World Cycles Institute

The Only Number that Matters!

The Only Number That Matters

The first step to embracing cycles is understanding the importance of the Numbers of Nature.

You really need to know about them because they’re in everything … plants, animals, the human body, artwork, our DNA, the stock market, the planets … you name it, nature’s numbers are there somewhere.

FibonacciThe Numbers of Nature are a sequence of numbers, discovered by Leonardo Fibonacci. His name was actually Leonardo of Pisa. “Fibonacci” means “son of Bonacci. He was born to Guilielmo Bonacci around 1175.

Leonardo became a merchant, travelled throughout Egypt, Syria, Sicily, and Provence and found a love of mathematics. As he became well-known for his work in commercial mathematics, he garnered the attention of the Holy Roman Emperor, Frederick II. He became quite well-connected and in fact, was honored with a lifetime salary by the Republic of Pisa for his service to the people.

These numbers of nature were so revolutionary, that they bear his name even today. It starts with a simple sequence of numbers … here’s how they work:

You start with 0 and then 1 and then you simply add the last two number together to get the next … so 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377 and so on.

Now when you divide any number by the one following it (eg – 21 divided by 34), you get what we refer to as the Golden Mean … .618. It’s also called phi. This is the number that’s in everything …

parthenon-webFor example, the Parthenon… one of Greece’s most prized assets. It was built in the 4th century BC … many centuries before Fibonacci. And yet it seems to be proportioned closely to the golden mean. The lower portion is about 62% of the total height.

The reciprocal is .382 and together, these two numbers occur over and over in artwork because we humans find the ratio pleasing. Something as simple as playing cards, for example.

You can then take that “golden rectangle” to humans. It frames the face and positions the eyes, nose, and mouth.face-web

The belly button seems to generally divide the body into the golden section. You have 5 fingers, each one with 3 bones perfectly proportioned to the golden mean.

You’ll find the golden mean in our DNA.

You can see the numbers of nature at work in sunflower seeds. They arrange themselves in Fibonacci layers.

There’s the Fibonacci spiral, evident in hurricanes … and sea shells.

It goes on and on.

eurofibonacciexamplerevIn the stock market, when stocks are trending, the waves they form are in ratios of phi. You find it over and over again and many traders use it to trade quite profitably. So, the markets are not random, as so many think. They’re quite predictable.

On the left are horizontal lines at the 62% (.618) level and the .382 (38%) level. Stocks and currencies often turn at these levels and can be successfully traded based upon a pre-determined pattern.

And where could these ratios in nature that we find everywhere on Earth originate?

Well, let’s look to the heavens.


The planets are more or less separated in distance by the golden ratio. They actually follow more of a sine wave. But if you were to take the distances and average them, you’d find they come out to 1.618 … phi!

Planet Mean distance in million kilometers per NASA Relative mean distance where Mercury=1

Below is a table showing the relative distance from the inner-most planet (Mercury) to the next planet in line. You can see how they are all relatively close to the 1.618 distance from one to the next, but the average is extremely close to the golden mean.

Planet Distance Rel.Dist.
Mercury 57.91 1.00000
Venus 108.21 1.86859
Earth 149.60 1.38250
Mars 227.92 1.52353
Ceres 413.79 1.81552
Jupiter 778.57 1.88154
Saturn 1,433.53 1.84123
Uranus 2,872.46 2.00377
Neptune 4,495.06 1.56488
Pluto 5,869.66 1.30580
Total 16.18736
Average 1.61874
Phi 1.61803
Degree of variance (0.00043)

We know that we’re affected by electromagnetic waves from the planets. If you want to explore that area a bit more, take a look at my video, “Puppets on a String.” We’re influenced by these waves and it’s why “the herd” tends to exhibit similar traits all around the world at similar periods in history. History rhymes. There’s a good reason why.

Is God a mathematician? Well, there’s certainly order to the universe and as we delve deeper and deeper into science, we’ll no doubt find more of the answers.

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{ 5 comments… add one }
  • Kire Cree March 22, 2016, 12:04 pm

    This was very interesting. However, there must be some practical way to apply this design ratio.



    • Peter Temple March 22, 2016, 12:16 pm

      There are actually a lot of ways. Population forecasting, for example. It’s how humans and animals populate. It’s used throughout the design world all the time. Every artist knows about it. And in trading, it’s how we consistently make money, knowing when to get in and out of a trade. It’s all through the markets. Doesn’t matter what market.

  • Kire March 31, 2016, 11:42 am

    Thanks. I first heard about you on Trunews. Your work is very interesting. I’m getting up to speed. Thanks for the videos.



  • ronit April 30, 2017, 7:54 am

    peter the origins of fibonacci was much before he was born.

    please look up OM the sacred 108 is origins of this letter which is what nasa is trying to understand vedas in india

    the cone or 1.618 is the shape of india. so that is why its holy and astrologers correctly told the change in cycles and called in YUGAS.

    i hope u dig into this topic . we lost of articles in british invasion but some survived coz people like mansa musa paid it in gold and took iit out of india where it still survives underground with people of MALI …

    still astrologers see math calculation . my work involves that and am coming close to understand it everyday . OM is circle of life a frewquency told by shumann frequency where world expands. trees flowers EVEN OUR COW is based on this number .1.618

    and chekc the temples in reverse V shaped .27 nakshataras into 4 moon cycles is 108 . u can mail me anytime .btw i checked ur work on face .thnx

  • ronit April 30, 2017, 7:54 am

    peter the origins of fibonacci was much before he was born.

    please look up OM the sacred 108 is origins of this letter which is what nasa is trying to understand vedas in india
    the cone or 1.618 is the shape of india. so that is why its holy and astrologers correctly told the change in cycles and called in YUGAS.

    i hope u dig into this topic . we lost of articles in british invasion but some survived coz people like mansa musa paid it in gold and took iit out of india where it still survives underground with people of MALI …

    still astrologers see math calculation . my work involves that and am coming close to understand it everyday . OM is circle of life a frewquency told by shumann frequency where world expands. trees flowers EVEN OUR COW is based on this number .1.618

    and chekc the temples in reverse V shaped .27 nakshataras into 4 moon cycles is 108 . u can mail me anytime .btw i checked ur work on face .thnx

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