World Cycles Institute


What to Expect Moving Into 2025

httpv:// Climate:  Cycles of Civilization What to Expect Moving Into 2025 This is an interview I did with Dave Dubyne from ADAPT2030 some time ago. Dave runs a youtube site that is considered one of THE sites to frequent to stay on top of what’s going on with climate now and into the future. Peter… Read more

Climate Cycles Influence Events

The Big Book (above) is a tome of about 2,000 pages that Dr. Raymond Wheeler created over a ten year period in which he recorded all the major events from 600 BC until about 1940. Along with the events, he also recorded the temperature and level of precipitation. He’s come to very strong conclusions about… Read more

A Full Count

Overview of Where We Are I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about all the assets I cover and how they’re all moving to a synchronized turn. Here are my thoughts. Last week, it looked like currency pairs were going to turn early. They seemed to be topping with everything else. In other words, it… Read more

The Federal Reserve and the Great Depression

In my post “Usury Comes to America,” I told the story of how the concept of a debt-based banking system became entrenched in western society with the establishment of the Bank of England in 1694. More importantly, this movement has gained momentum thanks to the supporting influence of the Rothschild family; it has shaped our deteriorating financial situation… Read more

Financial Deception: The Battle of Waterloo

Usury is the reason for most of society’s financial problems, going back many centuries. In previous posts, I’ve exposed the results of usury going back to the Roman Empire. I then explored the creation of the Bank of England and contrasted it with the usury-free system developed under Napoleon Bonaparte at the turn of the 19th… Read more