Celebrities and elites go to great lengths to rejuvenate. However, are they going so far as to want to use blood transfusions from child “donors?” This is indeed the case. Blood, rich in adrenaline or “adrenochrome” appears to have a rejuvenating effect and provides a lot of energy. It’s more effective than plastic surgery and very addictive. This extremely expensive drug is reserved only for the very rich and is Hollywood’s biggest secret.
It’s the most lucrative product to deal in. It’s a result of the repeated raping and eventual death of children. It’s been going on “in the dark” for centuries. This is the world we live in; this is the world we’re leaving.
Adrenochrome is the potent hormonal secretion that the body secretes in large quantities when, for example, a person is faced with life-threatening physical danger or terror. Adrenochrome has been shown in scientific research to be an elixir of life. It possesses miraculous regenerative abilities to rejuvenate and repair human tissue. It’s also used as an illicit drug.
(NOTE: some of the links on this page may not work due to the fact that the Deep State doesn’t want them exposed, or the military is in the process of removing the bad actors behind them)
Adrenochrome gives a feeling of euphoria that cannot be compared with any other drug. It’s the most expensive drug in Hollywood circles. It’s also a well-known product in the medical and pharmaceutical world and is used, among other things, as a raw material for advanced wound therapy.
Manufactured in a laboratory in Wuhan
Adrenochrome is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C9H9NO3, which is produced by the oxidation of adrenaline. The production process to optimize the oxidation of adrenaline has been around since at least the 1950s. The patent for adrenochrome came from 1982 in the hands of Riker Laboratories, part of 3M Pharmaceuticals (Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company), but expired in 2002 Since then, we’ve seen several producers start up all over the world.

One of these is the 3B Scientific Corporation laboratory, in Wuhan. Previously this company was called 3B Medical Systems, founded in 2003 in the United States. On several Chinese websites, one can simply buy adrenochrome, or derivatives. Despite the fact that the production takes place in a laboratory and therefore it seems that it is exclusively a synthetic and chemical process, the origin of the raw material — the blood of child donors — raises many questions …
Neither drug nor medicine?
Adrenochrome is not listed in the US Controlled Substances Act and is therefore not an illegal substance. Although adrenochrome is used in the medical world, it is not approved by the FDA as a drug. Yet pharmaceutical companies such as Sigma-Aldrich (part of Merck) and Medimmune (part of AstraZeneca) produce and trade in adrenochrome. Also, leaked documents from transport company Kuehne + Nagel show that CYM Germany shipped fresh adrenochrome to the British Department of Health and Social Affairs in London. The instruction showed that it was a special shipment: “Do not open through customs. Do not disconnect the battery. Valuable natural product. Keeping cool in all circumstances.”
Exclusively for only the very rich
The refined product is sold to private individuals through other channels. The website adrenochrome.net directly targeted an elite and exclusive clientele, but was quickly taken off the air when news blogs wrote about it. Perhaps because that site clearly stated the biological origin of the product. The glamorous images could not disguise the dire truth. The texts were even less veiled: “looting, human trafficking, harvesting,” the images showed a rotating baby figure. The site stated plainly:
“Since time immemorial, blood has been associated with youth, vitality and immortality. The blood of children and virgins, in particular, has long been used for its life-giving properties —both as an offering and as a substance to be ritually swallowed.”

ADRENOCHROME.NET (taken down now)
The site explained why it is an exclusive and very expensive product: “The inherent difficulty of growing and extracting adrenochrome has made it a very exclusive product and the area of expertise of the vampiric elite.” Adrenochrome could only be bought with the blockchain secured ADC cryptocurrency, available only to members. The site can still be found at web.archive.org . Their slick promotional film is still online ( bit.ly/Adr-promo ) [PT — this bit.ly link is a video] and reveals some details of the dark reality behind this product. The stuff isn’t cheap. CYM Caring Corp. charges $1500-2000 per milligram for the purest, unprocessed form, with a minimum purchase of 100mg. The American chemical company Astatech charges $5800 for 5 mg. In processed (powder) form it is a lot cheaper, as sold on Chinese websites.
Hollywood stars blow out of school
We now know the stories about systematic child abuse in Hollywood. Yet this goes much further than just sexual abuse. The production, consumption and trade of adrenochrome is perhaps the best kept, but also the darkest secret in Hollywood. The movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas shows a scene in which actor Johnny Depp takes a few drops of adrenochrome from a small brown bottle. “Where did you get this from?” he asks the man in the room. “It doesn’t matter, but it’s absolutely pure,” is the reply. Depp: “I think there’s only one source for this stuff… the adrenaline gland, from a living human body.” The other tells him that human blood gave him the “greatest high ever” and mentions the name of the pure drug: “adrenochrome”.
More and more Hollywood stars are explaining what goes on behind the scenes. Mel Gibson : “Baby blood consumption is so popular in Hollywood that it basically functions like a currency and the Hollywood studios were built with the blood of innocent children.” Former boxer David Rodriguez, who has many contacts with Hollywood stars, also spoke about child abuse and adrenochrome use: “What is about to happen will shock many of you. I don’t think you understand how prevalent these pedo networks really are… in Hollywood, in sports circles, in political circles… Oh man, it’s bad.”
Actor Macauley Culkin (Home Alone) calls top entertainment industry executives “bloodthirsty Satanists” who “ritually abuse children in the industry.” Actor Elija Woods (Lord of the Rings) said of his stint as a child star, “People with parasitic interests will see you as their prey.” He also said: “There was clearly something big going on in Hollywood (…) It was all organized (…) There are a lot of vipers in this industry, people who only have their own interests in mind. There is darkness in the abdomen.” Lady Gaga even portrayed adrenochrome production in a video clip, which shows drinking blood and drawing blood from children.
“Hollywood is institutionalized pedophilia. They use and abuse children. They harvest the blood of children, they eat their flesh. If the child has suffered physically and psychologically before death, they believe that this gives them extra life force.”
Here’s a video that exposes the online trafficking of this substance.
Multimillion-dollar industry transcending traditional drug trade
Like illegal organ trade, the sale of adrenochrome is a very profitable trade. The leaked CYM documents reveal that adrenochrome production is a large-scale industry. These documents, dating from 2020, show lists of imprisoned children, their age, country of origin, blood type, adrenochrome quality, and locations of former military camps in the US. (see video part 1 )
The size of these documents is enormous. Analysis also shows that a large number of documents in 2020 have been filled in with an old-fashioned typewriter, probably not to leave a digital trace. Nevertheless, it concerns the administration of a professional organization.
Letters typed with a typewriter have the same damage to the letter, but show subtle differences because of the difference in the touch and the bleeding of the ink.
Unlike a digital font of type letters, which are all identical. The PDF clearly shows that the type letters were typed with a typewriter.
The leaked documents also reveal links between the medical and pharmaceutical industries, clinics and labs in the US, hospitals in Germany and Britain, the involvement of shipping company Kuehne + Nagel and the Department of Health in the United Kingdom. For example, Adrenochrome is sold to a company that makes products for advanced wound therapy. Adrenochrome and the derivative Charbazochrome are available as a product in Chinese web shops. (see video part 2 )
Rescue Operations
Fortunately, more and more attention is being paid to the human trafficking that lies behind all this. Marine Tim Ballard founded Operation Underground Railroad to rescue children from these networks of organized child trafficking. [ 25] Actor Jim Caviezel plays Tim Ballard in his latest film Sound of Freedom, which is about a true rescue operation. “They pull children from the darkest corners of hell. The adrenochroming of children…” “When he started showing me hell what they see…children are nothing more than…a cow. It goes way beyond the drug trade.” [ 26]
David Rodriguez said of Hollywood in 2020: “There is a major stab operation going on. These pedophile networks will be brought down. (…) Hollywood is going down.” Based on his sources of information, he concludes, “There is a major operation underway and they are being taken out.”
The trade in organs, blood and children transcends the traditional drug trade. The more money involved, the more immoral it becomes. The organ trade and trade in blood deserves further investigation, because otherwise we accept that human rights do not exist for some victims.
Andrenochrome Production and Sale – the blood of a traumatized child:
- Celebrities go to great lengths to rejuvenate. However, are they going so far as to want to use blood transfusions from child donors? This indeed appears to be the case. Especially blood rich in adrenaline or adrenochrome appears to have a rejuvenating effect and give a lot of energy. It is more effective than plastic surgery and very addictive. This extremely expensive drug is reserved only for the very rich and Hollywood’s biggest secret.
- Adrenochrome is the potent hormonal secretion that the body secretes in large quantities when a person is faced with life-threatening physical danger or terror.
- Adrenochrome has been shown in scientific research to be an elixir of life. It possesses miraculous regenerative abilities to rejuvenate and repair human tissue.
- It is also used as a drug. Adrenochrome gives a feeling of euphoria that cannot be compared with any other drug. It is the most expensive drug in Hollywood circles. It is also a well-known product in the medical and pharmaceutical world and is used, among other things, as a raw material for advanced wound therapy.
- Manufactured in laboratory in Wuhan. Adrenochrome is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C9H9NO3, which is produced by the oxidation of adrenaline. The production process to optimize the oxidation of adrenaline has been around since at least the 1950s.
- The patent for Adrenochrome came from 1982 in the hands of Riker Laboratories, part of 3M Pharmaceuticals (Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company), but expired in 2002.
- Since then, there are several producers all over the world. One of these is the 3B Scientific Corporation laboratory in Wuhan. Previously this company was called 3B Medical Systems founded in 2003 in the United States.
- Exclusively for only the very rich, the refined product is sold to private individuals through other channels. The website adrenochrome.net directly targeted an elite and exclusive clientele, but was quickly taken off the air when news blogs wrote about it. Perhaps because that site clearly stated the biological origin of the product. The glamorous images could not disguise the dire truth. The texts were even less veiled: “looting, human trafficking, harvesting”, the images showed a rotating baby figure. The site stated plainly: “Since time immemorial, blood has been associated with youth, vitality and immortality. The blood of children and virgins, in particular, has long been used for its life-giving properties —both as an offering and as a substance to be ritually swallowed.”
- net The site explains why it is an exclusive and very expensive product: “The inherent difficulty of growing and extracting Adrenochrome has made it a very exclusive product and the area of expertise of the vampiric elite.”
- We now know the stories about systematic child abuse in Hollywood. Yet this goes much further than just sexual abuse. The production, consumption and trade of Adrenochrome is perhaps the best kept, but also the darkest secret in Hollywood. The movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas shows a scene in which actor Johnny Depp takes a few drops of adrenochrome from a small brown bottle. “Where did you get this from?” he asks the man in the room. “It doesn’t matter, but it’s absolutely pure,” is the reply. Depp: “I think there’s only one source for this stuff… the Adrenaline gland, from a living human body.” The other tells him that human blood gave him the “greatest high ever” and mentions the name of the pure drug: “Adrenochrome”.
- More Hollywood starsare explaining what goes on behind the scenes. Mel Gibson “Baby blood consumption is so popular in Hollywood that it basically functions like a currency and the Hollywood studios were built with the blood of innocent children.”
- Former boxer David Rodriguez who has many contacts with Hollywood stars, also spoke about child abuse and Adrenochrome use: “What is about to happen will shock many of you. I don’t think you understand how prevalent these pedo networks really are… in Hollywood, in sports circles in political circles… Oh man, it’s bad.”
- Actor Macauley Culkin (Home Alone) calls top entertainment industry executives “bloodthirsty Satanists” who “ritually abuse children in the industry.”
- Actor Elija Woods (Lord of the Rings) said of his stint as a child star, “People with parasitic interests will see you as their prey.” He also said: “There was clearly something big going on in Hollywood. It was all organized. There are a lot of vipers in this industry, people who only have their own interests in mind. There is darkness in the abdomen.”
- Mel Gibson: “Hollywood is institutionalized pedophilia. They use and abuse children. They harvest the blood of children, they eat their flesh. If the child has suffered physically and psychologically before death, they believe that this gives them extra life force.”
- Like illegal organ trade, the sale of Adrenochrome is a very profitable trade. The leaked CYM documents reveal that Adrenochrome production is a large-scale industry. These documents dating from 2020, show lists of imprisoned children, their age, country of origin, blood type, Adrenochrome quality and locations of former military camps in the US. The size of these documents is enormous. Analysis also shows that a large number of documents in 2020 have been filled in with an old-fashioned typewriter, probably not to leave a digital trace. Nevertheless, it concerns the administration of a professional organization
- The trade in organs, blood and children transcends the traditional drug trade.The more money involved, the more immoral it becomes. The organ trade and trade in blood deserves further investigation, because otherwise we accept that human rights do not exist for some victims.