The Science of Prediction thru Cycles

World Cycles Institute

History Rhymes. That’s because virtually everything that happens on Earth runs in cycles—our climate, the markets, political systems, societies, wars, financial ups-and-downs, etc. Our ancestors have known this for centuries. Knowing how these cycles work can keep you safe during downturns and provide you great wealth during the upswings. For example, you’ll know when to rent and when to buy. We’re currently at the end of a major business cycle. This site has been developed to provide core information about how cycles work and how you can use them to your benefit.

The Fear Factor

(originally published mid 2020)

Why does it seem that so many are so fearful all of a sudden? It’s as if someone has unleashed an airborne Ebola virus that’s going to kill each and every one of us! But, it’s really just a flu bug that has a similar fatality rate to seasonal flu. It’s a risk to people over seventy with pre-existing chronic conditions, but of minimal concern to the vast majority of the population.

The facts don’t support this extreme reaction. It’s irrational fear, stoked by the main stream media — much of it fake news and propaganda. Government propaganda is at an all-time high, as it typically is at cycle tops. If you’ve been around as long as I have, you know that governments have never told the truth about ANYTHING!

Why is it that people can’t seem to realize what’s really going on?

The truth is that critical thinking is scarce these days. Society is overwhelmed by irrational fear. In this article, I’ll tell you why.
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Social Traits for this Cycle Transition

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Social Traits for this Cycle Turn: Cool is Good, Hot is Not Originally published March 8, 2021 Major tops typically produce at least a 25-35 year transition period. We’re moving through a 1,030 year cycle top, from a warm-dry climate to a cold-dry climate. If you consider that the climate high was in 1998, then […] Read more

The Incredible Mortgage Scam

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After more than six months of research brought about by five court cases in Canada and the U.S., where people were losing their homes (actually being physically thrown out of them against the law), it became more than apparent that the Admiralty court system has been weaponized against We the People. People have been losing […] Read more

Deflation is Coming Everywhere!

Deflation is Coming Everywhere! thumbnail

httpv:// DEBT: The word that will become the most reviled word in the English language. It is the source of all our problems. As more and more money goes to servicing the debt, less is left for the free services we all enjoy. In fact, governments have borrowed heavily to give their constituents everything they […] Read more



We’re in the largest revolution in the history of mankind.  A small percentage of the population of the Earth have known this was coming for a long time. However, the bulk of humanity do not read history, don’t pay any attention to it, and are therefore either oblivious to the changes around them, or in […] Read more


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Celebrities and elites go to great lengths to rejuvenate. However, are they going so far as to want to use blood transfusions from child “donors?” This is indeed the case. Blood, rich in adrenaline or “adrenochrome” appears to have a rejuvenating effect and provides a lot of energy. It’s more effective than plastic surgery and […] Read more

History Has Been Turned Upside Down

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Three minutes is all it takes. We’ve been lied to about so much of history […] Read more

Earth 2.0 Webinar!

Earth 2.0 Webinar! thumbnail

RECORDED: Thursday, May 12, 8 pm EST “Welcome to Earth 2.0” is a free webinar series that focusses on the tremendous changes that will affect all aspects of your life. These changes are so all-encompassing that it’s best to get educated on the basics as soon as possible. It will set you way ahead of […] Read more

Hysteria, Corona, and Social Mood

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(orginally published early 2020) Are you terrified yet? Politicians and the main stream media around the world are trying to scare you almost to death with the coronavirus threat, but like similar virus pandemics over the last century, it hasn’t had the effect they’ve been predicting. Like the Swine Flu ten years ago (2009), which […] Read more

The Only Number that Matters!

The Only Number that Matters! thumbnail

httpv://> The first step to embracing cycles is understanding the importance of the Numbers of Nature. You really need to know about them because they’re in everything … plants, animals, the human body, artwork, our DNA, the stock market, the planets … you name it, nature’s numbers are there somewhere. The Numbers of Nature are […] Read more

The Debt Jubilee

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A debt jubilee is a forgiveness of debt across the board and this one is worldwide, no exceptions. It will help to end poverty; it’s part of GESARA. We’ve been expecting this and now it’s beginning to happen. What it means it that all mortgage, credit card, banking, etc. will disappear. Almost all taxes, which […] Read more

A New Monetary System is Coming

A New Monetary System is Coming thumbnail GESARA is a term that’s been popping up more and more lately. If you haven’t had time to research it, I’ll give you a quick head’s up as to what’s coming. GESARA is the Global Economic Security and Reformation act. Its “sister” act (NESARA — change “Global” to “National”, as NESARA was for the […] Read more

Med Bed Roll-Out

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They use a technology to transform your body to its optimum health by using the original codes in your DNA.  This technology has been tested.  With this technology, our society will move to focus on wellness rather than illness in the medical field.  There will be no reason for any industry to profit from illnesses.  […] Read more

Global Cooling: A Bad Bet for Business

Global Cooling: A Bad Bet for Business thumbnail Everything that happens on Earth happens in cycles. The only straight line is in man’s mind. There are no straight lines in nature. Everything is nature is formed by spinning spheres, or waves. Spinning spheres emit waves. We know this happens with the planets; they emit electromagnetic wave. Waves are everywhere in the Earth’s atmophere […] Read more

Killer Vaccines

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The COVID pandemic hoax is destined to be declared the greatest crime against humanity in all of history. It clearly fits that category, as far as the Nuremberg code is concerned. In fact, stay-tuned for a whole new set of trials, as any of the perpetrators of this crime (who have not already paid the […] Read more

The STORM is Upon Us

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In the past few days, I’ve seen some intelligence dropped to inform us of what’s happening behind the scenes as this way to free the kids, get back our freedom, and completely destroy the Cabal and all those who either support it, or are under its spell. We’re in a war for our minds and […] Read more

What the English Empire Cycle Predicts For Today

What the English Empire Cycle Predicts For Today thumbnail

We’re currently at a one thousand year climate cycle high. The well-being of a civilization depends upon a positive climate that provides an abundance of food. Throughout history, when the climate turns colder and dryer, the empire of the day starts to decline in importance. This English Empire (in the last 1500s) was at the […] Read more

The Fall of the Cabal

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Are you ready for the truth? The fact is, you’ve been lied to your entire life by just about everyone in power. We have a banking system that’s a ponzi scheme, taxes that are illegal, interest rates that are usurious by anyone’s scale, and a continuing attempt to keep the truth from us. Governments have […] Read more

The Truth About Vaccines

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The Deep State keeps trying to shut this doctor down, which should tell you a lot about the veracity of her message. EVERYONE should see this. This video is hard to find as Youtube has taken it down every time it’s popped up. You’ll find support articles on my website in support of what […] Read more