The End of a B Wave Era
The Last Waltz was a concert held on November,1976 in San Francisco that resulted in a movie by the same name, produced by Martin Scorsese, released in 1978.
It was the Band’s final concert and marked the end of an era – the Golden Age of music of the ’60s and ’70s. It was at the bottom of a fourth wave (the bullish third wave had topped in the early 70s (the top spike in the solar maximum of the time (1969) coincided with the original Woodstock Festival which I attended in August of that year.
The picture shows the group at their height: Richard Manuel, Garth Hudson, Levon Helm, Robbie Robertson and Rick Danko. The Band was a Canadian-American group and came together under Ronnie Hawkins in Toronto Ontario, in the late ’50/early 60s. I saw Hawkins live, but it was not until the early 70s, well after the Band had left him and were extremely popular on their own.
We’re in another third/fourth wave combination right now. The NYSE is in a fourth wave, while the SP500 is at the top of the third wave — a major non-confirmation that’s a very bearish situation. The Last Waltz reference to the current market is the fact that we’re in the final wave of this 5 month long B wave.
This week, I made no bones about the fact that the waves down mid-week were corrective. I had been expecting a turn, but once we got it, NQ had still not made it to a new high. If you were in the Chart Show on Wednesday, you got the entire lowdown.
So … while the waves down looked corrective, NQ sealed the deal, because the structure there was definitely corrective.
We’re still waiting for a top and while this is the final wave up (it’s a small 5th wave in the SP500), the waves up are all corrective. As well, the corrective structure of the pattern in ES requires a zigzag, so we may not get a new high and turn right way.
I called for a turn late Friday (which we got) and a continuation down over the entirety of next week. I’m also expecting a wave down, very much as depicted here, but was hoping for an earlier resolution to the upside. In either case, this is a good indication of what to expect (it’s the timing I’m not sure of). The wave down depicted here is clearly corrective, as it the final one to the top.
The market is moving as one. DAX has retraced 62% and is sitting, waiting for a turn.
Gold and silver are turning up — not sure how they will correlate with the expected high in the US indices.
WTI Oil looks to be in a corrective wave down and if so, would require a new high. If this is the case, it would likely take more than a day or two to get there.
Currency pairs (including the dollar) are in a corrective retrace.
It’s the Last Waltz for the B wave in the US indices, folks. I’m expecting a fabulous short opportunity within a week or so at the outside..
Elliott Wave Basics
Here is a page dedicated to a relatively basic description of the Elliott Wave Principle. You’ll also find a link to the book by Bob Prechter and A. J. Frost.
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US Market Snapshot (based on end-of-week wave structure)
This chart is posted to provide a prediction of future market direction. DO NOT trade based upon the information presented here (certainly NOT from a daily chart).

Above is the daily chart of ES (click to enlarge, as with any of my charts).
We've been sitting at the top now for about a month. As my Trader's Gold folks know, we've been in an expanding triangle for three weeks (this is an ending pattern).
If you were in Wednesday's Chart Show, you know that I called the weakness on Wednesday a corrective wave, which requires another high. Almost all the other assets I cover on a daily basis are hovering near inflection points.
We're at a new high for ES and this technically keeps us at the top of the third wave; however, NYSE is in a fourth wave, so this is a major non-confirmation and is extremely bearish.
As I've been saying over and over like a broken record, all major asset classes are moving as one. That requires them all to reach new B wave highs before they can turn down together. It's been like herding cats and has taken much longer than expected.
IWM (Russell 2000) reached the new high that I have been calling for and sits this weekend at the top of the expanding triangle I identified weeks ago. All these indices are showing signs of exhaustion, with gaps that are being left unfilled.
The next major move is to the downside.
The wave up from Dec. 26 is clearly corrective and, as a result, must fully retrace to the downside. This is supported by the US Dollar Index, the major USD currency pairs, WTI Oil, along with DAX, TSX, and other international exchanges.
Summary: My preference is for a dramatic drop in a 4th wave to a new low. The culmination of this drop should mark the bottom of a large fourth wave in progress in the NYSE since January 29, 2018 - over a full year of Hell. It may be a dramatic drop that is quite fast; in any case, it will target the previous fourth wave area somewhere under 2100.
Once we've completed the fourth wave down, we'll have a long climb to a final new high in a fifth wave.
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Hi Peter and friends
last week the energy chart was severely time shifted by over a half day
so be careful about Monday and another possible time shift. We will know by the end of trading on Monday how much the time shift is, if any?
This weeks energy chart and last weeks results posted below
Thank you. The updated chart for May 6th implies that shorts should be careful not to get trapped…
Hi P
correct, without the time shift shorts can get out on the opening drop
if there is another severe time shift shorts are deep fried.
That’s why I said I don’t like trading on Mondays.
Hi Tom: May I know where do you get this energy chart from?
Hi Shunn, you can find the answer from Tom’s past few posts. I think he shared several links a week or two ago.
Dear Peter, thanks so much for your excellent analysis.
May I ask you if you agree with Hussman newsletter?
Apparently he is expecting a relatively slow drop (1929 style), if I understand well.
Thanks for advice.
Hi Peter
regarding May 13th
Trump announced that tariffs on Chinese goods will go up on Friday
;so much for the great trade talks, this news now dovetails nicely with the drop on
Monday the 13th (see chart attached below). I wasn’t sure what the trigger would be to cause the drop but now it’s clear. China!
or maybe some other ‘conflict’…
North Korea
lot more going on than just botched trade talks…
Thank you Tom! And congrats to those who are already short. I planned to go short in the morning but thanks to Mr. Trump…
This chart suggests the Uber IPO on 5/10 may function as a magnet for a high.
Stock market futures up 1% on China News! Looks like another bullish week on the horizon. Good trading!
is that a fact? post a link… showing the 3/5 futures up 31 points on ES:
Up over 1%! I’m so glad I bought SPY calls on Thursday!
See the red clock to the left of the S&P on your link?
You are looking at where it last closed.
I show it down below 2900 right now.
You bought straight calls with indices back-testing the underside of broken wedges, imho a counter-trend trade. Those are generally risky trades and quick scalps or spreads limits exposure. Holding long positions overniight has been quite risky for many weeks now….Just my two pennies…
THAT, my friends, is what a LEVERAGED UNWIND looks like.
I sincerely hope we all saw it coming…blood in the streets…! 😎
I see a nice gap, but it opened up right smack on the lower trend line of the wedge. Watch the PPT go to work all night. If it breaks, awesome. I’m short in futs account, 1/2 out and SL at even on rest (which I may close). Did not play options.
May do some lotto puts on Lyft this week before ER, if I can get my emotions out of the way and come up with a reason based on charts. Perhaps a 38.2% retrace to the 67’s before earnings would justify it.
Looks impulsive to me, we’ll see how things look in the morning.
They CANNOT HIDE their exits. It is a significant edge for us traders.
We have all the info we need…strap in.
Those triple Q 192 and SPY 289 put from short side of put spread are going to EXPLODE.
Quick shout-out to Peter on calling the pop in Wednesday’s Chart Show.
The bull put spread was the perfect vehicle and the timing was exquisite.
For educational purposes only…of course! 😇
With NQ jumping off the south side of the island (from 4/23), that 4/1 gap with relentless buying since could be visited… we will see.
Whoever is buying must be clueless. The banksters have clearly spoken! 😉
Just saw…Tom your premonition may be coming true!
that you for the energy chart..!
yes Marie
it was a warning for those who would listen
I did! ☺
covered my short position
at the open
don’t tell my wife
how much I made
mum is the word
So far the market is on track for a may 22-June 3 cycle low .
The last week of April / first week of may high / reversal down .
it certainly looks as if we are going to see a gap down open on
The cash Dow . The 25412 price level still seems a reasonable
Target on the cash Dow with lower targets if that level is taken out .
Assuming the timing holds . The month of June becomes wildly
Bullish !
The question now is will the 25412 price level hold or will we see
Even lower prices .
I have had issues with this market and in past posts pointed to
The Jan 22 price lows . I do not have enough data to make any
Arguments in regards to shorter term prices .
This projected drop though in terms of timing is dead on so I must
Stay the course until proven wrong .
May 22-June 3 cycle low . June a bullish month .
July mixed to sideways . Mid August to early Sept an important high .
And from there I’m not convinced .
The possibility of a January 2020 high stands but that’s as far as I’ll take it .
2020-2023 is bearish .
2020 as a year can and probably will be Extremely bearish !
For now though . It’s may 22-June 3 as a cycle low . It’s up to the market to
Decide how bad .
It’s not looking like a happy Monday for those scared and nervous bulls .
I’ll bet many stops simply get blown out .
A fourth wave bottom this year also makes sense in terms of economic and geo-politics. I am not sure whether it is the current administration or the bankster cabal (Rothschilds) who are exercising the most market influence. If the latter, they would no doubt prefer to crash the market in an election year, with Trump doing everything in his power to delay it until after the 2020 election. We shall see!
A few days back I commented on the generally bullish price action early in the month due to automatic inflows from pensions and other retirement accounts. I speculated that the banksters might time their unwind/distribution with that window.
Is this their new business model going forward?!
If so, we could see torturous stair-stepping price action instead of clear impulses down, and that over an extended period, further confusing traders and punishing BTF dippers…these banksters are very tricksy! 😀
Yep the gap is being softened (even now – pre-market), so your scenario could easily roll out to churn-n-burn the masses. Can’t see the market rebound straight up like blogsters are talking elsewhere… unless VIV drops right back to 12-13. Let’s see if the 15-30 range holds for awhile. Cheers!
Would like to be more patient with VOL position than I was in Oct-Dec if this is a worthy retest, but this VOL can come and go quickly HaHa!
Lots of traders still wildly bullish. Many assuming this move down just about a complete C to finish an impulsive fourth and new ATHs are just ahead. Traders no longer respect rising wedges as they have been conditioned to mindlessly buy each and every dip, ignoring the larger context in which declines occur.
The question surrounding vol is interesting. The short vol cohort remains entrenched. I think VIX really needs to break the early 2018 highs for it to be fully unwound and whether that happens now or after the final wave up is any one’s guess. We will get the ususal signal for an impending reversal with the tell-tale long candle wick. I would be very surprised if VIX does not head to at least 30 before this correction concludes. A larger C wave down should at the very least approach the December lows.
BTF VIX Dips!!! 😉
VIX maxed out at 36 on December 23 when the A wave down was completing. The C wave down would be expected to generate
more fear/volatility so a match of that print at the very least is certainly not an unreasonable expectation. It was amazing that they were able to smash VIX back down to around 12 last Friday. I had a sneaking suspicion that was a feint to intimidate bearish traders and used the feint to snag some cheap triple Q puts!
BTW, since it was a speculative trade, I will unloading those 192 strike TQ puts.
It looks like they will trade for around 6 bucks at the open and you never want to over-stay your welcome in a spec trade that goes your way….ring that register!! 😁😁😁
Another interesting thing to note is that we did not see an after hours gap higher in VIX. What we are seeing is orderly, disciplined accumulation and not any kind of panic stampede by the massive short vol cohort, which remains arrogantly confident that they can remain short in perpetuity….can they??!! Hyuk! 😛
YEP, took off 1/2 VOL positions (oversized) and bot 1/3 position QLD as transition happened ~~open.
I am really surprised I was able to only get 4.00 for those 192 puts.
Not that I am complaining, but you would think that pop in VIX would result in a bit higher premium.
The market makers are also bullish! Interesting!
Very interesting how we continue to hover around the 2900 level.
I am taking more short side profits here as I don’t trust the lying cabal.
I STILL want to see a decisive CLOSE below that pivot and I don’t like the fact that we are now back above it one bit.
The S.O.Bs could be planning a re-leverage and bear ambush. As I said, they are very tricksy! 😬😬😬
We will know that they are re-leveraging if they close this morning’s gap. I would be careful on the short side if we once again close above 2900. Something not quite right about the hesitation there for an initial impulse down….
Not liking that long VIX wick. Not what you expect to see ahead of the start of a big move down. Let’s see how markets close today. Starting to look like another head-fake! 😟
Does anyone know if it is technically correct to call a pattern an island reversal when the pattern does not occur at the top of an uptrend?
Tom C,
Your energy chat are predicting higher until wednesday ?
Verne..not sure if understanding the question exactly as to when up say top of an uptrend..
cuz they are the beginning of a new at top or bottom of old far as i use them
I was wondering if it mattered whether or not the island cluster included a new high. I imagine we could be looking at series gaps to signal start of a new trend even if we do not have an official island reversal pattern.
BA 380-381.20
Not entirely sure on this but…..
Prefer a poke above 381.20 followed by a bloodbath
To the downside .
Great call and thank you for sharing .
An island is always going to be an island as long as the gap stays open .
Island top or island reversal or….Island bottom.
The island has 2 gaps , one prior to the high and one after the high .
Or prior to the low and following the low .
Just my thinking on it .
Not knowing the security your looking at all I can add is what I said
Above .
I would think an island can show up in several places ,
An example only .
A drop in an A wave followed by a gap up to start wave B followed
By a completion of wave B and a gap down leaving an island wave B
That example may not mark “the highest high ” but still marks an island top
I’m not quoting a textbook so call it how you see it .
Yeh, I,m not sure of technical definitions, but points to watch are on the filling of the gap… does it find support or fail? And look for eventual basing with any gaps below.
Seems weird, VOL products seem to be acting better than VIX… 16-vs 18+, but QQQ and RUT are shrinking their pullbacks. Guess that’s why we hedge
That makes sense to me. The herd is clearly still quite bullish.
I stated a few months back that it was going to take a thousand point DJIA decline to wake up the complacent. They are very much accustomed to 500 point intra-day swings that routinely get reversed. I think smart money is still expecting a coming volatility storm, despite the near-term VIX wild fluctuations, and are still accumulating long vol positions.
Thanks Joe!
That is exactly what I was thinking.
Some purists insist that unless the signal comes at the top of the trend it is not technically valid, but it seems to me that the price action has the same implication, wherever it occurs.
I find it fascinating how the constant bankster meddling has made so many of us bearish traders extremely cautious. I know a lot of us took profits this morning in anticipation of the counter-trend bounce but I imagine a lot of us are loathe to aggressively short this bounce.
Stepping back for a bit, the bearish signs are all there and it seems to me that we are giving the banksters far too much credit. I think we are looking at a reasonably high degree trend change and the logical thing to do is hammer every counter-trend bounce. I am reloading short trades with a hard stop at a close /at/above today’s open price.
Exactly what I was thinking. It was obvious to reduce today morning. Logic dictates that I re-short around 2925-2935 area (basically, right here). And I am wavering on the size of the short. That’s what these rallies have done. They have definitely tested a trader’s conviction
Indeed. Amazing how we can so readily dismiss what the chart technicals have been screaming for some time now.
Looks to me like we are testing a former resistance zone from beneath and I expect it to have switched back to resistance after becoming temporary support since around April 12 this year, and being broken with the gap down today. I think a lot depends on where we close in relation to that shelf.
Slope on VIX candles a bit steep to qualify as a bull pennant but things there a bit unclear at the moment…
If Tom’s amazing chart pans out, we are gong to see one more beat down in volatility that is going to present an outstanding opportunity to scoop up some long trades…. 🙂
I am going with Tom’s chart.
Deploying another massive SPY 289/290.5 put credit spread going out two weeks.
Current offer on spread is 0.40 per contract.
Not trading advice, and for educational purposes only! 🙂
We could see a rapid retrace of this morning’s bounce and any surrender of the 2900 shelf will very likely point to that outcome. A move back below would argue for beating a hasty retreat from any short-term bullish trades…he!he!
Back to island reversal..granted still don’t know what day will finish at but if we get a good gap down in the am..we could be looking at one..looking at the Dow daily..
Yep. Not quite sure if the dip buying due to bankster re-leveraging or the giddy BTF dippers! If the former they will rapidly fill the gap going into the close, If not, they will likely use the re-bound to execute more unwind.
Very determine direction..agreed want to buy back into VIX..sold this am..but not convinced yet where we are going
however it does look look like an ABC on the VXX 5 min…
Widening spread by another 0.5 points to 289/292 to follow move and snag another 0.40 credit per spread. Plan it to buy back short puts prior to end of session as it looks like they will close open gap.
If move up a head-fake and bull trap RUT will let the cat out of the bag and give back gains and lead resumption of the down-trend I suspect.
I think you could be right ..just looked at IWM..many overlaps on the count
Buying back short 292 puts for 0.15 gain. Risk reward of holding overnight un-attractive…holding 289 strikes….
Glad I sold 1/2 VOL at perfect time this am and bot QLD which has softened the pm move. I think the question revolves around VIX + or – 15 level and who’s zoomin’ whom. I will buy oversold and sell overbot next few days until range is “discovered.”
A red print by RUT prior to the close means time to add to short positions.
Attempts to close SPX and DJIA gaps looking rather lack-luster to moi.
Will they, or won’t they.
As Radar said:
“I wish they would go ahead and make up my mind!” Haha!
This ugly QQQ megaphone recovered ~65% of drop (.612?) and looks tired. I’m not a BTDer! Good evening everyone, way to dance around the mulberry bushes!
counting this mess is very hard right now on the minute charts..but if I stand back and look at looks like an ABC move up that could end at 26, 500..apprx
Underside of broken trend-line at 2940 providing formidable far….!
Any other bearish traders a bit nervous going into the close?
Or is it just me?! 🙂
You just watch!
Those &*%$%^ banksters are probably going to gap it higher over-night and ramp it higher tomorrow to try and stop out you-know-who!
Buying a few hedging SPY 290 calls just because…!
If the cretins do that, I will morph into a bear put spread… 🙂
Mean bear call spread…but y’all knew that! 🙂
no me too…didn’t buy in..going to wait..
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