World Cycles Institute


Killer Vaccines

The COVID pandemic hoax is destined to be declared the greatest crime against humanity in all of history. It clearly fits that category, as far as the Nuremberg code is concerned. In fact, stay-tuned for a whole new set of trials, as any of the perpetrators of this crime (who have not already paid the… Read more

The Truth About Vaccines

The Deep State keeps trying to shut this doctor down, which should tell you a lot about the veracity of her message. EVERYONE should see this. This video is hard to find as Youtube has taken it down every time it’s popped up. You’ll find support articles on my website in support of what… Read more

Beware the Vaccines

The pharmaceutical industry is completely corrupt, as we know. This is not a real pandemic; we’re going to see real ones, though, over the next hundred years. There’s a lot to be concerned about. Here’s a video from doctors who know … from all over the world, along with some additional information. Here’s a recent… Read more

You’ve Been Lied To Again

Lies, Damned Lies, & UK Health Statistics: The Deadly Danger Of False Positives Authored by Dr. Michael Yeadon via, I never expected to be writing something like this. I am an ordinary person, recently semi-retired from a career in the pharmaceutical industry and biotech, where I spent over 30 years trying to solve problems… Read more

The Pandemics Begin

Global pandemics always break wide open when climate turns cold and dry and social mood negative. We’re also now in a situation where household incomes are stretched, food prices are high, and poverty levels are rising. Whenever people are not well-nourished, disease sets in. You could call it a perfect storm and it’s a worldwide… Read more