We’re in the largest revolution in the history of mankind. A small percentage of the population of the Earth have known this was coming for a long time. However, the bulk of humanity do not read history, don’t pay any attention to it, and are therefore either oblivious to the changes around them, or in… Read more
Celebrities and elites go to great lengths to rejuvenate. However, are they going so far as to want to use blood transfusions from child “donors?” This is indeed the case. Blood, rich in adrenaline or “adrenochrome” appears to have a rejuvenating effect and provides a lot of energy. It’s more effective than plastic surgery and… Read more
(originally published mid 2020) Why does it seem that so many are so fearful all of a sudden? It’s as if someone has unleashed an airborne Ebola virus that’s going to kill each and every one of us! But, it’s really just a flu bug that has a similar fatality rate to seasonal flu. It’s… Read more
(orginally published early 2020) Are you terrified yet? Politicians and the main stream media around the world are trying to scare you almost to death with the coronavirus threat, but like similar virus pandemics over the last century, it hasn’t had the effect they’ve been predicting. Like the Swine Flu ten years ago (2009), which… Read more
They use a technology to transform your body to its optimum health by using the original codes in your DNA. This technology has been tested. With this technology, our society will move to focus on wellness rather than illness in the medical field. There will be no reason for any industry to profit from illnesses. … Read more