World Cycles Institute


Many would say we’re in uncertain times. We are in terms of individual events, but the overall picture is fairly clear, if you understand cycles. The human race has been through this cycle many, many times before. We’re like hamsters in a gigantic financial wheel. And we never seem to learn from our mistakes; we… Read more

Solar Cycles: How the Markets Turn

httpv:// Sunspots (solar flares) are responsible for the overall temperature here on Earth. When the Sun is really active, it gets hotter. When less active, it gets cooler. It’s that simple. In fact, you can see by the follow two charts of weather patterns that it was cold at the end of the 18th century… Read more

Where the World is Going, and Why

We’re in for some very tough economic times ahead. However, it’s nothing that hasn’t happened before. If you buy into the phrase “History Rhymes.” then you’re aware that you can get a sense of the future through an understanding of the past. History does rhyme; in fact, it repeats in cycles, but never in exactly… Read more

An Introduction to Climate Cycles

With all the hysteria over climate these days, it makes sense to do a short introduction to cycles. I’m sure this won’t make much of a dent in the “war on energy” (and carbon, CO2, and humans, who breathe out CO2, which plants “eat”)  that’s alive and well across main stream media, but it might… Read more

The Eighteen Year Real Estate Cycle

httpv:// People fall in love with having a “dream home,” and cost is usually secondary. They get into debt up to the eyeballs. Really bad idea, particularly right now. That’s because we’re at the very top of the market. In fact, it’s a bubble … certainly in Canada (and Australia is close behind). The US had… Read more