World Cycles Institute


The Battle to Steal Your Money

People from time to time accuse me of being political; I’m not. I don’t care about the US election and the ups and downs of the legal process. I’m much more interested in the bigger picture. This is the age-old story of central bankers wreaking havoc on the world, as they always do. This is… Read more

Cycles of History, Part 1 For the past twelve years, I’ve been predicting this dramatic downturn in both the stock market and the economy. In fact, There’s a secret to predicting the future: It’s knowing the past; it really does repeat! We’re at a historic 1,000 year cycle top. It’s the same cycle that marked the top of the… Read more

How Money is Created Out of Nothing! Booms and Busts. Both are inevitable in our current fiat-money/debt-based financial system. There’s just no getting around it. It’s a system designed to pad the wallets of the banking community to the detriment of everyone else. “Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce. And… Read more

Where the World is Going, and Why

We’re in for some very tough economic times ahead. However, it’s nothing that hasn’t happened before. If you buy into the phrase “History Rhymes.” then you’re aware that you can get a sense of the future through an understanding of the past. History does rhyme; in fact, it repeats in cycles, but never in exactly… Read more

Banking: The Wonderful World of Oz

In the year 1900, author Frank Baum wrote “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz,” which many believe is an analogy to our monetary system. It shouldn’t surprise you if you think about some of the elements: silver shoes and a yellow brick road (gold) leading to Oz (short for ounce, which is how gold is priced)… Read more