Bay of PIgs to EBS We experienced yet another delay last week. This week coming is shaping up to be the last one. It was supposed to be last week, but the shenanigans continued in the banking industry, leading to a delay because of major arrests. Apparently, the military stormed a secret meeting and arrested… Read more
Market Forecast Overview
… Brings May Flowers WWIII continues to ramp up. It should do so into the start of the week, then the timing becomes muddy in terms of what happens when exactly. However, it’s looking more and more like we’ll see the shutdown and Great Awakening starting on the 25th/26th, so Thursday/Friday. Last weekend, the talk… Read more
Solar Eclipse? The solar eclipse is the center of attention this weekend. It’s slated for Monday, April 8th, of course. The issue is that there are strange things going on with the Sun and the Moon. They’re not in alignment for the eclipse. and so it seems that this is an orchestrated event. Theories are… Read more
“Easter is the Timeline” Trump has said this live on camera more than once. We’re at Easter (this past weekend) but there’s an issue with that as it’s a fake Easter. Jesus was crucified during Passover, but Passover doesn’t start until mid April. This year, nobody seems to care that it doesn’t make any sense… Read more
New World in Sight! As I reported last week, everything I see is pointing towards April 8th as the major turning point, but it’s become more obvious that this date is a much bigger “deal” than I’d originally thought. It seems as though this date with the total solar eclipse (very rare) will lead to… Read more
New World in Sight! We’re on the verge of a whole new world, more exciting than you can imagine. There’ll be no more wars, no more debt, homeless, or disease, abundance everywhere, and gradually a much more loving Earth filled with much more loving people. The actual environment has already started its clean-up process, much… Read more
Ending Patterns End Trends The market looks like it should finally top in the coming days and there’s lots of military intel to suggest the same thing. Today, we learned that Biden and Trump are both supposed to show up at the southern US border on Thursday. Then, later in the day, we learned that… Read more
Until it Began to Rain It’s about to rain. “Rain” means money. It means much more than that, of course. It’s the end of the fiat-based, debt system we call our financial system. It marks the end of tyranny and particularly debt-slavery for the planet of Earth. We’re in the final stage of this phase… Read more
Final Week We apparently have Iran, Israel and FISAgate all on tap this week. The market is very close to a top, and farmers are in the process of toppling governments all over Europe. I have multiple sources now that are telling me it’s the very last Super Bowl (February 11, Gregorian), which is also… Read more
Worried About Civil War? Here we are in the final battle. This is a biblical war rather than a traditional war fought on a battlefield. This war, in fact, has already taken place on a worldwide basis. What you’re seeing is staged. The purpose is to wake up the people and allow for the implementation… Read more