an 8 hour video. It will be replaying 3 times a day for 10 days Communication Darkness. During those 10 Days of Communication Darkness the following things will happen.
- We will receive 7 “Trumpets “ aka E B S text messages on our phones alerting us to tune into our TV at this time.
- Our phones will only work for 911 and we are informed the Signal App, which is military encrypted will be available.
- Our internet will not work during that time. Our ATM’s will not work. After the 10 days of Communication Darkness, we will connect to a new quantum internet.
- People are urged to stock up on at least three weeks of food and water. Be prepared with food, water, toilet paper, generators etc. for this great awakening reveal.
- We are promised the new Star-link Internet System by the end of the month.
- As we speak the teams coordinating this important historic event are revamping the E.B.S to ensure the utmost security for all involved so remain patient as things get finalized. They want to make certain there are not any interferences of any sort at all. Those making the plan want no one to panic whatsoever because it’s simply the release of the truth.
- After the E B S and we’ve gone through the 10 days mainstream media blackout and sat through all the 24/7, (eight hours long movies), do we go back to normal like business as usual? Answer is: After E B S and the 8 hours long 24 7, movies all will change. The, life support, attached to the old and evil systems will be pulled. Humanity, and planet Earth simultaneously move to quantum reality consciousness system (Peace and Prosperity). End of Financial and Human consciousness enslavement. Old systems of Government, Education , Finance, Health, Trade and Commerce etc., will all be dismantled and replaced.
- We will have new currency called the USN US NOTE and gold backed.
- The time is now to alert as many who will listen. Do not have too much pride. Go warn those you love even though they think you’re crazy. Your goal for others is truly to help absorb the shock of what is coming.
Justice Thomas the Hero?
The final decisions from the current SCOTUS session are about to drop any day now. Election turnover?
All three branches of the US “government” (in fact, a US foreign corporation that is now defunct) have been proven to have been compromised (legislative, justice, and executive), so it’s time, finally, for the military to step in a visibly take control. I expect to see this happen extremely soon. I don’t know whether the Supreme Court will play a role, or not, because they are not a legitimate body. There will be another high court, most likely in Pennsylvania, that is soon to be revealed.
OPERATION: SANDMAN (Still “a thing!”)
(with DXY heading up in a final fifth wave of a flat, I would expect the Sandman Operation to start next week, after a top is in place. The Sandman Operation should send DXY down and SPX up, due to the fact that dollars coming back to the US would be deeming inflationary. DXY moving lower would be inflationary.)
“Project Sandman” describes a 100+ nation agreement that, when triggered, will see those nations simultaneously dump the dollar and abandon the “petrodollar.” When this “event” is triggered, the dollar and all dollar-denominated assets will plunge. (this is what we’ve been told)
What will happen (this is a planned event by the US military) is that one hundred, or so, countries, will sell their US dollars back to the US and will cease holding dollars. This would be perceived as inflationary to the US, as these dollars would move back into the US treasury, and drive down the dollar, which is what we want to have happen.
The other potential driver of the dollar is the release of huge amounts of humanitarian funds (and restitution funds — think seniors) which are believed to be in fiat dollars initially, with a release we keep hearing is imminent (in fact, long overdue).
Nearly 60% of international reserves are held in dollar-denominated assets, and it’s by far the most-used currency for trade. The dollar is involved in about 88% of all international trade transactions.
When Israel is defeated in this current war, the main stream media, which it owns, will also come down. At that point, we should be ready to roll into the Emergency Broadcast System playback around the world over a ten day period.
So, the “cavalry” seems to be waiting on the edge of town!
Situation SPECIAL Report for Sunday, July 7 — PDF DOWNLOAD: Restored-Republic-via-a-GCR-7-7-2024
CAVEAT: The Situation Report scrapes information from a variety of channels in the Telegram app, without any attempt to determine reliability of that information. But, there’s also a an amount of military intel. I find it more useful than not. They try, but there’s so much misinformation these days. Use your own discernment as to what is accurate, or believable.
We’re in the STORM — the STORM Brings Justice
This warning graphic below will remain up as a reminder of the impending change in fortunes that is not very far off in the distance and will definitely affect the market.

TUESDAY? The 34 Satanic Sites
Here’s an updated list on the 34 satanic sites that are going to be destroyed. The ones followed by xxxx are ones already taken out. Others may have a note after them.
Which Tuesday? It’s always been slated for a Tuesday. We just don’t know which one, but I now think this is imminent. However, WWIII has been imminent for weeks, so we’ll see.
NEW! On X (BREAKING): 3 Gorges Dam is back in the news as China & Taiwan heats up There’s been massive covert operations going on for years in China & Taiwan clearing out western [DS] agents & the CCP. What is being scripted & played out now is for the public movie. Undersea cables being cut. Silk Road military ops. Wuhan & other bio-weapon laboratories. DUMBs have been taken out. Many ‘10 km deep earthquakes’ especially recently in Taiwan. The 3 Gorges Dam will not be taken out in the way where millions of Chinese will be in danger. ‘Strategic Military Operations’ have cleared out CCP x CIA’s underground facilities under the 3GD with one of its main purposes of ‘mining bitcoin’. The public movie may show kinetic events where 3GD will get damaged & will appear as if China & Taiwan are at war with one another. However, much like how White Hats in Israel, Palestine & Iran are clearing Khazarians in the same areas under the guise of Israel vs Palestinians & other Arab nations. The White Hats in China & Taiwan are working together to exterminate DS CCP agents & operations under the guise of China vs Taiwan in public view.
xxx means gone/taken down
- Ark of Bal xxx
- Augusta Germany Castle
- Biltmore Hotel, Coral Cables,Miami
- Buckingham Palace
- Cern in Switzerland
- Bhoemian Grove xxx
- Comet Pizza in Hollywood xxx
- Denver International Airport
- Epstein Island Dome
- Georgia Guidestones xxxx
- Hoover Dam
- La Louvre in France
- London Bank 1 xxx
- London Bank 2 xxx
- London Bridge London
- London Bridge Lake Havasu City, AR
- Northern Castle (Biltmore)
- Notre Dame Cathedral in France xxx
- Opera House in Sidney Australia
- Pentagon
- Playboy Mansion xxx
- Statue of Liberty – son
- Stonehenge – about to go
- Tesla Building (will be a free energy tower)
- The Getty Museum xxx
- The Queens Hunting Lounge xxx
- The Vatican
- Three Gorges Dam
- US Capital
- Victoria Secret’s Home xxx
- Washington Monument – soon cracked
- White House 1 (Germany)
- White House 2 (D.C.)
- Windsor Tower – soon
Enjoy the Awakening!
Know the Past. See the Future
Webinar Playback: Elliott Wave Basics
If you’re new to the Elliott Wave Principle, or even fairly comfortable with it, this webinar will give you a solid introduction and comprehensive understanding of the difference between trending and counter-trend waves, the various patterns for both types of wave patterns, and a good overview of how fibonacci ratios determine trade targets.
This is link to the YouTube playback video, allowing you to review, stop and start, etc.
Trend Changes: How to Enter with Reduced Risk
First/Second Wave Combination: This is what to look for if you’re entering a trade after a trend change.
US Market Snapshot (based on end-of-week wave structure)
This chart is posted to provide a prediction of future market direction. DO NOT trade based upon the information presented here (certainly NOT from a daily chart).
Here's the latest daily chart of the SP500

Above is the daily chart of the SP500 (click to enlarge).
The intel this weekend predicts a top for the market on Tuesday of this coming week and that fits with my expectations. The market, in terms of timing is totally manipulated. They can do this by controlling the timing of the movement of the US fiat dollar.
DXY, which has been moving more or less sideways for weeks now, is finally moving down to it's target at the bottom of the E leg of a year-long contracting triangle.
This weekend, I'm expecting a bit of weakness before a final, relatively small rally up to around the 5600 level. The wave structures are so difficult that it's nigh impossible to be sure of the final top number. DXY is really the "marker" for the final turn as everything connects to it. The entire market is going to change trend at the same time.
There are no more full waves to go, just a final sub-wave to finish the trend. Three zigzags is all you get in a triple zigzag, and once complete, it must change the trend and fully retrace. It appears that we're in the fifth subwave of the final fifth wave. I expect more weakness this weekend, but due to the wave structure, it's difficult to say how far.
The NYSE (the "mother" exchange) still needs to test the highs one more time.
The programmed "war," which we hear had another short delay, is showing signs of progress again this weekend but it's turning into a holographic war, with extraterrestrials being introduced, they're telling us.
We're in the MAIN EVENT (WWIII) according to the intel from a variety of sources. The war is fake, so this makes it difficult to tell where we are because there's nothing physically to support the narrative.
The bigger picture: The SP500 (and futures) are in the final stages of topping. We're still waiting for the final high at around the 5600 level. Once we reach our target (and other asset classes reach theirs), we can expect a turn down, which will become a crash, dropping below the 2000 level in the SP500. I think the downside number is closer to 1800.
The Sandman Operation is still "a thing", as I now consider it deflationary because the vast amounts of fiat currency that will flow back to the United States will not go back into the economy, therefore going out of circulation, which is deflationary. I continue to watch for signs the internet is shutting down, which could happen at any time. We're getting close!
GESARA is law internationally and has apparently been announced to the media, which makes it law. When NESARA GESARA is announced publicly worldwide, It will shut down governments, courts, and police worldwide, trigger a golden jubilee and bring in natural law throughout. It's a major milestone.
We're told that the shutdown coming will include the internet, so this would put a halt to trading, and would likely mean we'd just pick up again from where we left off after the Great Awakening video playback is over.
Based upon recent intel, the Emergency Broadcast System seems imminent.
This website is for educational purposes relating to Elliott Wave, natural cycles, and the Quantum Revolution (Great Awakening). I welcome questions or comments about any of these subjects. Due to a heavy schedule, I may not have the time to answer questions that relate to my area of expertise.
I reserve the right to remove any comment that is deemed negative, is unhelpful, or off-topic. Such comments may be removed.
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