A Year Like No Other — Ever!
Happy New Year. This is a HUGE understatement, based upon what what’s actually going to happen!
Last weekend, you may have noticed there was no Market Report blog post. It’s the only week I’ve missed since the this site began almost eight years ago. My absence was due to my little brain hitting the wall. This “job” has been something that eminated from somewhere near the bottom of my soul, but has become more intense as we’ve moved into the final stage. I just needed a break.
The final straw was that after putting out so many clues that we’d see the EBS system starting around December 22, I waited into the week to see if the clues ramped up, or died (this isn’t my first “deception rodeo!). The clues stopped dead. Along with that, the market would not rally; however, it’s finally doing so this week. We’re now back on track, but not much happened over what I refer to as the “fake Christmas” holidays.
It made sense that we’d see the shutdown while everyone was at home, but the powers that be (the US military, who are in charge) decided the time was not right. And with that realization, I made the decision to take a bit of a rest myself (it lasted only a day, or two). Now that I’m back, let’s see this final chapter play out over the next couple of weeks.
We’re officially at Defcon 1. The description of this top level is: COCKED PISTOL, Nuclear war is imminent or has already begun. Maximum readiness. Immediate response.
This is the final WWIII event setting up. It’s imminent. There are still many satanic buildings that have to be destroyed (the partial list is lower down in this blog post) and they may constitute part of the expected “extinction event,” a big part of the end of this multi-year movie, with the objective of waking up as many of “the asleep” as possible.

If you’re paying attention, you can see that travel is again shutting down all over the world. Last Friday, Leigh Dundas announced a letter has gone to all airlines regarding vaxxed pilots. You’re going to see more airlines shutting down this week.
Events are happening quickly tonight. There are multiple explosions and blackouts in South America, most notably in Venezuela, It’s getting tougher and tougher, though, to know what is real. For example, closer to home, in Buffalo, New York State, the reports of a complete shutdown due to a “cataclysmic” storm are, for the most part, staged.
Many events are staged now. At this point, For example, we have people we were told were black hats that might actually be black hats and vice versa. It’s truly a war for the mind and there was a lot of “undercover” double-agent-type-work going on. JFK Jr. talks quite often about the infiltration that was so prevalent, and he became a master of disguise to makes his infiltration possible. His wife, Caroline, also played a large infiltration tole.
Here’s Dr. Kim Tesla, the US Military Press Secretary, giving us an idea of where we’re at. In short, we’re on the road home. This came out on January 2,
The new world we’ve all been waiting for is definitely on its way! By all the clues I’m seeing today (and this past weekend), this should be the final week of waiting.
Here is what I know in terms of upcoming dates:
Friday, January 6 — There’s a US labor report out at 8:30 am EST. This is the day we’re expecting a ruling from the US Supreme Court regarding a case that implicates all of Congress in treason for their inaction when more than 100 members expressed concern about the outcome of the 2020 election. A positive decision would most likely bring Trump back to power (briefly) and roll the US into a higher level of martial law. I would expect this to bring down the market.
Sunday, January 7 — this is Russian orthodox Christmas and several other countries celebrate Christmas on this day, believed to be Christ’s birthday. Dr. Kim Tesla, US military press secretary, who had access to the full Bible discovered under the Vatican, says that the actual date of birth of Jesus was September 11.
King james I, who followed on the heels of Queen Elizabeth I, was a freemason. The current distributed Bible is comprised of 66 books that were written fraudulently. There are actually 777 books of the Bible, which have been recovered and have recorded the whole of human history. They’re in the process of being translated and published (I don’t have a date).
Monday, January 8 — I now think this will be the start of the Emergency Broadcast System. There have been several sources that are putting forth a narrative that would have EBS start on the 8th and last through the 17th. Here’s one that talks about the distribution of funds to the general public, starting on January 16 (from the Jan. 31 Situation Report):
“We have some pretty cool Intel tonight – I believe we get “restitution money” trading of the Birth Certificates and all other bonds in our names — those have been calculated to be paid back to us — and in addition to that under Nesara: Taxes paid, interest on any loans, basically any bank loan. Not personal loans — all payable back to you from for 61 and older starting on the 16th January — and then the next age group 48-60 done sometime in February — starting at the 24 years of age which might be in the month of March (24 – 48 years olds) and with that would also be a requirement for you not to quit your job — so will be really interesting — so I know I’m preaching to the choir, but everybody in the US who is a citizen will get this and something they will really look forward to. If you’re on Social Security, it will probably come as a Direct deposit but this is completely separate. So the amount, let’s say average $100,000 for the next 11 years of payments starting mid Jan. Now the lesser groups I don’t know those averages. Chances are the more you’ll get because of the length of those Bonds have been traded.”
“There are monies moving into Bond Holders accounts as we speak, and activated and the amount I’ve heard is quatro septillion Dollars. That ends up a number in front of 33 zeros – a big tranche of funds taking place Thurs/Fri and Saturday and then another email for Monday at noon should get access and certainly by Tuesday gain access and use those funds, the 1% of the total which is substantial.”
“Now the Bond Holders money is a structured payout – NOT for us in T4B – only for the Bond Holders. Bruce thinks there are 11 different payments. It’s interesting because we’ve talked about that shotgun start for them to gain access and then for us to set appointment and gaining access for the first 90 days and with our projects and we’ve talked about how much we could put in for the first 90 days and also that book who we must NOT fund – but if you do give to those on that list – your accounts will be frozen – so please do not do that. Might be more than 55 pages now.”
I generally haven’t listened to all the Quantum Financial System hype on a day-to-day basis for the past eight months, or so, because I believe that the RV (revaluation) can’t start in the public arena until after the Emergency Broadcast System has played out. That’s just common sense, because funds going into people’s accounts unannounced would create utter chaos.
As a result of all this latest information, I’m confident that we’re finally at an end and that the next stage is about to begin.
Download: Restored Republic Situation Report for January 2, 2023
The Market is Rallying
I’ve been expecting a rally to a new high and gradually over the past week, it looks like we’ve put in a small A and B wave and have begun the C wave to the upside.
I thought we might get a Santa Clause rally, but although the expected rally has begun, it doesn’t have the usual robustness of a rally brought on by Mr. Claus.
I expect the rally to continue over the first week in January, but there’s an obvious potential upset slated for Friday, January 6, when the Supreme Court is expected to deliver on a case involving a potential charge of treason for the US Congress. This would bring down the current foreign government and very likely the market with it.
We still appear to be in an expanding triangle in the SP500 on an hourly chart, which, in this case, would be an ending pattern, In what is a larger, bullish correction, They end when the upper trendline is reached. It’s too early in the process to know for sure if this is the active pattern. It’s either that or ES will only rally to the 4170 area.
Expanding triangles, otherwise called broadening tops, form at tops or bottoms of a trend, move horizontally as a pattern and turn when the final E wave hits the trendline. In SPX, we’ve completed the D leg, and turned upwards. I expect the wave pattern in this final wave to be a zigzag.
The market will be closed Sunday, Jan. 1 and Monday, Jan, 2 (futures and currencies should be open Monday night).
Historically, in January, the market is prone to bearish moves. Volume usually returns the second week in January, but we have an extraordinary situation with the SCOTUS decision on January 6.

On the 4 day chart of the SP500 above, the B wave down from January (now a full year in length) has retraced 50%. A final B wave (or 4th wave, as the case may be) before a top usually retraces 62%. From where we in the wave structure, a move down to the 62% retrace level would be classified as a capitulation move. The 62% level is at about 3250.
These capitulation moves, common at this level of the market (the final B wave down near a top), always gets the pundits talking, or in some cases, “screaming” that the market is about to crash “big time.”
And then, it turns right around and heads back up. That’s what I’m expecting.
Once this B wave bottoms, we have another large rally to go, to an all-time high. On a much larger scale (weekly chart), we appear to be in a broadening top formation, or, in EW terms, an expanding triangle, that will “top out” once we hit the upper, rising trendline, possibly in the 6000 range.
The Shutdown is Coming – Are You Ready?
Last weekend, I was expecting it might come before Christmas, but the Julian calendar, now apparently being used by the military, has made figuring out the ultimate schedule almost impossible, except that now, as we roll into the first week of January, it’s getting clearer.
Here’s a bit more of the sched (now that we know The US Military is on the Julian calendar).
Last week, on Dec. 27, Nancy Pelosi was executed for treason. Trump was on hand at GITMO, as a witness. This is an important marker.
We know that the SCOTUS decision on the election is supposed to come out Jan. 6 (Julian Christmas Eve) and I suspect that will turn over the election in Trump’s favour. It is likely to bring down the market, which, in my view, is close to the timing that I would normally expect, except that, usually, it would happen the following week, when volume typically picks up, but you never know.
On January 6 (Gregorian, current calendar), there is a full moon and a US labour report. Sounds like it might be the perfect storm.
So, this logically supports EBS starting sometimes around January 8, perhaps, and lasting through January 17.
Somewhere in there, GESARA will be announced (Jan. 7?)
Last Weekend’s News Relating to the Ramp-up to WWIII
Vladimir Putin has dramatically escalated the Ukraine war again by raising his nuclear combat readiness and bolstering his troops by 350,000
PUTIN will spend ‘whatever it takes’ on the military, ‘improve the combat readiness of our nuclear triad’ and increase his troop numbers from 1.15 million to 1.5 million.”
Putin is priming his military for a major offensive that reportedly will include two of NATO’s newest members, Finland and Sweden.
With the war escalation heading into nuclear standoff and MAJOR Nations already deploying Nuclear hypersonic missiles, one thing is certain:
RUSSIA has NO END insight to oil and gas reserves that run the massive Russian Military operations. On the other hand, the EU is on the brink of FULL energy crises and on the back channels, Germany and FRANCE are asking Russia for gas and oil …….and Poland, Italy and Hungary are openly resisting the EU. NATO War front against Russia.
PUTIN giving a public speech on the failure of the Russia forces in Ukraine is worrisome to the Pentagon, as they know PUTIN is very intelligent, with resources. The message was codes as Military COMMS to get ready to ATTACK
The Russian chess moves along with Saudi oil and Russian Oil being removed from EU and COLLAPSING the Energy grid….was strategically placed……. As EU had exhausted their weapons stock reserves and now they have no oil, gas to secure a Military victory.
After the great Great [ MASSIVE] ATTACK by Russia COMING January… And remnants of a collosal EXPOSURE of a failed NATO,EU front impends…..All that remains is the NUCLEAR EVENT. U.S. EU. NATO WILL pull their threat of NUCLEAR ASSAULT against Russia.
And CHNIA WILL Back RUSSIA with NUCLEAR power and GLOBAL super FORCES will ALL join in the NUCLEAR EVENT STANDOFF. (I had been warning so long about this EVENT coming……. And how this EVENT will end NATO. UN WILL BE EXPOSED AND A RECONSTRUCTION of these regimes is EXPECTED as the DEEP STATE OPERATORS are chambered into the KILLBOX.
Q was right
In another sign a decisive turning point has been reached, Spanish and Italian media are reporting the fake Pope Francis is resigning
P3 Freemason sources say the Jesuits are avenging the murder of the real Pope Francis and have begun purging the Vatican of KM agents. “While CNN fake news is reporting a coup in the Vatican to dethrone Pope Francis, moved by so-called ‘unsubstantiated news’, inside sources close to me are confirming that the Pope is going to finally resign,” confirms P2 honcho Leo Zagami.
The old evil was very evil — beyond everyday human comprehension & imagination. The Kraken Karmic Energy has been unleashed. The limbs that once held death-grips over society by the old dark cult has been severed.
The public death of pope on a rope Benedict symbolizes the highest head of evil is dead. Francis is a hologram. The public death of eLIZARDbeth — London Bridge falls symbolizes the slavery debt financial system has also fallen. The death of dark mother of broadCASTING — Barbara Walters symbolizes the mass psychosis formation & mk-ultra spellbound is now dead too.
The clean up crew are currently mopping up small pockets of contamination, exposing & disposing of Deep State minions. Nature’s most powerful disinfectant will imbue all areas of Earth. Biblical. Godspeed. God Bless.
China has led the way by literally “following the science” and exposing the fake pandemic and fraudulent PCR tests as a massive Khazarian Mafia bribery and mind control project. Now Russia, along with their allies Serbia and Germany, are preparing a million-man army to move into Western Europe, including Switzerland. At the same time, this is happening, the Inca Empire is reviving after 500 years to liberate Peru from the Khazarian Mafia.
Let’s look at the situation in China. As an official Xinhua news agency article confirms, the Ministry of Transport is telling all officials in China that they must “strictly implement,” the rule that PCR tests are no longer required for travelers.
Here is what a Polish resident of China reports: “A few days ago…I woke up in a completely different reality. No more tests, no more code checking (the tracking system has been turned off), no lockdowns, and no isolation in case of #covid. You don’t even know if you have this covid or some kind of flu because there is no testing anyway and there is only a recommendation to stay home for 3 days. The fences from the estates are being removed. Entrance gates to buildings – the expensive ones for scanning health codes that were installed until a few weeks ago – are now disabled.”
What happened is that Asian secret societies did real scientific testing and figured out the PCR tests and the Pandemic were a complete money-laundering and mind control fraud by the Khararian Mafia. A massive purge of KM agents in China, including David Rockefellers’ 30+ bastard children, is now underway and China is being fully liberated.
I believe we’re on the verge of dropping into the largest rabbit hole the world has “never” imagined! People are going to be absolutely shocked at what they find out and it looks like the plan is to run the Emergency Broadcast System following orthodox Christmas, which is celebrated on Sunday, January 7.
I have long maintained that we need to have the Emergency Broadcast System launch before we see funds released to the general public. Otherwise, you’d have complete chaos in the banking system as, while the US is saying 80% have woken up, it’s only to the fact that there was corruption in the election in the US. They still don’t understand the bigger picture and the dramatic, life-changing transition that’s coming.
The Deep State is in panic mode. The overlords of the past are mostly gone and have been replaced by actors, doubles, clones, or other technology hidden from us. This has been a war for our minds. There is no turning back. What is about to happen is inevitable. It’s been prophecied for a very long time. But this is just the start.
Waking people up from their “coma” will be a long process. The real world is very different from what we’ve been taught. It’s now time for education, for exposing the fake history we’ve been taught.
It’s truly a biblical transition, but don’t kid yourselves — the real challenges are just beginning.
There are still several tasks to be undertaken in terms of doling out justice. We’re in THE STORM which is responsible for mass arrests that continue worldwide. As in any movie, there are always details at the end to wrap up the plot. This movie is no exception. You’ll see a list below. It seems we’re going to see some of this happen during the Emergency Broadcast System playback and perhaps, even after. I’m hearing that martial law is going to be in place for quite some time to come. Military tribunals are schedule for the summer of 2023. Many have been completed, but there are a lot more to go, at lower levels of corruption.
There’s a “royal mess” to clean up in the United Kingdom.

Kate, William, Harry & Megan — 4 men above 😂😂 — executed — crimes against humanity — pedophilia — all the noble families in the world were involved in the hunting parties of our innocent children in the world — they are the virus — military the only way — no deals — no mercy — death penalty.
And waiting in the wings ….

Their wedding was in 2011. Diana died in 1997.
This warning graphic below will remain up as a reminder of the impending change in fortunes that is not very far off in the distance and will definitely affect the market.

In terms of what’s happening in the “unreal” world (the movie), we have the following possible “bombs” sitting in the wings:
- the death of “King Charles publicly (in reality, already DEAD) and the arrest of Andrew, which would likely end with the emergence of “Queen” Diana. There’s also an impending announcement of the end of the CROWN (which may come from William)
- a nuclear stand-off, which is at a level now that suggests a turning point is nigh. This is not real (it’s a “movie”), but will appear real to the world-at-large and could affect the market (this is imminent, I believe)
- the announcement of the death of the Pope, although this does not in itself promise a major impact on the market. This weekend, he’s on the verge of resigning (again). Pope Benedict died over the past weekend.
- the imminent removal of Joe Biden and shutdown of the fake government (USA Inc) (Biden has been dead for a few years, and there’s info that the actor was recently killed)
- the take down of the main stream media, along with social media (pending)
- public arrests (eg — Obama, Clinton), Pelosi hanging Dec. 27 (new)
- martial law worldwide, in which you’ll see military on the streets in major cities
Looking at THE STORM and Upcoming Events
We still have these major events still to go. I don’t know what the timing will be, but it will start to get obvious in the coming days, I think.
We’re now in the GREAT AWAKENING phase, but THE STORM is still underway. Some of the expected events below have happened (GREEN CHECK MARK) and some are in progress:
(in progress) WW3 Scare Event. Nuke Sirens: This is the Russia/Ukraine false flag war. As the Q Team has always said, “Israel will be last” and the buildings that are “going down” and imploding, meaning they’re pre-wired with explosives). Pending.
- Changing over to Tesla Free Energy (this will require power to go off around the world, but it will be a short blackout). Lots of blackouts this past week.
(partially complete, but don’t know the count) 34 satanic buildings & dams bombed — I think some of these buildings have already been taken out, but the major ones still have to be dismantled, probably with Rods of God. The major buildings appear to be part of an energy grid system that has keep the natural energy of the Earth suppressed — much more on this to come. The White House is going to be imploded; it has already been wired up with explosives. The Georgia Guidestones were destroyed some time ago, along with an obelisk and nearby buildings close to the Vatican, in Italy.
(Reports now CONFIRM that this happened on August 29.) Breaking of the 3 Gorges Dam in China. This dam sits above Wuhan and the plan is that the water from the break will destroy the Wuhan lab, which has a link to US Big Pharma, and will be the beginning of the end for them. Bitcoin Servers turned off (99.5% of Crypto gone China Coins) — this involves the dismantling of 24 nuclear reactors under the dam that provide the electricity for Bitcoin.
(now in Ukraine, Canada, US and possibly some other countries) Martial Law — for the ten days dubbed “ten days of darkness,” and beyond. It will likely stay in place much longer as the cleanup continues. Actually, it should be called “ten days to the light!” It will be the Great Awakening as we see round the clock video that explains most of what’s been going on the last 5 years to overthrow what’s been going on for two thousand years! — the Illuminati.
- AND, of course …. the public announcement of GESARA. GESARA has been signed off by 209 countries, so it is, in fact, law.
Enjoy the Awakening!
Know the Past. See the Future
Webinar Playback: Elliott Wave Basics
If you’re new to the Elliott Wave Principle, or even fairly comfortable with it, this webinar will give you a solid introduction and comprehensive understanding of the difference between trending and counter-trend waves, the various patterns for both types of wave patterns, and a good overview of how fibonacci ratios determine trade targets.
This is link to the YouTube playback video, allowing you to review, stop and start, etc.
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All the Same Market.
I’ve been mentioning for months now that the entire market is moving as one entity, the “all the same market” scenario, a phrase that Robert Prechter coined many years ago, when he projected the upcoming crash.
We’re in the midst of deleveraging the enormous debt around the world. Central banks are losing the control they had and we’re slowly sinking into deflation world-wide, with Europe in the lead.
The US dollar is fully in charge of both the equities and currencies markets. They’re all moving in tandem, as I’ve been saying since September of 2017. Over the past three years, their movements have been moving closer and closer together and one, and now they’re in lock-step, with the major turns happening at about the same time.
it’s challenging because often times currency pairs are waiting for equities to turn, and other times, it’s the opposite. The other frustrating thing is that in between the major turns, there are no major trades; they’re all, for the most part day-trades. That’s certainly the case in corrections, where you very often have several possible targets for the end of the correction.
We’re now close to a turn in the US indices, currency pairs, oil, and even gold. Elliott wave does not have a reliable timing aspect, but it looks like we should see a top very soon.
US Market Snapshot (based on end-of-week wave structure)
This chart is posted to provide a prediction of future market direction. DO NOT trade based upon the information presented here (certainly NOT from a daily chart).

Above is the daily chart of ES (click to enlarge, as with any of my charts).
The market was quiet over the holidays and volume was low, as expected.
I've been expecting a rally to a new high and gradually over the past week, it looks like we've put in a small A and B wave and have begun the C wave to the upside.
I thought we might get a Santa Clause rally, but although the expected rally has begun, it doesn't have the usual robustness of a rally brought on by Mr. Claus.
I expect the rally to continue over the first week in January, but there's an obvious potential upset slated for Friday, January 6, when the Supreme Court is expected to deliver on a case involving a potential charge of treason for the US Congress. This would bring down the current foreign government and very likely the market with it.
There's also a labor report slated for Friday morning, an hour before the market open.
We still appear to be in an expanding triangle, which, in this case, would be an ending pattern. In a bullish correction, they end when the upper trendline is reached. It's too early in the process to know for sure if this is the active pattern. It's either that or ES will only rally to the 4170 area, the previous high (which also sports a double top currently.
Expanding triangles, otherwise called broadening tops, form at tops or bottoms of a trend, move horizontally as a pattern and turn when the final E wave hits the trendline. In SPX, we've completed the D leg, and turned upwards. I expect the wave pattern in this final wave to be a zigzag.
The market will be closed Sunday and Monday (futures and currencies should be open Monday night).
When volume in January the market is prone to bearish moves. Volume usually returns the second week in January, but we have an extraordinary situation with the SCOTUS decision on January 6.
On the daily chart above, the B wave down from January (now a full year in length) has retraced 50%. A final B wave (or 4th wave, as the case may be) before a top usually retraces 62%. From where we in the wave structure, a move down to the 62% retrace level would be classified as a capitulation move. The 62% level is at about 3250.
These capitulation moves, common at this level of the market, gets the pundits talking, or in some cases, "screaming" that the market is about to crash "big time."
And then, it turns right around and heads back up. That's what I'm expecting.
Once this B wave bottoms, we have another large rally to go, to an all-time high. On a much larger scale (weekly chart), we appear to be in a broadening top formation, or, in EW terms, an expanding triangle, that will "top out" once we hit the upper, rising trendline, possibly in the 6000 range.
The announcement of GESARA (on the horizon) will shut down governments, courts, and police worldwide and bring in natural law throughout. It's a major milestone.
I don't know how all this will affect the ability to trade, but be aware that we could face some internet disruptions. Military intel has, in fact, told us so.
I've said for months that once we top this corrective wave up, and then turn down, the Emergency Broadcast System won't be very far away, and that's still my thinking.
Summary: ES and NQ are rallying in a corrective pattern that has the ultimate outcome of turning back down and tracing out a capitulation wave down to a new low, perhaps to the 3250 level in ES. A confirmed bottom would complete the year-long B wave down from early January, 2022.
Once a confirmed bottom is in place, I'll be expecting a turn back up to a new all time high in the final fifth wave (or C wave), perhaps targeting the 6000 level for ES.
Once we see a final fifth wave top, I'm projecting another major trend change — a dramatic drop to a new low under 2100.