World Cycles Institute

Climate: Man-Made Alarming

Climate: Man Made Alarming

Here’s the link to Harris Mann Climatology, where you’ll find a personal message for Cliff Harris and a more in-depth explanation of the chart.

Here’s a link to the text from the 1922 Washington Post Article. (Sorry, I said Wall Street Journal in the video, which is my error)

Let me introduce you to Dr. Raymond Wheeler. In the 1930s and 40s, along with 200 employees, he tracked the weather back twenty centuries. A long time. He found that weather cycles much like the seasons do. The cycles are in 100, 500 and 1000 year lengths and they cycle over and over again, just like the seasons.

He predicted back then that the earth would get warmer through to at least 2000, and then we’d see extreme weather. That’s confirmed by Cliff Harris of Harris/Mann Climatology, out of Spokane, Washington.

You see, we’re at the end of a 100 year climate cycle. It’s colliding with a new climate cycle … expect it to be volatile. In fact, Cliff Harris says, expect it to get cooler going forward until about 2038, when it will get warmer. And then a lot cooler. And it’s definitely going to be dryer. Dry is a problem, because history tells us it leads to depressions and authoritarian governments. Ring a bell?

Listen, it was hotter on earth in the medieval period – that’s not under dispute. You can see that period on this chart from Cliff Harris. And CO2 wasn’t much of a problem – all they had to drive were these wooden cars.

But, back to the chart. Now this isn’t a highly accurate, scientific document, but it does show order of magnitude. The point is that weather fluctuates. It cycles in 500 year increments. Up and down.

If fact, below in my blog, you’ll see a link to an article from 1922 warning that the polar ice cap was going to completely melt away.

We can’t change the weather. The Cosmos does that – the sun, planets, and milky way. We’ve known that for centuries.

So this man-made weather idea? It’s mostly a group of scientists chasing money. If you’re alarmist, you can get a lot of funding.

But, recently, the air has started escaping from their balloon. Cause it’s getting cooler.

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