Download the open letter from the Hon. Paul Hellyer, to the Minister of Finance, by clicking the image on the right |
In this blog over the past couple of months, I’ve written about the impending revolution, which I refer to as the “Great Financial Revolution.” This topping cycle is the result of both a natural rhythm, a 516 year revolutionary cycle that has negatively affected society since the beginning of recorded history and before, and a man-made cycle, which parallels the natural cycle. The man-made cycle is one of boom and bust, inflation and deflation.
As we traverse the cusp of this 500 year cycle high, you’re seeing an underlying sore starting to break wide open. Populist leaders are arising around the world to challenge the New World Order (otherwise known as globalization). Migration is sending hordes of people fleeing from their homelands and creating friction across Europe and elsewhere. Authoritarianism is springing up everywhere. Our every move is being recorded by governments without bound, freedoms are being restricted with terrorism as an excuse, and “fake news,” (which used to be called propaganda is the mainstream news of the day for the bulk of the population).
We’re starting to see riots springing up around the world as deflation takes hold and economies start to break down. Vast numbers of people are out of work, starting to go hungry, and their dreams are being dashed. This is a natural phenomenon that takes place every 172 years to a lesser degree and every 516, where we see the ends of societies. An similar 500 cycle marked the top of the Roman Empire in 100 AD.
There’s a harmonic relationship between these cycles—multiples of three—as there are with the lessor major cycles or 6.3, 19, and 57 years. You simply need to access history to see the same patterns unfold at the cycle milestones. Climate, interestingly enough is an indicator of these impending cycles turns.
Central Bankers Conspire
From the early 1900s, a group of central bankers, the true “elite” of the world, the Rothschild family being at the core, have been conspiring to create one shared financial system, with a vision to subjugate countries around the world to the dictates of this global cartel, housed within the Bank of International Settlements.
Carroll Quigley, mentor to Bill Clinton and member of the Council on Foreign Relations, is often quoted with open admissions to the general scheme:
“The powers of financial capitalism had (a) far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the systems was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland; a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank… sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.” – Carroll Quigley, Tragedy And Hope
There are only a few countries that still exist outside this financial tentacle: Syria, Iran, North Korea, and Cuba. These are the vilified nations of the world.
Europe was an early trial version of this New World Order (a group of countries with one central bank and one currency), but you can see it starting to self-destruct. Britain leaving was the second tear in the financial fabric that binds them together, after Greece, which still seems to be in self-denial. But it won’t be long until it leaves, as well. Other countries are beginning to see the end in sight.
This week, there’s an article in about Russia and its preparations to leave the cartel. This is great article, which lays out the challenges associated with a break of this magnitude. The problem with going up against the cartel, of course, is the threat of being “excommunicated” from the global financial system, which governs trade, currency exchanges, and the ability to carry on business country to country, based on the reserve currency (which is also losing its position of dominance).
A History of Economic Destruction
More than that is the threat of war, or even destruction of a country’s economy. You just have to read history to see the path of destruction brought about around the world over the last few hundred years. Every country that works to create its own system of money-creation outside of the central banker system of usury has been destroyed.
I’ve written about the Bank of England and attacks on Napoleon, eventually toppling his government and the French independent banking system, which had created an expanding economy devoid of deflation and the interest payments that cause it. There were the thirteen colonies of the United States and the constant fight to keep this vile system out of the country, which was an “off-and-on” process until a group of unscrupulous bankers misrepresented a bill before Congress in 1913 and created the Federal Reserve.
There was Germany at the beginning of World War II, a war Hitler did not start. Poland was much more the aggressor in 1939, with atrocities against 1.5 million Germans living in Poland. Hitler tried to negotiate a settlement. However, on the orders of international bankers, at least 28 attempts at a settlement were all refused.
Germany’s independent monetary system let them wage war and almost win it against the allied powers. The was due to the nationalization of the Reichsbank in 1939, which gave Hitler total control over the monetary system of Germany, with no outside interest payments. They created their own money and a very vibrant economy.
At the same time, Italy had its own banking system under Mussolini. There was Russia just before the Russian Revolution in 1917, which sprang up for the same nefarious reason and ruined another vibrant economy. More recently Libya was attacked for the same reason. Syria is still under attack. Japan was forced into World War II for similar reasons (it still has a central bank that it still uses to some extent, even though Japan is within the BIS fold. Iraq also got off the financial cartel bandwagon and paid the price (but in this instance, it was more a matter of trying to work outside the reserve currency—the US dollar).
“Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.”
—Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the private International Banking House of Rothschild.
The Case of Canada
Canada is in an unique position. That’s because we have the only public central bank in the block of G8 countries; the ability to create our own money is “baked into” our constitution. All the other G8 countries, if they have a central bank, have private ones. Take, for example, the Federal Reserve. It consists of twelve private banks controlled by shareholders who are obviously interested in making money from creating digital money (out of thin air, mind you) lending it, and charging compounding interest over time.
The argument of the BIS is that having a European central bank loan sovereign countries their money will somehow create greater stability throughout the global financial system. Well, what about 2008? How stable was that?
The second argument is that having countries create their own money independently creates inflation. however, from 1938 through 1974, when Canada created its own interest-free money, our inflation was actually lower than the average of 15 OECD countries
Canada’s debt is staggering … and it’s getting worse. But we can change the status quo. We can take back the power to create our own money, stolen from us in 1974.
“Once a nation parts with control of its currency and credit, it matters not who makes the nation’s laws. Usury, once in control, will wreck a nation. Until the control of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most conspicuous and sacred responsibility, all talk of the sovereignty of Parliament and democracy is idle and futile.” |
Canadian Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King (1921-30, 1935-48) |
Here’s the background:
Canada has a public bank, the Bank of Canada. It was founded in 1934 (due to the hard times of the depression). In the Canadian constitution, it’s allowed to lend money at no interest to municipal, provincial, and federal governments for education, health, housing, and other social services. And it could loan money at low interest for other projects. Any interest, of course, would be paid back to the government. In other words, to taxpayers. To us.
From confederation to 1974, Canadians were able to pay for two wars, the St. Lawrence Seaway, the Trans-Canada highway, the Canadian National Railway, and much more. The bank actually made money for the government. That’s because we created and printed our own money.
In 1974, Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau made the decision to stop using the Bank of Canada for our money, and instead borrow it from a private bank outside of Canada (the Bank for International Settlements in Switzerland) and pay interest to that private bank! Obviously that’s not in the interest of the Canadian people (but I’m sure a threat from the cartel went along with the decision).
To give you an idea as to how bad things are here (after all, economists promote our banking system as one of the most stable in the world, here’s what happened during the Great Recession of 2008 (that the government of Canada and the Bank of Canada have continually lied about):
- Canadian taxpayers gave three national Canadian banks $60 billion (Obama gave US banks $800 billion).
- Taxpayers assumed the toxic debts of $160 billion of CMHC (Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation) mortgages
None of these new money injections created inflation, so why would creating money in a public bank create inflation?
By 2012, we’d paid interest to private banks of over $1.17 trillion, which is almost as much as our entire annual gross national product during that period! That amount of money leaving the country and going to private bankers in Europe causes deflation. In other words, it contracts the amount of money available in the Canadian economy.
It’s been estimated that if we’d stayed with the Bank of Canada as our public bank, we’d now have a surplus of $13 billion. That would lower taxes and bring us a higher standard of living through continued funding of all our social programs.
Now we can’t even afford to maintain infrastructure—like bridges and roads. Our health system is on life support. Social programs are getting cut. All because of these huge interest payments … to a private bank!
What’s even worse is that in 1991, our chartered banks lobbied the government to remove the regulations regarding reserve minimums in our commercial banks. So effectively, they’re not required to keep reserves. Once the stock market crashes and our housing bubble bursts (the largest real estate bubble in world history), the banks are not going to be a place to find your money. It will be long gone.
And, on top of that, Canada has recently sold all its gold. So if you’re thinking of migrating to this country, I’d think about the developing financial situation here—particularly since our economy is so heavily based on the value of oil and gas, which are both heading down to historic lows.
The Outrage is Beginning to Gain Strength
The COMER Group is currently heading to the Supreme Court of Canada to force the government (by law) to do the proper thing. This small independent group of citizens is represented by constitutional trial lawyer Rocco Galati, who has a record of bringing lawsuits against the government of Canada and winning. We need a groundswell of public opinion to help make sure they’re successful. Find more information on the lawsuit progress at
Former National Minister of Defence, the Hon. Paul Hellyer (who is 93) has, in mid-March, 2017, written an excellent, open letter to the Canadian Minister of Finance, the Hon. Bill Morneau (PDF here), demanding that he adhere to the Canadian constitution and return to having the Bank create money for Canadians, the way we did during the most economically vibrant time in our history, the period from 1938 to 1974. It’s an excellent letter and is accompanied by a plan on how to effect this change with minimal disruption to our financial system.
It’s the only way we’ll be able to fund social security and our medical system when the market crashes later this year.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau simply has to instruct Parliament to follow our constitution, or call a referendum.
If you’re a Canadian, please sign my online petition** to get the government of Canada to stop spending our money needlessly by paying interest to a private bank, when we could create our own money at no interest, as our constitution provides. I‘ll send this petition directly to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Finance Minister Bill Morneau and demand change.
In Canada, as in other sovereign countries around the world, we need to get control of our money and start using the Bank of Canada to create it, as our constitution mandates.
** Please sign my petition here:
The Bottom Line
All the major countries of the world have economically strangled by this European banking cartel. For example in 1974 – 2013, Canada paid 1.17 trillion dollars to these private European bankers. That was almost as much as a single year of our gross national product. That amount of money leaving the country brings on deflation.
Here’s how the system of gaining monetary control of countries works:
- These bankers begin by persuading countries to sign up with the BIS, which then lends them funds at compound interest. These funds are created out of thin air. It’s not existing money, so it’s the same system as these countries could undertake themselves, interest free.
- The BIS does not allow no-interest loans by the national government to provincial governments (or sub-states) for infrastructure projects or other social programs, so all of these additional expenses are also subject to loans with compound interest.
- Over time, the economy starts to suffer, social programs are cut, infrastructure begins to fail. Eventually the government has taxes the citizens to the maximum amount and cannot pay the interest, which keeps compounding.
- Central banks (as in the case of Greece) then suggest that the government sells off assets. This is what has happened with Greece. Their airports have recently been sold, for example. The country is being looted.
- Eventually, the bankers own everything in site and have total control over these countries. The ultimate vision is one currency and eventually one government, all controlled by these central bankers.
However, we’re starting to see the cracks.
- Brexit is leaving the Eurozone. Spain and Italy are on the financial ropes and other European countries are considering leaving.
- Russia is obviously considering a break from the international banking system and it will be interesting to watch their relationship with Iran and other countries who are not on the system.
- Canada has a legitimate claim on our own central bank and monetary system. In fact, it’s in our constitution. The noise is starting to rise.
- In the US, there have been calls for an audit of the Fed. The US is about to hit the debt ceiling by early fall.
The timing for all of this is this year and the timing for a market top is this year. Let’s see what happens.