“Navigating the Crash” is a one and a half hour webinar that was delivered online on Sunday, October 16, 2016. It was designed to provide viewers with an overview of the forces are work as the current five hundred year cycle tops and turns down in both climate and social mood internationally.
The program breaks down into key topics that build a foundation for the strategies you can use to prepare for the upcoming financial depression.
(The times listed below denote running time from the start of the recording.)
Program Agenda:
- Background: (00:00) The story of how I discovered the influence of nature’s cycles on virtually everything that happens on Earth.
- Climate and Cycles: (07:35) the Big Picture: Introduction to the work of Dr. Raymond Wheeler and long term (500 year) climate cycles.
- The Markets – Long Term to Today: (26:36) How the projections for the coming crash tie into what happened in the Great Depression (1930s).
- Deflation and Gold: (38:47) The prognosis for the economy and gold prices over the next 5 – 10 years and what to do regarding investing.
- The Monetary System (the Real Issue): (1:01:55) How the international banking system of today pretty much guarantees a financial crash.
- Scenario and Prep: (1:12:13) What to be concerned about as you prepare for the coming crash.
I’m expecting the US stock market to top near the end of the 2016 year or early (January) in 2017. Financial instruments around the world are moving as one at the moment, getting closer and closers aligned as the deleveraging of debt takes center stage. When the market starts to come down, virtually all major currencies and international stock markets will more with it. It will be unstoppable. It’s best to get prepared and understand the forces at work.
Click on a book image to go directly to Amazon for more information or to purchase. I own and have read all the books below … and many more on the subject of cycles.
If anyone is interested in reading “Cycles, the science of prediction”, by Edward R. Dewey and Edwin … Dewey, Edward R., here is a copy from the Hathi Trust Digital Library.